xvii. attempting

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The week sped by, and Draco Malfoy wished time would slow down. He knew that he had to work a little harder on the tasks the Dark Lord had given him. He had to find a way to get Death Eaters into Hogwarts, without breaking any security measures. He had to recruit more Death Eaters (this sickened him, as in his deal with Professor Dumbledore, Draco said he would slow and try to stop this process). He also had his biggest, most important mission, killing Professor Dumbledore.

He didn't know what to do, because he knew deep down he would never kill him. But there were certain people who would report to the Dark Lord, and certain activities he had to indulge in to keep appearances up. This is why he had thought to stage a few attempts of murder, but somehow make sure it was not the Professor.

Apart from his current dilemma and fear that his plans will be foiled, one other thing disturbed him. It was none other that the fact that Harry Potter had finally mastered the art of Potions. Draco couldn't figure out how, since last year Potter had barely managed to keep up with the syllabus. And now, he was better than even Granger herself.
Draco didn't like Harry excelling in the one thing that actually did matter to Draco, the one sophisticated art and hobby he thought wouldn't be taken away from him. Luck and fate were never on his side it seemed, and he really wished he had a bit of Felix Felicis right now.

Draco's other passion, Quidditch would probably be on hold for some time. He wanted to go back, to fly in the grounds, to feel the rush of adrenaline and the whistle of the wind in his hair. He wanted to feel his heart beat, his head pound and hear the cheers of Slytherin! Slytherin! and the occasional Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfooooy!
He missed being part of the team, missed their inside jokes, the prematch jitters and the rivalry specially with Gryffindor.
He really missed racing head to head with Potter to catch the snitch. He missed the utter calmness, the loud silence when it was  just him, Potter and the snitch.

But now, he had to give his place in the Quidditch team up and pretend he was miserable, scared and sad, that the Dark Lord was all he had. He didn't know how long he would have to do this for, but he knew the time for a foiled murder attempt to be staged was just right.

On the second Hogsmeade weekend, he planned to place a cursed necklace in the toilets of the Leaky Cauldron, that was to be delivered to Professor Dumbledore. It would mean putting the Imperius Curse on a student, and this worried Draco. But he knew that Professor Snape was to go for a Death Eater meeting, scheduled sometime soon and that he would talk of Draco's progress. Draco planned to get some "advice" from Professor Snape, and hint at his plan, in the hope that the Dark Lord will know he's at least trying something.

He hoped with all his heart, that it would work, and wished it would never come to the extent of harming or murdering anyone.
Trying to put his plans into motion, Draco decided he would visit Borgin and Burke's again, the coming Saturday to purchase a necklace. And hopefully have some free time to fly about and feel the wind again.

That Thursday, Professor Snape stopped Draco on his way back to the dorms after lessons and said he wanted to talk to him. Draco was worried, but tried not to show it, wondering what all this was about. Professor Snape asked him how his "mission" was going and Draco mentioned the necklace, thinking this was the perfect opportunity. Professor Snape said to bring him the necklace and that he would place the curse on it.

Draco gave Professor Snape a look and wondered why he had suddenly decided to help him.
He knew if he just agreed, Professor Snape would wonder where Draco's fire went. So Draco raised his voice and yelled "You're trying to steal my glory aren't you? Don't be jealous that you haven't been given such an important task!"
Professor Snape sighed and said he was only trying to protect Draco, that his parents would want him safe and his name unmarred by his dark deeds. Draco glared at Professor Snape, knowing it was true, but needing Professor Snape to tell the Dark Lord how much Draco would do for him.

Professor Snape sighed, "I'm not there this Friday for my Leglimency Lesson with Potter. There's a meeting with the Dark Lord, and I needed to know of your progress.
I'm leaving you to coach Potter tomorrow, make sure he achieves something, hopefully something like your mental strength."
Draco felt a bit hurt that Professor Snape just wanted to know about his progress to inform the Dark Lord and not because he was his Godfather. He mentioned this to Professor Snape, who gave Draco a look and said he did care and that's why he asked if he himself could curse the necklace. That curses could be traced, that protecting Draco was in his best intention.
Draco sighed, and giving Professor Snape a smile he apologised. He said he was actually under a lot of pressure and half the time had no clue as to what he was doing. Professor Snape patted him on the back, told him to keep doing his job and let Draco leave.

Draco left, his spirits soaring. Finally he would get to uncover Potter's secrets, his fantasies and hopes. He hoped Potter wouldn't fail him, with a typical mind. Draco lived for interesting people, passionate minds and complicated souls. Whether it was Pansy, who was annoying but complicated, or Crabbe who was a dolt, but passionate about the culinary arts, didn't matter to him. Because to Draco beauty wasn't everything, sure it contributed, but personality was so much more.

That's why he approached Potter that first day back in Madame Malkin's, not because he was Harry Potter, but because he seemed like an interesting person. But luck seemed to never find an affinity to Draco, and he was left with a loathing, a rage and an obsession to uncover Potter's secrets. Sometimes he imagined the What if Potter had been his friend clause, and thought he would finally have someone who understood him and accepted him for who he was.

He did realise the truth of his Father's actions, him not being happy with Draco making friends with Potter. He realised it now, and wished it wasn't so. He couldn't explain these weird thoughts to anyone, couldn't show his emotions and saw much of himself in Potter.
Potter hid from the world, he opened up rarely to his two best friends, and tried to live up to everyone's expectations.
The only difference between him and Potter, was that Potter would be the Savior but Draco would end up as the Vanquisher.

He feared the future, and what it would bring, but relished in the fact that he would manage to dupe the Dark Lord. That his concience would leave him at peace for once.

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