xviii. accusations

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On Friday morning, Harry was on his way to lunch with Ron when Justin stopped by to pass a message to Harry from Professor Snape. Harry's heart jumped, and fluttered and he grinned at Justin. Justin's blue eyes looked like a mountain spring, ice cold and refreshing. He could gaze into them for days.

Ron elbowed Harry, and coughed. Harry yelped coming back to his senses, blushed and grabbed the letter from Justin. He thanked him and almost ran to lunch, Ron's barely contained laughter mocking him.

Harry sat at the Gryffindor table and opened up the letter. Professor Snape mentioned that he wouldn't be there for the Leglimency lesson today as he had official duties to attend to. He stated Draco Malfoy will be coaching Harry in the Potions classroom, and not to cause any sort of trouble.

Harry groaned and lay his head on the table. Ron looked at him. "You okay, Harry?" he questioned.
Harry murmured he wasn't and Ron looked at him quizzically. He picked up the letter and read it, trying to figure out why Harry was so miserable. Hermione walked in and sat down next to them, asking what had got them so down in the dumps.

Ron showed her the letter and she read it, eyes moving at lighting speed.
"Oh Harry, you'll be fine. It's obviously just a test, Professor Snape is putting you up to" she said trying to make him feel better. Harry grunted, and clenched his fists.
"I know he did something to you back on the first day of term, and that you think he's a Death Eater, but try to be civil to him," Hermione said in a calm voice.

"Hermione he called you a Mudblood, he insulted you and Ron both, and always taunts me. I don't think I'll be able to handle him prodding my mind as well," Harry moaned.
Hermione sighed, and patted Harry's back seeming to be at a loss for words. He tried to calm his thoughts and not overthink of what could actually happen. He sat back up, and served himself some hot chicken stew, giving Ron's heavily filled plate and stuffed face a small smile.

When lessons ended for the day, Harry went to the dorms before dinner. He felt drained ad decided to have a shower, needing to be alert during his session with Malfoy. After a hot bath, Harry left for dinner, stomach growling.
As Harry sat down beside Ron, he saw Malfoy at the Slytherin table. Malfoy looked back at Harry and gave him a smirk. Harry shuddered, and turned back to face the Gryffindors.

After a heavy meal, he had a few treacle tarts, and tried to waste time by slowly eating another, breaking it apart, piece by piece. Hermione prodded him and told him to hurry up, and to not delay his torture. Harry sighed knowing she was right. He had a big sip of water, and wishing for something stronger left the Great Hall, feeling Hermione and Ron's concerned looks at him.

He approached the classroom, his palms sweating and fearing what lay beyond the door. He opened the door and stepped in.
"Potter you're so early, the sun's almost up," Draco said, glaring at Harry.
Harry didn't reply immediatelybut murmured "Can we just get this over with Malfoy,".

"Leglimens" Draco whispered forcefully, aiming his wand at Harry. Harry didn't even have time to react, to block his thoughts and hurriedly tried to calm down. He could feel Malfoy's presence in his mind, the prick of intrusion and unfamiliarity. He tried to focus, to conceal his thoughts. He opened his eyes slowly trying to find somewhere to sit. He tried to maneuver to a chair, while closing his mind.

A glint of blonde hair flashed in his vision, and he reeled. Blue eyes, smooth arms and a silky smooth voice like melted butter. Harry gasped, trying to gather his thoughts to stop the flow of feelings. He sighed, knowing Malfoy was having a marvellous time looking at his desires. Harry tried to calm down but it didn't seem to be working. "Expelliarmus" Harry said his voice cracking.

Malfoy's wand flew of of his hand, and the prick in Harry's mind disappeared. Harry sighed, his breath coming put in pants. He grasped the edge of a table and tried to take deep breaths.
"Potter, are you serious. What exactly has Professor Snape taught you? You couldn't even handle a mild intrusion".
Harry groaned, head in his hands.
"Stop being a wuss, stand up and let's try again. If you don't strengthen your mind you'll be killing more people who matter to you. Honestly Potter, this is why Black died." Draco said harshly.

Draco knew he shouldn't hurt Potter too much, but just get him to a point where he'll fight back Draco's Leglimency.
Right now, Harry was passive, waiting till the intrusion stopped. So he couldn't achieve much, he just had to endure the process.

Potter was still regaining his breath, and Draco decided maybe it was time to change tactics.
"Potter, you worthless oaf stand up and let's start again. Hurry up, what's wrong with you," Draco said to Harry watching him raise his head.

"Honestly Potter, it's completely your fault your Godfather died. Do you not understand the meaning or concept of family? Not having parents probably made you selfish and idiotic. Saint Potter indeed, you're no saint. You're a brat, who believes lies, and can't tell the difference from fact or not" Draco said, his voice rising.
Harry's eyes burned, his ears rang and he stood up fists clenched.

"You might think that you're the Chosen One but I don't see what's so special about you. You survived because of your parents sacrifice, because of their love. But you really don't get the meaning of family, of protecting it. You kill them, you killed them. This is your fault Potter. Do you not see it, you git," Draco almost yelled. He didn't stop till he knew Harry was about to burst with anger, and Draco tried to make him not just burst but literally combust with anger.

"If it was me Potter, by now I would have vanquished the Dark Lord, and erased him from history. No matter what it took. I would try to stop him, without letting others do the job for me. How many more live's will you toss away Potter? It almost seems like you're no different from the Dark Lord", Draco paused to grab his breath and before Harry did anything he started his rant again.

"I can't save my family or even myself, I can't do anything the right way because I'm in the Dark side. But I'm still trying, I'm trying to goddamn help you and you won't even accept it." Draco said voice cracking.
Harry's wand was raised and he whispered "Leglimens" aiming it at Draco.

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