chapter 10

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Isaura's pov~

I woke up with the worst head ache in the world. I didn't eat yesterday. I just knew Alexander wouldn't let me near the kitchen until we were done planning. I didn't stay up the whole night. While he planned at the desk in our bedroom I drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep. Did I just say 'our' bedroom? I need to get some food in my system before I go nuts. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror to check for drool or messy hair. I decide to take a shower. I turn the shower on and wait for it to warm up. I hear the door to the room creak open and I nosily go and see who is coming inside the room. It's the cleaning guy. The one with the gorgeous purple eyes. I step out if the bathroom and stand by its door frame. "Good morning your majesty" he says as he bows his head in respect. Oh yea I am a queen to be. "Morning" I say pretty groggily. Due to me not speaking at all this morning until now. "I just need to do my daily cleaning and I'll be on my way" he says a little shyly. "That's fine I'll just be in the shower" I smile and head back into the bathroom. Getting inside the shower and thinking about my new life.

Alexander's pov~

She's awake. Finally that girl can sleep through a war. I chuckle at my thoughts. My beautiful bride to be. She is my whole world. Ever since we were kids I knew she was my mate. I just never had the balls to tell her. She couldn't feel our bond because she made herself gate me all those years. Im glad I have her now. She will be an amazing queen. I just know it. My thoughts about isaura were cut short as I see the male maid coming out of my room. I walk by him without any words being exchanged. His head is down in respect. Huh.. Good boy. I walk into the room to see isaura in a white fluffy towel sitting at the vanity. She is so beautiful.

Isaura's pov~

Alexander walks into the room looking intimidating as usual. I just continued to brush my hair and keep quiet. He walked over to me with a big smile spread across his face. "Morning my love" he says. He's right behind me looking at me through the mirror. I put down the brush and stand. "Good morning" I say barely above a whisper. He pulls me towards him by my elbow and hold me close to his chest. My heart rate is rising and I'm sure he can hear it. "You look drained baby" he says while swiping his thumb across my cheek. I can't even remember the last time I had blood. Or even went hunting for that matter. "I-i haven't b-been feeding" I stutter out. "Come with me darling. You need to make sure you keep your health up. Why didn't you tell me you haven't been feeding?" He pulls my hand along with him. Making me pick up my feet. I get shoved into the closet and I put on some casual but comfortable clothes. My hair and makeup having already been done. We head outside towards the woods. "Isaura I'm trusting you. Do not run off and try to escape it won't be good for you. I'll find you and catch you." He says making shivers run down my spine. I nod slowly and bask in the amazing scent of outdoors. Its been a while since I've been outside. I haven't noticed how much I missed the immortal world. This is my home. Realization hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm never getting out of here. What was i thinking? I'm stuck here with Alexander. Might as well get comfortable.


The wind blowing through my hair. My feet hitting the ground with so much force. Pushing off further into the woods. My adrenaline pumping a mile a minute. It all feels so good. I feel free. Like no one can stop me. I hide behind a tree once I hear footsteps and low voices. I tune my ears up to get a better listen. Hitchhikers... I can hear their heavy packs rattling as they walk and the hard stomping of their feet. They breath heavily being tired from all of the walking. I could tell how hungry I was by the way my eyes turned bright red and my throat got really dry. As soon as they get close enough I pounce. Tearing one guys neck apart. I felt like I was starving. And maybe i was. I didn't think about a lot at this moment. Blood clouded my vision. Once i sucked all his blood the guys lifeless body fell to the floor. I felt bad for a pinch of a second. But then I looked up and there was the other guy running away as fast as he could. I watched for a moment. Loving the chase. I felt the ends of my mouth twitch up into a smile. I was having way to much fun with this. I waited a little longer for him to get a really good head start and make him think he got away to safety. I took a deep breathe and off I went. I was running a little slower than usual but that guy still didn't stand a chance. I caught up to him in a matter of minutes and tackled him to the ground. He screamed his head off but I was focused. I plunged my sharp teeth into his jugular. Siezing his screams and turning them into whimpers. After he was dead I got off of him and started the path back to Alexander. I felt refreshed after todays events. Once I was in sight of Alexander he smiled and started towards me. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to his chest. "That's my girl" he kissed my forehead. "Do you feel better now?" He asked looking me in the eyes. His soft doe eyes pierced my soul. I hate to admit it but I was slowly falling for this man. I ever so slightly nodded my head. "Good, let's go inside" we walked back to his palace. Hand in hand. My mind spinning. Once we were inside I let go of his hand. He lead us up the stairs and to his room. Bringing me to the bathroom to clean me up. I walked in and he closed the door behind us. I turned around and squealed as he lifted me onto the counter. I pursed my lips and blushed from embarrassment after my little sound that came out of my mouth. " you know you're cute when you blush" he said. This made me blush even harder. I covered my face with my hands and put my head down to try to hide away from all the embarrassment that I had. " don't hide your face, you're beautiful" he was such a charmer. Why did he have to be so alluring? I wanted to hate him. I did, I wanted to hate his guts. But the truth is... I can't. I can't bring myself to hate him. So what if he kidnapped me. So what if im forced here against my will. I'm in like with Alexander. He has my full attention. I just don't know if I want that to turn into something more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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