iii. judgement

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Professor Dumbledore saw Harry leave the Great Hall with his friends. He noticed the smile on Harry's face and wondered why and how he seemed happier. Professor Dumbledore also wanted to talk to Harry a bit more about the Prophecy and blocking Voldemort from his mind. He decided to speak to Professor Snape and Professor Mcgonagal about it.

Professor Dumbledore continued his daily survey of the students at breakfast. He saw Luna Lovegood, reading her copy of The Quibbler upside down. She seemed to be engrossed in it and was completely unaware of the other Ravenclaw members laughing and talking about her strange behavior. Professor Dumbledore sighed, for Luna was a lovely child, intresting, curious and very kind.

His gaze moved to the Slytherin table. The stony cold air around the members of the house saddened him. Most of the students in Slytherin were the children of Death Eaters, and their parents had been arrested by the Ministry after the incident at the Department of Mysteries. Theodore Nott was picking at his potatoes, with a dejected face while Draco Malfoy was playing with his peas. Draco had a pensive look on his face and seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Professor Dumbledore decided he would talk to him when he got the time, the sooner the better.

His eyes then fell on Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan, who were sharing a joke and laughing at the Gryffindor table. The pair reminded him of himself and Grindelwald, back when they were young. He smiled reminiscing in the nostalgia of lost opportunities. In his heart, Professor Dumbledore wished that Dean and Seamus would finally accept their fate, because they certainly seemed to be getting on very well together. He had heard certain whispers of their nocturnal activities, and had tried to pacify Proffesor Mcgonagal by reminding her of his own activities and preferences.

As he was beginning to gather his things to leave the Great Hall, he saw the flash of a camera, and heard the groan of a student. "Creevey, do you not understand what privacy is, you dolt!?" , said Cormac McLaggen from Gryffindor.
Professor Dumbledore, chuckled to himself, because he rather liked Colin Creevey a whole lot. He was very different from the rest of the students and was a generation ahead. Colin undestood the value of recording and capturing moments, almost as if he understood the value of life, and how short it was. Professor Dumbledore decided to ask Colin, if he wanted to start a Howarts Annual Project, sort of a book with a section for each month. He believed that wizards and muggles alike could learn from the mistakes of history.

Just a few minutes later, he saw Luna Lovegood stand up from her seat, gather her things and walk over to Colin Creevey, her head still in her Quibbler. Colin saw her and blushed, he raised his camera and took a quick shot of her, and as usual Luna didn't notice. She bumped into a Susan Bones from Hufflepuff, and apologised profusely, but Susan simply told Luna to brush it off and have a good day. Luna smiled, for some people were actually nice to her. She saw the flash of Colin's camera go off again, and hurried over to him. "Did you know the light emitted by the camera attracts Nargles?" she said to Colin, who simply stuttered and walled off. Luna sighed, for people kept running away from her.

But Professor Dumbledore smiled, his eyes glinting behind his spectacles, for something beautiful was about to happen. He stood up and reminded the children of the time. He wished the remaining diners a good day and left the Great Hall. He had a Malfoy, and a Potter to attend to.

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