chapter 1

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I was wide awake the music blasting through my ears, it was so loud. I just wanted sleep. I groaned and shoved a pillow over my face to try and drown out the noise. After realizing it wasn't working i got up fully and went downstairs. I saw my bestfriend Rosy blasting one direction through her ipod. She was jumping up and down on the couch screeching the lyrics to one of their songs. I laughed at her then threw one of the couch pillows at the back of her head. "Hey!" she whined while rubbing the back of her head. She got off of the couch and turned off the music. "What was that for" she said. I walked over and sat on the couch wiping away my happy tears from laughing so hard. "I cant sleep your music's to loud" i chuckled. "Well my bad i thought you didnt need sleep, you know, cuz you're a vampire and all" she sat down beside me and pulled her red hair into a pony tail. "Yes vampires can sleep but we dont need it, you only need to sleep up until you turn 18" i explained. "Well then you shouldnt be tired" she said. I got off the couch with her following my actions. We both headed upstairs into my room. "Yes, i know but i just want to, my body is exhausted. but now that im up i guess we could go shopping today" she squealed while clapping her hands together and jumping up and down excitedly. "I'll go get ready" she rushed and ran off to her room. I laughed at her anxiousness and got into the shower.

After i got out of the shower and put my clothes on- which was a spaghetti string tank top with loose cut ends that made the tank top a crop top, and some jean shorts- i did my make up and my hair and headed downstairs where i met Rosy. She was ready by the door with her purse in her hand. I grabbed my purse off the counter and my keys off the rack. We walked outside to my car and hopped in buckling our seat belts and drove off. We parked closest to the entrance and got out of the car and walked into the mall. "What store should we go to first" i questioned looking at Rosy. "Ooh we should go to forever 21 first!!" she squealed and pulled me into the store. I looked around and found myself some perfumes, a couple shirts and dresses and i met up with rosy at the cash register. We paid for our things and left out of the shop and we walked to a couple more stores until Rosy got hungry and insisted we stopped by the food court. We got soft pretzels with cheese and a drink and sat down at a table. "This is fun, we never do stuff like this together, we're always busy with work or something" rosy said taking a bite of her pretzel. "Yea i know we should do things like this every saturday" i said. We finished our food and walked around some more until i heard rosy gasp really loudly. "Omg we need to go there now!" she said pointing to a store. I looked at it and it said Victoria's secret. She had told me before that she really loved that store. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the store. She started ripping clothing off of racks and forced them into my hands. "What am i gonna do with all this lingerie rosy?" I questioned her with my hand on my hip and one arched eyebrow. "Maybe you'll meet a hot guy and invite him over you never know, still I dont care what you say you're buying it" she said and grabbed my wallet and paid for the lingerie. We walked out of the mall with tons of bags on our arms. I suddenly smelt blood, it smelt so good. I inhaled sharply and jolted my head towards the delicious smell. It was a little boy and he fell over and scrapped his knees and arms. He winced and held his arms and rubbed his knees. "Hey isaura!? Are you ok?" she asked noticing i wasn't following her and that i spaced out. I quickly turned my head from the boy and looked at her, she was worried. " oh sorry..i was just...the boy...blood" i stuttered trying to explain. She looked over at the fallen little boy and saw the blood dripping from his arms and knees. "Oohhh...come on lets go find you some food ok?" she said pulling me away from the boy and to the car. "Ok" i said as we hopped in. I drove into the woods that was surrounding our house. I thought that it would be a good way to hide myself from others even though tons of hikers come out here they are just usually lunch or dinner. I stopped at my house and parked into the drive way. we both got out and Rosy walked into the house. I told her I would be right back and I sped off vampire speed deeper into the woods. It was getting dark because we spent half the day at the mall. I saw light it was low but it was light. It was a fire and i heard talking and laughing. Perfect. I saw this one boy just a few feet from the others and he had just zipped his pants as soon as i saw him, thank god, i sped over to him and leaned against the tree behind him as he fixed his belt. "Hey" i whispered. He flinched and turned around quickly looking at me. He smiled at me and he was kinda cute he had dimples on both cheeks and bright blue eyes and light brown hair. "You gave me quite the scare" he chuckled while putting his hand through his hair. I was tired and i wanted to go home so i rolled my eyes, pulled his face towards mine, he smiled thinking i was going to kiss him or something and bit into his neck he tried to scream but i covered his mouth and continued to drain the life outta this poor well. I sucked all of his blood moaning in pleasure as his blood rolled down my throat. It tasted so good. After that i dropped him to the floor and sped off home. I walked into the house and made my way upstairs "Rosy?" i said trying to see if she was awake. I didnt get a response so I figured she was asleep so I went into my room and stripped outta my clothes. I took a shower washed all the blood off of me and fell asleep on my warm comfy bed.

A/N: well thats the first chapter for you guys im so excited for this new story. I hope you guys like it. I would also appreciate if you would like and comment on this story cuz almost no one does on all my other stories speaking of which please go check out my other stories like and comment please and share with your friends love you my peeps

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