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Harry walked back to the Gryffindor tower, realising he and Draco had spent the night in the Room Of Requirement. He still couldn't exactly remember what had happened, knowing that they both had gotten drunk after their Leglimency lesson. He remembered thinking Draco was Justin, but then realising it was actually Draco.

It was not that Harry regreted it, because he actually didn't. Just that he was scared, of starting something so different, so controversial and most of all random with his nemesis of all people. Something that happened out of anger, and pain. And a lot of alcohol fueled emotions.

But he did admit that those blissful moments with Draco had made him feel less alone. The passion and fire had made him forget all the pain and hurt he had been trying to numb from the begin. He didn't regret it at all, but he was scared. Scared of losing people that would come to matter to him, and as Draco said, being the reason the people around him died.

He was scared, that he might actually come to care for Draco. That whatever they had would develop into something more. He knew his Leglimency was not upto standard, and he didn't want Voldemort figuring out he and Draco had something between them, whatever it was.

He kept wishing that he had stayed, not knowing why Draco wanted him to stay, not knowing why he wanted to stay either. He tried to push away his lust, his need for Draco's warm touch, and soft lips.
He wanted to feel all he had felt again, the rush of pleasure, the sweat on his back and the feel of the mattress against his spine. Draco's arms intertwined with his, his hands in Draco's soft, silky hair. He just wanted to look once more into Draco's eyes that looked like pools of liquid Mercury. He wanted to hear Draco's moans of "Potter, Oh Potter".
He remembered that Draco never called him Harry, not even in the highest height of pleasure.
He sighed, pushing it all to the back of his mind, and entered the Gryffindor Common Room. He tried to not think of it, to forget and let it go.

Draco slipped out of bed and slipped his clothes on. He sighed, not knowing why he had asked Potter to stay. Maybe it was the after effects of pleasure. Potter's scent still lingered on in the room, and Draco pressed his nose into the pillow Potter had lay on.
Subtle hints of cinnamon, soap and Potter's musky aftershave filled his senses. He didn't know why he was acting like this, but last night had been one of the best nights in his life.
For once he didn't regret his actions, and wished he could have it all again.

He did regret asking Potter to stay, wondering where all this tenderness towards his nemesis had come from. His principle of Malfoy's don't feel had certainly been made invalid last night.
He shuddered knowing if anyone could see into his thoughts, he would be shunned by everyone. He realised that was probably why Potter didn't want to stay.

Draco sighed, and picked up his cloak from the ground. He left the room, and walked to the Common Room. His eyes swam with unshed tears, remembering the tenderness on Potter's face, his passion. Potter's gasp when Draco nuzzled his neck, and the sounds he made when Draco was kissing his arms gave Draco a rush of lust and need. The first time Potter called him "Draco" and not Malfoy was one of the most beautiful things he had ever heard.

He remembered Potter giving his body a look (and many after), like it was made of gold, like it was a priceless artefact meant to be treasured. Draco wanted to be treasured, to be loved for what he was, and he knew that it happened last night.

He wished and wished that he could have it all back, the lust, the burning heat in both of them. Because all that emotion and pleasure had made him forget everything plaguing him. He felt refreshed and calm, a bit sad too but he felt so much better than ever before.
He was just a bit too greedy for Potter, like he was a drug that Draco was quickly getting addicted to.

Draco entered the Common Room and went up to the dorms. He was glad they were empty, and after a peaceful shower, headed down to breakfast. As he sat down at the Slytherin table, he saw Potter at the Gryffindor table. Potter was staring at his plate, running his fingers along his wrist. Draco smiled to himself, knowing Potter probably had bite marks, or some sort of indication to their nocturnal activities. Potter looked up, and caught Draco's eye. He blushed, and tried to scowl. But he couldn't and ended up giving Draco a small smile. Draco smirked back, and looked at his plate, knowing that everything was okay. That Potter had no regrets, and didn't blame him for whatever that happened.

Pansy who was sitting next to Nott, walked up to Draco and asked him where he had disappeared to last night. Draco hesitated not knowing what to say, and before the silence became too awkward, he said he was working on his other project. She seemed satisfied with his answer and sat down next to him, as she had grown bored of Nott's monologue on Zabini's "attractiveness".

Harry watched Pansy and Draco talking to each other. His stomach jolted in and unfamiliar mannar, and for a second he wished he was in Pansy''s place. To be able to talk to Draco freely and look him in the eye. To be able to have breakfast with him, and not hide.
Harry realised he was doing everything he had decided not to do, to start something that would probably end up hurting both of them. But he found it very hard to be angry at Draco, after all he did give him the best night of his life. Harry sighed, maybe he and Draco could figure something out he thought.
But he knew there would be complications. Practical issues that would stop him, stop them. He sighed looking back at his wrists, the lovebites mocking him. He shook his head, the images of Draco's beautiful body haunting his thoughts.
Harry just wanted the distraction that Draco was, the escape form his troubled reality and the colour in his monochromatic world. He just wanted another round of the drug that Draco was. It was almost as if he was addicted, and he knew he should stop but just couldn't.

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