Telling him?

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Hey, if your reading this thankyou and i hope you like it. If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment them below. And quick disclaimer there are probably going to be alot of spelling mistakes in this because im doing this on my tablet and phone and it's really hard to type on here. So sorry on my behalf. Please enjoy! And Share!

Taylors P.O.V

Shit, what am i going to tell him? How am i going to tell him? I quickly gather myself from the cold tiles in the bathroom, and quickly wipe away the tears which run down my cheeks. I shove the pregnancy test into the pocket in my jumper. I splash some cold water on my face quickly, trying to wash away the tears which threaten to make a reappearance. I pat my face dry with a towl and hurry down the stairs to meet joe.

I find him stroking Olivia at the front door. He lifts his head up when he hears me coming and quickly obandens the cat at his feet. She quickly walks back off into the lounge room and settles on the lounge. As soon as Joe sees me he cracks into a huge smile, i do the same hopeing he dosnt suspect anything is wrong.

He pulls me into his chest and kisses my head. I breath into his shirt, my arms wander his back feeling his toned muscles underneath his shirt. I try to absorb this time we have, god only knows how long i have left with him, after i tell him. I pull back and look up into his pircing blue eyes that always seem to put me in a trance when i look into them. I wrap my fingures around the back of his head, ruffiling his beautiful blonde hair and i pull him into a kiss. It starts off gentle but it evolves into a hot passionate kiss. I bite his bottom lip and i can hear him lightly moan against my lips and i smile against his. We pull away to breath. We pant and look each other in the eyes. "I've missed you" he says lovingly, his eyes looking down onto me pircing through me like a bullet. He looks at me longinly like we havn't seen each other in months, even though it's only been a week, which still feels like a lifetime.

"I've missed you too" i reply and slip my hands down his torso around his waist. I sigh wishing we could stay like this forever. Nothing but our love, which could all be ruined once i give him the news. We stay like that for a moment, just us two holding each other and feeling each others warmth. But it's short lived, my conscious gets the best of me and i start to sob. HARD. To the point where im hiccuping and i'm practically chocking on my own tears.

Joe pulls away to look a me and suddenly he has a look of uncomfortable concern on his face. " what's wrong" he soothes into my ear. He tucks a loose peice of hair behind my ear and bends down slightly to get closer to my level. I just shake my head and continue to sob. "Taylor please tell me what's wrong baby" he pleades. I open my mouth but no words come out. Instead i just cry into his shirt.

I feel my legs shake and almost begin to give out under my body. Joe swifly picks me from the ground and carrys me bridal style to the lounge. Olivia jumps off and moves out of the room vanishing up the stairs. Joe sits down on the lounge, im still in his lap. He has one of his arms around my back and the other around the front of my body grasping my hand with his. "Please, please tell me what's wrong baby" he pleads.
"I...I can't" i manage to splutter out.
"Yes, yes you can Tay you can, i love you so much you can tell me any thing" he convinces. "But your going to hate me" i whimper, knowing that he probably would.
"No. There's nothing you could ever do that could make me hate you"
I think about this. That might be true in most cases but this one is different. His will change his entire life.
"Please baby just tell me" he's practically on his hands and knees by this point.
"Fine" I hesitate. Wipping some of the tears from my eyes so i can see clearly. I look into his worried blue eyes and i feel his warmth. I pull the stick out from pocket and hand it to him " pregnant".

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