xiv. listening

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A week or two before school started, the trio got their O.W.L results. Hermione as expected had amazing results, and she was beaming with joy.

Ron's results weren't the best but he was over the moon that he had passed. Another surprise to Ron was that not only Hermione, but he too had received a Prefect's badge.

Harry on the other hand, was quite happy but he hadn't got an Outstanding in Potions. This mattered to him unlike never before as it meant he wouldn't be able to pursue his career as an Auror. He was a bit surprised as to getting Quidditch Captain, and not being made a Prefect. He couldn't think of why it was so. Maybe he just wasn't good enough, or didn't have enough charisma.

Mrs Weasley was proud of all of them, and moved around the entire day humming under her breath.

The last week sped by so very fast and school was almost around the corner. The time to buy stationary and start packing had come again. The twins mentioned that it would be nice for everyone to come see their shop, and everyone was very excited.

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was one of the only shops that seemed to be in business. It provided some color to everyone's life in the currently gloomy Diagon Ally.

After the most fun evening at the twins shop, Harry remembered he had to buy a new quill. Hermione also needed extra parchment and Ron wanted Chocolate Frogs.
As they approached Flourish and Blotts, they saw a shock of blonde hair enter Borgin and Burkes. They looked at each other and decided to follow the blonde boy, assuming it only could be Draco Malfoy.

The blonde boy entered the shop, and looked around, his mother behind him. When the trio saw Narcissa, their suspicions were confirmed.

As they couldn't follow Draco into Borgin and Burkes, they climbed a wall and observed him. Draco was looking at an old cupboard and talking to his mother. He said something to the evil looking owner of the shop, showed his left arm, and walked out.

Draco raised his hand to his eyes and wiped his brow, his eyes sweeping the horizon.
Harry followed the motion of Draco's hand and he almost lost his grip on the wall. He tried to regain it, scrabbling at the wall and made quite a noise.

Draco looked around, grabbed his mother's hand saying, "Mother it's not safe, their could be people watching. Let's go and come back tomorrow. Our business is almost done."
Narcissa gave Draco a warm smile, (which surprised Harry as he couldn't imagine Draco talking so very politely to anyone).
The two Malfoy's apparated away, leaving the trio very confused as to what had just happened.

As they climbed down from the wall, Harry thought out aloud. He wondered if Malfoy was doing something evil, as he was in Borgin and Burke's. But he couldn't fathom why Draco would be interested in a cupboard.

Harry whispered, "Do you think he could be a Death Eater?".
Ron and Hermione gave Harry a strange look, and shook their heads. Harry spoke again, "But he did show the owner his left arm. And the Dark Mark is on a Death Eater's left arm. It can't be a coincidence."
"Harry don't jump to conclusions, it's actually logical but he's too young" Hermione said fiercely.
"He's a sissy mate, I don't think he'd ever be Death Eater material," Ron supplied.
Harry sighed, and shook his head.

"We still haven't gone to Flourish and Blott's, let's hurry before it closes," Ron interrupted the silence. They agreed and hurried away, Ron muttering about Harry being distracted.

Once they had everything they, required they returned to the Burrow and started the enduring process of packing.

A few days later, the trio and Ginny set out to King's Cross Station. They boarded the train, and tried to find a carriage. Dean Thomas stopped Ginny, and spoke to her while holding her waist. Ginny gave Harry a smile and turned to Dean. Harry couldn't help but feel sick in his stomach. Ron and Hermione went to the Prefects Carriage and Harry finally decided to join Neville and Luna.

A Hufflepuff, Gregory Macmallan burst into their compartment, informing Harry and Neville that they were wanted for lunch in Professor Slughorn's Cabin.

As he and Neville walked to lunch, Neville mentioned Ginny. Harry murmured that she was the very image of his mother. Neville replied with an irrelevant remark that Ginny was beautiful. Harry grunted, not seeing it but he felt a sick feeling as this girl who was his best friend's sister, who looked like his mother dated a lot of boys, but gave him various looks and secret smiles. He couldn't figure out why she was like this.

Neville was still talking about Ginny being a very nice person, who actually liked his cactus, and spoke to him kindly. Harry patted Neville on the shoulder, and they walked into the "Slug Club" for lunch.

As they reached Hogsmeade Station, Harry decided it was time to see if his suspicions about Malfoy are correct. Since Ron and Hermione were busy with Prefect duties, Harry decided to go alone. He grabbed his invisibility cloak and left the compartment wearing it.

He walked towards the Slytherin carriage, and waited for the perfect moment to enter. The door opened and a student left the carriage. Harry immediately rushed in, and a woosh of air was sounded around the carriage.

The Slytherin's looked around and not finding anything unusual, went back to their business. All except Draco, who looked exactly at the spot Harry stood and smirked.

Harry didn't take much notice but moved about till he got closer to Draco. He listened closely to Draco telling Parkinson and Nott that he might have Death Eater business to do if he succeeded in his mission.

Draco continued to talk about the Death Eater's and the train stopped at Howarts Station. Students stood up around Harry and began to gather their things. Harry tried to leave but various people kept moving about, and his way out was blocked.

Draco stood up and stretched his legs. Harry can't help but lean in closer, the smell of vanilla aftershave intoxicating him. Draco whipped around and Harry leapt back, his heart pounding in his chest. The carriage slowly emptied but Harry seemed to be in shock, his senses tingling and hands shaking.

Suddenly the blinds closed and the door shut. Harry realised it's just him and Draco now and is feeling a bit frightened.
"Potter are you so dense as to not know the meaning of stealth? Why are you spying on me anyway you pervert?,"

Harry shuddered, not saying anything, not being able to make his mouth work. Draco walked up to him and moved in closer.
"Potter, I know you're there. Answer me," Draco whispered. He took his wand out and pointed it at Harry.
" Don't make me do something you'll regret"

Harry let out a loud breath and Draco chuckled triumphantly. Draco flicked the cloak off and was about to cast a spell on the frozen Harry when he suddenly spoke again.
"Don't assume things Potter, until you know the whole story," Draco said, his voice harsh. He paralysed Harry and broke his nose, watching the blood seep from it, and stain the floor of the carriage.

"See you never, Potter," Draco said as he left the carriage. Harry groaned, clutching his nose, waiting for the paralysis to wear off. His eyes dimmed and everything went black.

Tonks who was on guard duty at Hogsmeade, saw the lights dim in the Slytherin carriage and Draco leaving,his face dominated by a scowl. She rushed  in to the expecting the worst, seeing a few bruised corpses in her minds eye.

But all she saw ws Harry, his nose broken and looking dreadfully tired. She woke Harry and helped him up and the pair walked slowly back to Hogwarts, Harry's thoughts in turmoil, his head aching.

This was the first time he dreaded a school year, having to face Leglimency lessons on Friday, and Snape at the new security check in.

Clearly, everyone was out to get him.

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