x. midweek

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Midweek madness had caught up with Harry Potter, he had a bundle of essays to write for Monday and a new Transfiguration spell to practise.
He hadn't been able to do any of this because of Quidditch, and he didn't want to admit it, but his flying around on a broomstick took up a lot of his time.

As he started on his homework in the Library, he remembered it was only two more days to Friday and his dreaded Leglimency lesson. Swearing under his breath, he began to write a foot long essay on the Wolfsbane Potion.

As he finished his essay, he saw Colin Creevey enter with a copy of the Quibbler under his arm. This puzzled Harry, who thought maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him. Harry dried his quill and hurried out of the library, deciding to turn in early.

Colin saw Harry leave, and breathed in fascination. Harry was like a role model to him. Harry was everything he wanted to be. He sighed, and returned his attention to his copy of the Quibbler.

Colin heard a whine, "Why must you write to your mother Draco? She'll be fine without news for a weekor two. Now that your father's gone maybe she'll be happier." It was from Pansy Parkinson who entered the library with an enraged Draco Malfoy. "Do not speak of my father. Mother loves him and misses him, as do I. I want to make sure she's all right," Draco said vehemently. A girl in the corner told them to hush and Pansy gave her a glare and stalked out of the library.

Colin sighed, he didn't understand how Draco Malfoy put up with that Parkinson troll. He reverted his attention back to the article on Nargle's apparent attraction to electro magnetic light.

Draco walked to a table, and sat down. He put his head in his hands and breathed deeply. Parkinson was getting on his nerves, and he didn't know what to do. He just wanted someone to talk to who didn't judge or question or whine or gossip. Rolling his eyes, his dipped his quill in ink and began to write to his mother.

Dearest Mother,

I hope you are doing well. It's almost August and it saddens me that you're at home alone.
Please find something to do with your time.
I hope you would consider visiting the Chalet in France, eat some crepes and do some of your shopping. Maybe a change of atmosphere will cheer you up.
Please don't be disheartened , Father will be home soon.

I'm branching out a bit and widening my horizons, but please don't tell that to father. Hope to see you soonbduring the holidays. Stay safe.

Your son

Draco sighed, for he knew he couldn't write much more. He knew his mother would figure out that something was up and begin questioning him.

He stood up and walked to the L aisle, his hands in his pockets. He reached it and found the book he was looking for, "Lerainasull's Guide to Leglimency and the Psyche".

He told the librarian he would return it by a Monday latest, and left the Library to start his new book. At least then he hoped he would have some relief from Pansy.

Draco sat on his bed, removed his shoes and tie, and grabbed the book. Pushing his gayr of his forehead, he began to read. Various segments caught his eye "...exposes memories, and desires,.." a"...what if's and what not's that haunt your dreams will be seen...""Leglimency or Occlumency is not an art to be tampered with"....

He couldn't help but wonder what secrets he would divulge from Potter on Friday.
Draco fell asleep, book in hand dreaming of  flying, the wind and a green eyed friend he would finally earn. It was called midweek madness for a reason after all.

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