Chapter 8

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Wonshik was taken aback. He definitely hadn't expected Taekwoon to be here and listen to him and he silently cursed himself for not being careful.

"I-it's nothing... Just something regarding my condition, that Dr. Tuan wanted to know."

The older one's expression turned even colder.

"Don't lie to me! What is it that you are hiding, Kim Wonshik?!"

The cyborg stumbled backwards at the aggressive tone of Taekwoon's words. The black haired wasn't loud, but his silent, cold tone was scarier than it ever could have been had he screamed at the younger.

"I thought I could trust you! I really did! And that's what I get!"

Wonshik raised his hands in a calming manner, clueless about what he should do.

"Taekwoon, please. Calm down. It's not what you think."

"Oh, then tell me what it is! Tell me what you're hiding and then I'll decide whether I can forgive you or not."

The black haired crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared at Wonshik with raised eyebrows. One could see that he didn't believe that whatever the younger was going to say would change his opinion and Wonshik panicked.

"I...I can't. I'm sorry! Please, you must believe me! I didn't betray you! I just can't tell you...!"

He knew he had made a mistake as soon as he had opened his mouth, but he couldn't stop the words anymore. He could see the disappointment in Taekwoon's eyes. The older seemed to still have had some hope that Wonshik would just tell him the truth. And that was exactly what the younger hadn't done.

"Then consider yourself under arrest for withholding information in an investigation!"

Wonshik didn't fight when Taekwoon handcuffed him. It wouldn't make much sense regarding that he wanted to protect his secret. He couldn't risk accidentally using too much strength and making it obvious that he wasn't human! He could live with Taekwoon hating him for betrayal, but he couldn't live with the disgust that the other would surely have, if he knew that Wonshik was a monster, an abomination just like Black Out had told him.

"Taekwoon, please," he tried again, "you're making a mistake. I really don't want anyone to get hurt and I'm not trying to hinder the investigation. Please."

He didn't get any answer. Instead, the older pushed him towards his car.

Wonshik had never been this glad about his cyborg abilities. Otherwise it would have been too late when he saw the car coming, driving with way too much speed for the small street they were in and coming directly at them.

He reacted in an instant.

He pushed Taekwoon to the side while also ripping the handcuffs apart, before he got hit by the car. The car didn't have an easy way with Wonshik's metal body. Of course it hurt as he could feel fake and real skin getting ripped of his body, but what would have ended deadly for every human merely caused scratches to him. When the car stopped, he let himself sink to the ground.

"Oh my god Wonshik! Please don't be dead!"

Taekwoon sounded totally panicked and for a short moment Wonshik asked himself why, till he remembered that the other didn't know that he wasn't human. Oh well. He probably could now cancel his plan to keep his secret.

"I'm okay, don't worry..."

Wonshik stood up again, careful not to put any stress on his wounds, and walked towards his partner. The other looked at him with a mixture of astonishment and horror.

"How did you survive that?! Who...what are you?!"

He sighed.

"Could you maybe take the rest of the handcuffs off me first?"

With a blank face Taekwoon took out the keys and opened the handcuffs again.

"Okay, now tell me! I suppose this is the secret you didn't want to tell?"

The younger turned around and walked towards the slightly demolished car to open the door on the driver's side.

"I'll tell you later when we're back in the station. I don't want to tell it more often than necessary. So where is...ah here."

When he emerged from the inside of the car again, he held a little black box in his hands as well as a sheet of paper.

"I thought so..."

Taekwoon shot him a disapproving glare and he hurried back to the detective's car to slide into the front passenger seat. The other clicked his tongue and joined him in the car, before crossing his arms in front of his chest, not making a move to start the car.

"So can you maybe actually tell me what the fuck is going on?!"

"I said I'll tell you all when we're back in the station."

Wonshik looked down at the piece of paper in his hand.

'It's not good to keep secrets, you know? You should have told them way sooner that you are a monster.'

So it was Black Out again. Of course it was. It was as if they were telling him to kill himself or others would suffer. They seemed to know how indestructible he was so they couldn't have hoped to actually kill him with this assault. Taekwoon on the other hand was another story. He was a talented detective and Wonshik had seen his fighting abilities, but he was still human. He was still fragile and easy to kill and it was as if Black Out wanted to warn him that his partner was going to be the first one to suffer if Wonshik didn't destroy himself.

He hadn't realized they had started driving back, but when Taekwoon called his name and disturbed his train of thoughts, they had moved quite a bit.

"What did you get out of the car before?"

"Huh? maybe didn't see, but there was no one driving the car. As I thought I found this control unit in the driver's seat."

It was silent for a few seconds as if the other was waiting for him to say something else.

"What was that paper?"

Wonshik didn't answer. What should one answer to that question? That it was a message directed to him? As if Taekwoon would believe him.

When they arrived at the station, he still hadn't found an answer.

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