xv. returning

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The first week of the year was always the best week. Draco Malfoy couldn't wait to begin his sixth year, and wanted to make the most of it.
He remembered the deal he and Professor Dumbledore had made last year, and was planning on working on it. He also had to fix the Vanishing cabinet and make sure his plan worked. But he feared the final mission and he knew that he would never be able to carry it out.

He walked to the Slytherin Common Room and met Pansy there. She asked him why he had been held up for so long. He mentioned something about dealing with rubbish and strays. She looked confused, but didn't care as long as he was there.

They went for Dinner, exchanging stories about their holidays, Draco guarding his mouth and choosing his words carefully. As they entered the Great Hall, they saw a new face at the head table. A pudgy, plump man dressed in fine clothes with a happy smile was chatting away to Professor Snape.
Pansy whispered to Crabbe, who had come in behind them and asked who it was. Crabbe mumbled something about slugs and potions and hurried to grab the empty space next to Goyle. Pansy gave him a slightly revolted look and was even more confused.

Pansy and Draco sat down, and Draco asked the seventh year, Augustus James, seated next to him, who the new Professor was. He didn't know either and Draco looked at Pansy and shrugged. She sighed, her curiosity taking over her thoughts.
Just then a commotion broke out at then Gryffindor table, Harry Potter had come in late, his nose bleeding with Luna Lovegood behind him.

Pansy gave Draco a look ,"One of your stray pieces of rubbish I assume," she said and Draco chuckled. He looked at Potter, and grinned to himself, the prat deserved it for eavesdropping. If he had waited, Draco would have told him himself slowly and explained the whole situation to him.

Harry sat down, Hermione's hand on his lapel, Ginny wiping his nose and trying to feed him. Ron was questioning Luna, and patting Harry's shoulder. Draco felt that at least Harry got some attention and love out of their exchange, so all was well and good.

Professor Dumbledore stood up, and everyone became silent. He welcomed them and informed that a new Professor, Horace Slughorn was here to take the position of Potions master as Professor Snape would be the new Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Silence filled the hall, since every Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor had a year filled with the most horrible luck. Professor Dumbledore raised his arms and there was silence once again. He began to speak on how Voldemort was back, and times were getting darker and harder. There was a curfew of 10.00 pm on weekdays and 11.00 pm on weekends placed to ensure safety but also that it was the time to be united, to make Hogwarts everyone's second home and try to be there for each and everyone in hard times.
Not a sound was heard in the Hall during his speech, everyone looked sad and some even scared.

Professor Dumbledore did tell them to make the most of each day and gave them permission to start dinner. The sound of cutlery was heard, but the conversation was serious and laughter forced.

Harry looked at the Slytherin table, wondering how many of them were Death Eaters. Draco looked up, and caught Harry's eye. Draco rubbed his nose and smirked at Harry. Harry scowled, his cheeks colouring and went back to his meal. Draco grinned thinking of the pinkish tinge on Harry's face, Potter had actually blushed.

Ginny leant towards Harry and held his hand "Why must you always go looking for trouble Harry?" she said and Harry looked at their intertwined hands, the sick feeling he felt earlier on the train returning. He moved his hand away and mumbled about something about leaping without looking. Ginny sighed and stroked his hair. Harry grunted, not wanting to be her personal pygmy-puff.

Draco was watching Harry and Ginny's exchange with fascination. Harry's reactions made him feel oddly happy for some reason. Harry seemed to act the same way around the Weasley girl as he did with Pansy, like she was an annoying, gossiping mother hen.

Pansy gave Draco a look of complete annoyance and sighed, he was looking at the Granger girl again, yes she was beautiful but she was a Gryffindor. A snake would never have a relationship with a lion, it was a social norm, a silent rule. She sighed knowing Draco made his own rules.

As dinner ended, people filled out of the hall, and Harry stood up in quite a lot of pain. Ginny held his hand and helped him up to the dorm. Harry felt Dean Thomas and Neville looking at them grimly. He could feel Ron's eyes burning into his back. He saw Hermione look at Luna and grin. He imagined Malfoy smirking at him, and the Slytherins talking about them in their common room. He felt self concious and shook Ginny's hand off and walked away slowly. It hurt him to see, the pain in his head making him dizzy, black spots clouding his vision He closed his eyes, and stood still.

Someone hit him, and he stumbled. Strong arms caught him, "Oi Potter, watch where you're going you git," a silky voice answered. Harry opened his eyes and it was not the face of Malfoy that he was expecting but a seventh year, Justin Hendrix. Harry stood up regained his balance, thanked and apologised to Justin. He gave a laugh saying it was no problem, but not to make it a habit and walked off towards the Astronomy Tower.

Hermione and Ron caught up with a red faced Harry, who wondered how exactly Justin was strong enough to carry him, and decided it was in those well defined arms.

At least his first day back wasn't boring Harry thought, and smiled at Hermione and Ron. He knew he'd always have them by his side, and would never be alone.

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