"Isaac. We have geometry together," Embry nods, remembering the boy.

"Well, I'm Embry," The girl yawns while Isaac nods.

"I know. Derek sent me to get you after Scott and Stiles called," Isaac adjust the girl in his arms.

"Hmm," Embry just curls into him, "So, are you a werewolf too?"

"You know about us then?"

"Yeah, the lizard thing told me. The Kanima," Embry snaps her fingers, "That's what it is."

"You've seen it?" Isaac furrows his eyebrows.

"Seen it, hell I've talked to it, changed in front of it, and once had to assure it that I was okay because I sprained my hand. It thinks I'm its mate or whatever," Words falling from her lips like vomit.

"You? You're the mate?"

"Yeah. Strange huh?" Isaac just shrugs and tries to change the subject.

"What happened to your hand?" Embry lifts her arm. Still bandaged and all.

"I punched Derek." Isaac chuckles, raising his eyebrows.

"Really?" The boy presses his lips together and nods, clearly impressed.

"Yeah, he scared me. It was my first reaction," Embry yawns again and closes her eyes. Drifting to sleep from Isaacs laughter.


Embry wakes in an unfamiliar place. She yawns, sits up, stretches, and looks around. Panic fills her chest. She doesn't know where she is.

The girl sits on a metal table, scans and medical equipment around her. Embry's chest rises and falls rapidly.

"Miss McCall? Is that you?" A dark skinned man with a soft, smooth voice walks out of a room. He has a clipboard and is wearing a doctor's coat.

"W-where am I?" Tears gather in her eyes. Her chest constricting.

"It's okay, calm down, Miss. I'm Dr. Deaton. A veterinarian. I'm Scott's boss," Deaton raises his hands, as if in surrender.

"Are... Are you like them?" Embry scoots backward, fear filling her heart.

"No, Miss McCall. I am not," Embry calms a bit, "Do you know why you're here?"

"No... not really," Embry pulls her knees to her chest.

"Last night, you went missing. Scott said you ran away. Isaac found you and brought you here. Just trying to see if anything is wrong," Deaton takes a step forward.

"Oh, yeah," Embry's voice is barely a whisper.

"I'm not here to hurt you Embry. I just want to check if you're alright, can I do that?" Embry presses her lips together and nods. Moving her legs over the side of the table, the girl sits up a little straighter.

"I'm going to ask a few questions, maybe poke and prod. Is that alright will you, Embry?" Embry nods again.

"How did you meet the Kanima?" Embry's heart squeezes, of course he knew.

"Um, I woke up to a scratching on my window. It was sitting out there, just watching," Embry's voice shakes as she sniffles a bit.

"Did anything else happen?" Embry cringes a bit as he checks her pulse on her wrist.

"I don't know. I didn't mean to, it was like, this... connection if you will. We presses our foreheads against one another, through the glass. Like a sign of affection or something. I don't know, I don't know," Embry shakes her head as she begins rambling.

"It's okay Embry. It's part of the whole mating process," Embry's heart jumps to her throat. Mating process?

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when reptiles mate, the male usually sees a female he wants, and will stick by her side. Much the old style of a man courting a woman. Protecting her, fighting for her, etcetera. Any other male that comes near her is considered the enemy. But, when both the male and female are ready to mate, the male will become more dominant. Getting closer to the female, crawling over her, and sometimes nipping at her neck. It's all as a sign of affection. Showing he is ready.

In your case, he was probably watching for awhile. Outside your window, through Jackson's eyes across the room, anything. When he was ready, he showed himself. Pressing foreheads, in his eyes, shows that you sort of chose him. Creating a bond between the two of you," Deaton finishes explaining. Embry tries to wrap her head around it.

"But, it wasn't my fault. It was like auto pilot. I didn't think beforehand," Embry furrows her eyebrows.

"Embry, when was the last time you were affectionate with someone?" Deaton face is blank.

"What do you mean?" Embry sits straight. She has an idea of what he is saying.

"You know, in a relationship, open, talking, and emotional. Even physical," Deaton tilts his head.

"Charlie," Embry whispers. tear collect in her eyes as her heart crushes.

"How long ago was that?"

"Three months and nine days," Embry stares at her hands. Tears falling.

"Maybe that's why. The human body craves attention. Physical, mental, or emotional. When something or someone finally does give you attention, it's your body's automatic response to cling to that person or in your case, thing." Embry nods, wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry," Embry sniffles, "I usually don't cry this much." A small chuckle falls from Deatons mouth. Great, now he's laughing at her.

"Embry, I see people cry everyday. Whether it be over pet's, school drama, or werewolf drama. You deserve it," Deaton patts her shoulder and begins to walk away.

"Wait," Deaton stops, turns and lift an eyebrow, "What do I do now?"

"Go home, shower, and go to school. Grades are still important," Deaton walks away. Leaving Embry with her thoughts.

Hi. I usually update earlier then this and now this is late and I am freaking out. Like I have a schedual. A routine and this is late an now I hate myself. On a lighter note, I wrote the motel california episode the other day and i cRiEd. Now I'm writing the episode where Deaton gets taken. So, thats a bit nice. I should be on break soon and I'll have ore time to write. I may update more then once this week, depending on how I feel.
1695 words

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