Prologue: Ravi

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"Yah! Ravi! Wake up! You're gonna be late!"

Sleepily the young man opened his eyes. Why couldn't people just let him sleep?

"Stop yelling, Jin..." he murmured while cuddling into his blanket again.

He heard a soft snarl from the other and then his blanket was gone. He growled and tried to move in a way that no light was shining on his face, but Jin didn't care for the younger one's complains and finally Ravi was woken up when the other started violently shaking him.

"You're not gonna be late on graduation day, Kim Wonshik!"

With a husky growl Ravi sat up. He was still super sleepy and the only reason why his dark brown-red hair didn't stand up in all possible directions was because he had cut it relatively short during his years in the Seoul Detective Academy. It had just been more comfortable this way.

"Do you plan on letting it grow again? I liked you with longer hair."

He shrugged.

"Probably. Don't know."

Then he finally progressed what Jin had said and he shot up hitting his head on the upper bed in the progress.

"Wait...graduation day?! What time is it?!"

Jin's ridiculous laughter made him wince.

"You still have half an hour. But you should still hurry."

Ravi gave a small nod before he climbed out of bed and searched for his clothes.

It was a little sad that this was the last day he would spend with Jin as his roommate - especially after the last three years they had spent together. In the weeks before they had talked a lot about what they would do after graduation and while Jin already had a job offer and a flat that his parents payed, Ravi didn't have anything. He had grown up in an orphanage and it was almost impossible to get a job before graduating if you didn't have the connections. He could stay in the quarters of the academy for another month or two, but then he would have to have a job and an own appartment. Jin had told him that it was okay if he moved in with him, but he had declined the offer saying that he wanted to be independent and that as much as he liked Jin the two of them probably wouldn't work out well together when they had to do everything themselves. He knew that the other loved cooking and caring for others, but there was too much risk in living with someone else. And Ravi really couldn't let anyone find out about his secret.

After all it was a secret that made him hate himself every single day and that could put him in severe danger if anyone found out.

He made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and ended up staring at himself in the mirror. He really hated being a cyborg. Why couldn't he be just a normal human and live his life in peace like everybody else? It was tiring having to hide his abilities and he was afraid that someday those powers would overwhelm him, make him explode like a time bomb. He didn't feel human with them, more like a monster, something that shouldn't exist.

Not long after the graduation ceremony, Jin was still clinging to him as if they would never see each other again, a darkskinned man suddenly stood close to them.

"Excuse me, are you Kim Wonshik?" he asked with a smile full of sympathy.

His voice was soft and surprisingly he wasn't much smaller than Ravi even though his round face made it seem like he was. The young man nodded.

"Then I have an offer for you. My name is Cha Hakyeon. I'm chief of the Seoul Special Police Force and I would like you to join us. As I have heard you graduated with top scores and we would have use for someone as smart as you seem to be. So what do you say? Will you join us?"

Suddenly Ravi's day seemed a bit brighter and he could sense a smile coming to his face.

"I will accept!"


Sorry part two took so long. I didn't have a lot of motivation in the last weeks and then there was this VIXX comeback and I died several times (and am still dying...)
But seriously, silver-haired Leo will be my death and I din't know how to deal with Hongbin and N...and Ravi...and Hyuk...and Ken...and I just want to live but I can't because N is just slaying on this whole album. But I love Good Day and it makes me happy and I should probably stop right now or else this will be longer than the whole chapter...

See you in the next chapter!

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