Back at home

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You leave London a day after Dan's birthday party. 

For the most time after you land back to your home country, you spend time either sleeping or with your family. Your mother cooks all of your favorite food, you have long chats with your father and you spend most nights playing board games and sharing memories with your siblings. 

It's only when a few days are left that your high school and college friend Sam, who had been out of city, returns and you two decide to meet up.

You meet up at a cafe near your house. He greets you and tells you that he has a surprise for you. At that moment Beren (another one of your college friends) shows up and you two hug it out.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Australia these days?" You asked surprised to see her here. Beren and you had been friends in the first year of college until her family moved to Australia (she had originally introduced you to Matt) where she re enrolled and had been living there to date.

"I hadn't see my grandparents in a long time so I decided to visit. Then right now as I was coming from my connecting flight I met Sam at the airport and viola I am here." Beren replies.

"That's amazing! So how are you? What are you doing these days? Tell me everything!" You ask her in excitement.

"Relax Hazal. I am telling you. I am doing great; Currently I am working for a marketing firm in Sydney. I recently got engaged." Beren shows her ring finger and the engagement ring on it to you, "and Roger and I are getting married next year." Beren replies in her usual peppiness.

"Oh my God! I am so happy for you. I need to know the details about Roger." You replies.

"Speaking of engagements, I am not the only on this table that has gotten engaged." Beren arms Sam, who looks down in embarrassment.

Your attention turns towards Sam, "Oh my God! You finally proposed to Sharon?" You question nearly screaming. Sam and Sharon had been high school sweethearts who relationship as you had come to witness had survive time, distance and any other test life had thrown at them. Finding out that two good and honest people were getting a good ending restored your faith in life and that in the possibility that you can (and will) eventually find the right type of person to spend your life with.

"And she said yes." Sam replied proudly. You hug him again out of sheer joy.

"Oh my God! I can't wait to meet Sharon and congratulate her." You comment.

"Well if you are still here day after tomorrow, we are having our engagement party. It would be the perfect opportunity to congratulate her." Sam offers.

"Okay Saturday it is then." You add a reminder on your phone.

"Oh this would be like a small meet up of all us college friends. Except Matt isn't coming; I can't believe he is not coming to his best friends engagement party. Like seriously who does that?" 

"Beren. He is coming to the wedding so it's fine." Sam tried to close the subject. (Basically Beren introduced you to Matt and you and Matt started dating. You introduced Matt to Sam and they became best friends. So when you and Matt broke up Sam felt divided. However, you had always regarded Sam and Matt's friendship highly hence you never made Sam feel guilty about still being friends with him.

"Sam, don't keep up too much hope. He works with me and his personality has changed so much. He doesn't come to any get together anymore, I mean he didn't come to my engagement party. God! If I change that much after my marriage, somebody kill me." Beren rants frustrated as she scrolls through her phone. At first you laugh until something she says hits you.  

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