ix. flying

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Sunday dawned and Draco Malfoy was hard at work, writing his report on the Death Eater's work the past few weeks. He was to give it to Dumbledore, who would later present it to the Order, as information. Although Draco didn't like the idea that he was not getting credit, he did realise he was indebted to Professor Dumbledore.

He left the dorm for breakfast later on, his stomach grumbling slightly. As he entered the Hall, he spotted Harry Potter looking a bit more glum than usual, almost as if he had a secret he wasn't allowed to tell, and that was stressing him out. Draco had quite a clear idea as to what that secret might have been, and he relished in the fact that Potter looked so sad because of him.

But then, Professor Dumbledore walked into the Hall with Professor Sprout, and Draco remembered that he was supposed to have turned over a new leaf. He cleared his thoughts, replaced his sarcastic smirk, (he did know the effect that smirk had on people) and sat down at the Slytherin table.

The other members of his house were talking about the recent pillaging of a Muggle village, in West London. Pansy looked at him and noticed Draco's withdrawal and asked him about it. He just murmured that he had a lot to think about, and something about his father. Pansy didn't inquire more and went back to the conversation. He began to eat and few pancakes and coated them with syrup, and he remembered the crepes he used to eat when he was younger, and living in Paris.

Draco sighed, and then regretted it, because Pansy had turned towards him once again. He knew she had the best of intentions, but he also knew she had a liking, more like lust towards him and he wasn't ready for that.
He just wished that he had a friend, someone he could talk to, who knew him for who he was and not who people wanted him to be. He didn't regret his friendship with Zabini, Pansy, Nott, Crabbe and Goyle at all, but he just wanted a change. He grabbed an apple and left the Great Hall, heading towards the Quidditch pitch, to try and clear his mind.

Once he had obtained his broom, Draco took off, apple in hand. When he was quite fa from the castle, he let his mental barriers down. His mind finally felt free, away from the thought that anyone could be prying into his secrets.

As he flew higher, he noticed a dark shadow, growing bigger as it flew by close to him. He decided to see what it was, when he heard an ,"Oi Malfoy! Up here! " from above him. He couldn't quite place the voice amongst the breeze but it was a very familiar one.

Draco flew towards the voice and was quite surprised, to see that it was Harry Potter. But Draco remembered that Potter would mostly be in the pitch, flying about showing off, not that he had cared particularly or noticed. But why would Potter want to talk to him in the first place. They avoided each other like the plague, unless it was to poke and insult each other, once again not that Draco had noticed, or gave a damn.

Draco didn't get close to Harry but yelled, "What is it Potter, that you must yell at me from your broom? Couldn't you act civilised for once and speak to me about it later?"

To this Harry replied that he hadn't wanted anyone to know, but he needed to confirm whether Draco was actually, seriously helping him out with his Leglimency. Draco grumbled and said yes, but he wasn't prepared for when Harry simply asked why. But Draco knew he couldn't tell, so he said ,"That's for me to know, and you to find out," and flew away, his thoughts more in disarray.

Harry followed him, puzzled. It seemed that Draco Malfoy wasn't doing it with some sort of ulterior motive, but he couldn't be too sure.

He saw Draco get off his broom, and enter the Castle, his stride brisk. Harry wished he could be that imposing, and confident, instead of the clumsy messy person he was. He wished he was graceful like Draco Malfoy, not that he had noticed, or admired it.

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