Chapter 17

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"Is that the girl I see with you in my dreams?" I asked cautiously.

By the look on his face, I was treading on dangerous waters. I remembered what Julian said about Tristan being guarded. I didn't want to push it with him, especially since he actually has been pleasant. If this was the real Tristan, I wanted to get to know him and not ruin it.

"Tristan." I put my hand on his shoulder and his eyes flicked to mine.  "You don't have to talk about her. It's fine.  If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here."

"Thank you." He sharply exhaled.  I could tell he was trying to keep it together.

"You're welcome. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted." I gave him a small smile before flipping myself on the bed and getting comfortable.

"You are..."


He laughed as he turned off the lights and pulled the blanket over him, "Interesting. Not what I expected from a human."

I snorted, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Claire."


Wind rushed passed my cheek and blew my dark hair as I ran through the garden by the castle. Although I knew it wasn't my body, I couldn't help but feel the adrenaline and the overwhelming feeling inside of me. My eyes scanned the garden, and I grew frantic when I couldn't find what I was looking for. I turned the corner, and my heart hammered in my chest when I finally saw him.

Tristan stood before me, holding a forget-me-not flower. My mouth turned upwards at the sight of him in his black button up and slacks. As if he could sense my presence, he turned towards me, and his beautiful, aqua eyes bore into my blue ones.

"Eretria," his euphoric voice rang in my ears.

He gave me his signature side smile as I ran into his arms, jumping up and wrapping my legs around him. I could feel unconditional love and happiness in his embrace, and I hesitated before slowly dropping my feet back onto the wet soil. I grabbed his hand and lightly rested it on my stomach. His aqua eyes looked down at his hand, then back up at my blue eyes with wonder. I nodded my head and smiled before he picked me up and spun me around bridal style. As his eyes looked into mine, I knew what true love felt like.  Suddenly, I could hear a loud sound, and the world began to fade to black.


My eyes shot open to see chaos. Tristan and his sister were yelling at each other while she threw a vase at the wall. A loud crash echoed aground us as the pieces clattered on the floor.  Celine's black eyes shot daggers at me as I sat up in the bed.

"You!  How dare you?!"  She screamed as she sped over to me, lifting me out of bed by my throat.

My legs began to kick at the lack of oxygen due to her squeezing. I could see nothing but hate in her black eyes. Celine was suddenly knocked against the wall, and my small body dropped to the floor like a rag doll. In my coughing fit, I looked up to see an angry Julian holding Celine against the wall and Tristan pulling me to my feet.

"That's enough, Julian. Let my sister go."

Julian glanced back at me with black orbs and waited a few seconds before dropping the Princess. Concern crossed his features as he appeared in front of me and lifted my chin, examining my bruised neck.

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