Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of footsteps and doors closing and opening. Alexander was awake. What was he doing? I pull the comforter up over my shoulders trying to consume myself in more warmth. "Good morning beautiful" Alexander says walking over to me. He is currently shirtless and in jeans that are low on his waist. Why must this monster be so sexy. I stare at his abs for a good minute until he says something. "Like what you see?" He says with a small smile while chuckling. "Good morning" I say avoiding his question. "I can't wait for the day we get married I'll be able to read your mind once we have bonded" he said imagining the day. "Wait a minute.. What?! You get to read my mind?" I was so confused. "Of course, you are my mate and I should be able to read your mind whenever I please, and we would be able to send mind messeges and I would know what your feeling" this is more than I expected. I never would have thought of things like this. I begin to get out of bed and stretch my arms and legs. Alexander just watches me and starts to smile. " what?" I say, wondering what his smile was about. "Nothing, you are just very beautiful" he says walking towards me making me fall back onto the bed in shock. It always makes me blush when he does that and I wish he wouldn't. I hate the way he makes me feel. I never liked feeling any type of way with any guy. coming from a messed up kingdom and no family, I really didn't like to be social or friendly to anyone, every one was scared of me. But being called  beautiful, even if its from Alexander, feels really nice. " oh- well, thank you" I was a bit alarmed because Alexander was being nice for once and he called me beautiful. Alexander is standing right in front of me while I sit on the bed. I bring my legs up and hold my knees. In a way this protects me. It feels safe and comforting knowing that I'm closed off like this. "So, what are we going to do today?" I ask, trying to act normal, but inside my heart is racing a thousand miles a minute. I don't like that he is so close to me, and just staring, with no shirt on. I try to keep my eyes at his or at my knees. " well we could do a lot of things today" he says really quietly and seducingly. He starts to bend down and crawl onto the bed where I was, trying to make us closer. I began to crawl backwards trying to get away. His face gets angry and I just know that I've done something wrong. "Do NOT back away from me" he growls angrily. He grabs me by my ankles and pulls me towards him really quickly. Now I'm up under him on my back, I'm frightened. " I-I'm So s-sorry" I stutter. He's  really scary. "Its OK baby, I know you didn't mean it" his eyes turn yellow and I become even more scared. Its like this man is bipolar or something. He begins to kiss my cheek and makes his way to my ear. My heart starts to beat even faster than before. I can feel all of the sparks of the mate bond. But I'm not ready to go any further with himb than I've already been forced to. I'm petrified of what he's about to do to me. I'm stuck, his body is trapping me and I don't know what to do. He continues to kiss my neck and trails slowly down to my collar bone. "Alexander, please stop" I find my words, begging him to stop. Did I want him to stop? It felt so good. "why should I?" He questions, continuing his assault on my neck. "b-because I'm u-uncomfortable with this" I begin to lose my voice now. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing my moan. He's so scary. he stops his actions and looks me in my eyes. " you are mine, I will do as I please to you" he says and my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. A hard shiver racks down my back and I gasp. He dips his head back down and continues to kiss my neck and collar bone. All of a sudden I feel his hand slowly crawl up my side making me jump and gasp. He then brings it to one of my breasts and squeezes. I gasp really loudly and try to push him away. He is just way to strong. he looks at me very angrily. Probably for pushing him away. But then there was a knock on the door. And I thanked the Lord that I was 'saved by the bell'. Alexander gets off of me and walks to his door. Pulling it open angrily, he shouts, "WHAT". there's that cleaning guy again, I never did get his name. " your highness, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but I'm here for the daily room cleaning " he says bowing his head and not looking Alexander right in the eyes. " right, um come in" Alexander moved  the side opening the door wider for the man to come in. He started to clean and I watched him. Until Alexander grabs my arm and yanks me off of the bed and out of the room. I look at the guy and he stares at me with a sad look on his face. I look at Alexander and his eyes are still yellow. "Alexander where are you taking me?" I question in panic. "Shut up" he says still pulling me with him. We end up in a completely different room and Alexander pushes me inside and closes the door. I'm scared again. Why must I be in these situations. "Take your clothes off now" he growls. "WHAT!?" I question getting really uncomfortable. "GODDAMMIT TAKE THEM OFF!" he screams, and I jump, starting to take off my shirt. When its off I cover up my chest and look down. "All of them" he says looking at me hungrily. "Alexander please don-" I begin to plea. "Shut up and take them off" he growls. he has no patients at this point. He looks like he's about to snap or eat me alive. One of the two for sure. "Please, please don't do this" I try to reason with him. "Isaura you have three fucking seconds until I rip them off for you" he closes his eyes trying to relieve some of his frustration. "bu-but" I stutter trying to find a way out of this. "One" he begins to count. "No, no please Alexander". " two" he raises his voice on the next number. Hes about to come closer and this startles me. I'm scared for my life. "OK OK I'll take them off, I'll take them off!!" I start to cry as I'm taking all of my clothes off. I tried to hold it back but it came flowing like a river. I hate crying in front