Chapter 7

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I open the doors to the dining hall and I see some people start to pile in and sit at the big table. I sit in my chair that was right next to Alexander's. all of the servants set the table and place the food. they curtsy afterwards and leave the room. I am flustered from what happened in the kitchen. as soon as that thought runs through my mind Alexander comes into the room and takes his seat next to me. he begins to eat and we say nothing about what just happened the whole night. the food was amazing. I was also so hungry I haven't eaten all day. I don't know why but I didn't eat at breakfast or lunch. and now i'm stuffing my face until I cant anymore. Scarlet glares at me until I notice my manners and start being proper and chewing slowly and putting small pieces into my mouth. she smiles and continues eating her dinner. after dinner was over everyone went up to their rooms and me and Alexander stayed behind a little while longer because I wanted seconds. he watches me eat my second plate of food and says nothing. i swallow the piece inside my mouth and open it again to say something to him. " are you alright?" i ask looking at him. he nods. " yes i'm fine sweetheart" he says smiling at me. well maybe he's tired and i'm holding him up. " are you tired? you can go up to the room if you want" I say. " no, i'm fine, i will wait for you" he says and leans on his hands. "well alright" I say shrugging my shoulders and continuing to eat. after a few minutes I am done and a servant walks over to pick up my plate. " thank you" I say and the realized it was the cleaning guy. i never did get his name. " hey your the cleaning guy" I say. he turns back around with my plate still in his hands and looks at me. he smiles and nods. " yes i'm the cleaning guy.." he chuckles and looks over to Alexander. his smile stops and he bows his head. "... your-r majesty" he says I look at Alexander and he is glaring at the guy. oh my goodness. " well I never got your name" I say and he looks back to me with a hint of fear in his eyes. " your grace," he bows again. " I don't think my name is that important, you shouldn't be interested in one of the servants, your highness" he says. Alexander has scared the living daylights out of this guy. why must he be here right now. " yes exactly, I think you should stay in a servants place and do not converse with my fiance without my permission" Alexander says walking towards us. at first he was standing far, across the table from me, while I ate. " yes your majesty" he looks at me sadly and walks away with my plate quickly to the kitchen. I huff and cross my arms. how dare he. " you didn't have to do that" I say a little pissed. "he is a servant and you will not converse with them that way" he walks up to me and grabs my chin forcefully making me look at him. "You are mine, do you understand that?! You don't need to talk to any other males. Especially servants!" he pulls harder and my cheeks begin to hurt a lot from him squeezing them. Of course he was jealous. I nod as best I can and he lets my cheeks go with a lot of force. I began running them trying mitt to cry. he walks away and up the staircase. I look back for the servant but he is gone. I sigh. I hate this place. I miss Rosey. I want to go home. I begin walking up the staircase behind Alexander and catch up to him. we head to the bedroom and he closes the door. he strips out of his clothes and is only in his boxers now. he gets into bed and crawls under the covers. he puts his head on his hand while laying on his side. I just look at him. " aren't you going to change?" he asks still watching. "cant you turn around?" I ask still folding my arms and speaking quietly. he huffs and rolls his eyes while turning around on his other side. I start to get undressed and look into the closet for some pajamas. I forgot that I don't have clothes here so i come out and grab his huge t-shirt off of the floor that he just took off and put it on. it falls to mid thigh. I walk over to the bed and get in on the empty side. i put the cover over me and snuggle into my pillow. I feel big arms around me and they pull me into Alexanders bare chest. we spoon creating the sparks and tingly feelings to burst through my body. The feeling was addictive. Butt I couldn't let it control me into loving him. I had a feeling we would be like this all night because his grip is very tight. my eyes close and I start to fall asleep. I hear Alexander right before I go to sleep " I love you" he whispers and kisses my back. I don't say anything back I just fall asleep.

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