"I don't know what happened when I saw his face, the ones he has been making when with Naruto, why couldn't he showed it to me when we're still together back then? I felt betrayed..." Kakashi said in solemn. He looked up to the man that was sitting next to him before continuing, "That's why I decided to play with them a little bit. But after a while, I couldn't stop myself and I became greedy... I want more, I want to see their relationship destroyed. I unconsciously did that."

"I'm worried that you will be hurting even more Kakashi." The man said in so much disappointment, knowing that nothing that he say will change Kakashi's mind.

"Aren't I already?"


A few days later, Kakashi went to surprise Sasuke since it's been a while he seen the younger man. But he's shocked to see strangers at Sasuke's place, drunk. He chased them out and threatened them not to come back.

While Sasuke still dead sleep, he cleaned the place. When Sasuke woke up, hangover and headache, he's shocked that he smelt something nice at the kitchen, he thought that perhaps Naruto's back.

"Oh, it's just you." Sasuke said grimly, while yawning. He sounded as if almost disappointed because it's only Kakashi.

Kakashi who was busy turning the pancakes looked at the younger male who finally decided to show up. "What do you mean?? Nevermind, sit. I made you breakfast... and coffee."

Sasuke sat across the counter that separates the kitchen and living room. "Where's everyone?" He remembered bringing some strangers whose name he can't recall into his place, and they drank till he black out. Now the place is clean.

"I chased them away. What the heck have you gotten yourself into? I thought you're still sad about Naru-"

"Stop, don't mention his name." Sasuke's eyes gleamed in hatred when he caught Kakashi mentioning Naruto's name. With the headache and all, he doesn't need to be reminded of Naruto too.

"Fine, geez. If you're that angry why don't you moved on already and find someone else? Me, for example." Kakashi said proudly, pounding at himself.

"Are you for real? I already made myself clear aren't I? We'd only be friends, not more than that."

Kakashi stopped and went to Sasuke, he turned the stool around so that the younger boy could face him. Kakashi leaned in, while his fingers dancing dangerously to the hem of Sasuke's loose trouser. His waist felt cold when he came to contact with it.

"Come on, you must be feeling pent-up... it been a month since he walked away from you. I can give you so much pleasure, just like he did. Probably even better."

Sasuke was unbothered by the seduction. If he were the same boy, he would've fallen for Kakashi again but no. He grabbed Kakashi wrist and tore it away from his belly.

"Our relationship has ended Kakashi, and I have made myself clear that day. I can accept you back in my life, because I was feeling sorry for you. So don't go overboard with it."

"I'm joking. Haha of course I know. Man, why are taking it seriously? I grew bored of you. I'm going. I should've realized my place too, I'm a nobody in your life now aren't I?" Kakashi put the apron at the counter top near Sasuke and he's calculating whether he should leave or not.

"Are you seriously pulling that 'nobody' card right now? After what I've been through because of you? What do you want me to do then?" Sasuke said half shouting, while his hand pressing his head to ease the pain he's having.

"Then it's my fault that you guys broke up? No, I don't think so. It's your fault that he went out and made someone pregnant no?" Kakashi said carelessly, just to annoy the latter even more. He chuckles when he noticed that he succeeded in doing so.

He went behind Sasuke's cold back and hug him, resting his head on Sasuke's shoulder. "You should thank me that you got to see his true color, Sasuke."


"Naruto, are you sure you want to do this?" Gaara's eyes gleamed over the scissor in his hand while he looks at the bundle of sunshine in front of him. He can't believe this day finally came where Naruto asked him to give him a haircut. Gaara thought it was a joke, he already forgotten about it since it reminded Naruto of his ex boyfriend.

Naruto look over his reflection in the mirror and he nodded. His hair already grew so much longer these days. "It's time to get rid of it, Gaara. Plus it's too troublesome to tied it down every time... it's disturbing me."

"Well, okay. Don't go crying that you want your precious hair back when I'm done. I'm cutting it short, so short that you might even regret your decision later?" Gaara threatens, as he starts running through Naruto's golden locks with a comb, while his other unoccupied hand was grabbing the scissor.

"Nah, I'll take it as a step for me to move on. When you're done with it... perhaps a new me will be born."

"That's pretty clever. I can't believe you grew this much."

"Hey, I didn't went to college for nothing okay? Sasuke always— uh, my friends also said the same things. You guys would definitely gonna click if you guys ever got to met each others." Naruto said while smiling sheepishly at the thought of mentioning Sasuke's name. He would casually brought Sasuke's name into the conversations and cover it with another topic. Gaara didn't even bother to ask any further.

"You know, after this... I have to go to Kohonagakure to get some supplies my sister asked me to. Do you want to go with me? I know you'd probably didn't want to so it's fine." Gaara asked out of the sudden, knowing to well that Naruto wouldn't want to go with him since he might stumble upon his ex boyfriend–better save than sorry.

"I'll go."


"There's someone I need to meet too so I'll go." Naruto said while looking at Gaara's shocked face that being reflected in the mirror.

SasuNaru • It Was Never EnoughWhere stories live. Discover now