of people. " stop crying" he says coming towards me. I wanted to walk away but he would get angry. He grabs the small of my back and pulls my bare body to him. "Your body is amazing" He says looking at my breasts fully naked. I try to put my hands over them but he moves them away. "Isaura sit down let's talk" wow, what!? That came out of no where. I sit down and Alexander follows. He pulls me onto his lap cradling me and puts my chest into his chest and it feels very warm and inviting and this time I don't fight. "Isaura you are my soon to be wife and I don't want you to be afraid of me, you are a strong vampire and that is how I expect you to rule this kingdom with me" his words are making me feel at home. This is the old Alexander that I missed. My best friend. " please don't be frightened" "Alexander i really don't want to lose my virginity to you" I say feeling at ease and more confident than before. "I'm afraid that's not your choice" he smiles and kisses my forehead. "What do you mean its not my choice?" " you are mine. I make the decisions around here and I'm the one who gives orders, you have no control over your life once we are married and bonded, your life will belong to me. You will become my slave." he explains very harshly. "WHAT!? no way!! I'm not giving up my life for some stupid, self absorbed, monster!! " I got up from his lap and flailed my arms to make a statement. I knew it was the wrong thing to say but it came out anyway. there was nothing I could do about it. Until........*SMACK!!* his hand collides with my face while i'm still completely naked and his eyes turn almost black. He walks out with no more emotion on his face as I fall to the floor and whimper and hold my cheek that hurts. At this point I don't care that I broke the rules, I don't care that I disrespected him, I don't care if he's my mate. He is a cruel, mean, and disgusting man.  I can't believe he just hit me. AGAIN. I'm starting to remember why I hate his guts. And why we stopped being best friends. That bastard. How dare he say that I owe him my life. That I have no control over ME. How dare he hit me like that. How dare he....  I owe him nothing and I will find a way out of here.


later that day me and scarlet were doing my princess training. I still don't under stand why I have to do this I was a princess before. And yea I may have lost some of my elegant manners but I'm still well behaved. Alexander always treats me like i'm a child. I hate it. I hate him. Im gonna make an escape plan soon.  Scarlet just keeps talking and talking i'm not even listening to her. what is she going on about. maybe i should start listening. " Isaura... I was sayi- ISAURA!" she yells and i begin to listen. " HUH! oh yes i'm listening. continue, what were you saying?" i say trying to make it seem like i was listening the whole time. "well..i was saying that you should always hold your tea cups in this hand and always...ALWAYS lift your pinky." she says picking up a small tea cup and lifting her little pinky finger. "alright" i say and lift the cup copying her actions. "we are done for today, i'm tired of talking for my health" she rolls her eyes and gets up from her spot on the blanket in the garden. i'm jumping for joy. i'm so glad its over i wasn't listening anyway. i ran out of the garden and into the castle. i was starving and i could smell the delicious dinner from the huge kitchen. i find my way to the castles kitchen after a while of walking and open the doors. Alexander was in there sitting at the podium watching the servants run around and cook he was also barking orders. he looked quite scary giving all those orders and yelling at the frightened servants who run around like they are chickens with their heads cut off. his veins were popping out of his neck. he looked so stressed. I walked up to him and pulled out one of the kitchens chairs and sat down in it and watched him. he was still giving orders but he occasionally glanced at me. "put the pots and pans inside.. the... the left um.. cupboard" he was looking at me and trying to pay attention to the directions he was giving the servant at the same time. the servant walked away to do the request given to him. Alexander walked up to me which was just a few steps away from the podium because i sat close to him. " am i really that beautiful that you choke on your words?" i say jokingly. he just chuckles and sits in a chair next to me. And I know I know. It looks like I'm being friendly with him. Even though I hate his guts. But I have to get friendly or else I won't gain his trust and never be able to escape.  "yes you are very beautiful" I blush and turn away. "don't hide your beauty" he grabs my chin and turns my face to him making my face get impossibly redder than it was before. " your cute when you blush" my face gets super hot from all the blushing. " ok that's enough flirting lover boy" i say and he laughs. " you know... you're distracting me. i'm supposed to be giving orders for dinner" he smiles. our faces are really close now. i don't even know how we got like this. " don't try to blame me you're the one who left your podium and cant get your eyes off of me" i smile and giggle a little. we move in closer until our noses almost touch. what am i doing. i need to move away quickly. hes going to kiss me! i panic but never move away. I know it's the mate pull. Its controlling my body. luckily we are interrupted by Scarlet bursting through the doors and shouting: "dinner is ready!" i didn't even realize the servants left the kitchen and we were left alone. She must have finished off his orders for him and all the food must be out at the dining table already. i quickly jump away and stand to my feet leaving Alexander in the chair next to me. he looks upset that we didn't get to kiss. I don't know what I was thinking. he is a monster I would never kiss him. I rush out into the dining hall. I hear Alexander sigh and slowly make his way behind me into the dining hall with his hands shoved deep inside his pockets. what a night.

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