Chapter 1

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"So, this will be your workplace from now on. I want to introduce the others to you. We're a small squad, but just see it as a family. I sometime feels like their mom anyways."

Wonshik grinned upon the flood of words that came from Cha Hakyeon's mouth. He decided that he liked his new boss. He found him kinda cute, though he would never dare to say that out loud.

"This is Lee Jaehwan," Hakyeon introduced, "but we're calling him Ken most of the time. It's his old stage name, he used to be a singer in high school - and a good one, I can tell you!"

The brown haired sent Hakyeon a wide grin.

"Naw, do you miss me singing, babe?" he asked, winking, only to be hit.

"Don't give me that attitude! I'm still your boss!"

The blush on Hakyeon's cheeks proved his angry tone wrong, though, and Ken seemed to know. Wonshik had to admit that the other was attractive. Not quite his type, but with the neatly styled brown hair and his strong facial features he probably did attract a lot of people.

"Hi, I'm Kim Wonshik. I hope we'll get along."

Hakyeon grinned.

"Probably. Ken usually gets along with everyone. I'll introduce you to the others, please follow me. By the way, Ken and I share this office, so if anything comes up you'll usually find me here."

They went down the corridor, the smaller showing him the restrooms and the archive, just to stop in front of another bureau and knock on the door. There was a name plate next to it and even with his cyborg abilities Wonshik was barely able to read the writing on it before Hakyeon pulled the door open.

Two young males sat at their workplaces opposite to each other and lifted their heads the same instant when the door opened. They both smiled upon seeing their boss and greeted Wonshik.

"Those two are Lee Hongbin and Han Sanghyuk," Hakyeon said, pointing first to the seemingly shorter but older with the dimpled smile and silver hair and then to the other. "Those two are our youngest - Hyukkie is our Maknae."

"Don't call me that, N!" 'Hyukkie' pouted, then turned to Ravi. "You can call me Hyuk if you want. Welcome to our department. I hope you won't have that much trouble with your partner..."

Before he could ask what the younger had meant with that, he felt Hongbin staring into his eyes. Nervously Wonshik avoided his gaze. Did the other find out already? Had his eye color changed? But why? Usually his eyes remained their original warm brown unless he used his abilities. Only then did they change into deep blue.

But Hongbin didn't say anything. He just flashed him a smile and held out his hand so that the brown haired could awkwardly shake it.

"Call me Hongbin."


There was a weird silence for a few seconds till Hakyeon clapped his hands, making both of them wince.

"I'll just proceed to show you to your own office and introduce you to your partner," he said, only to be motioned over by Hongbin.

"Could you have a short look at this, N?"

"I'll wait outside..." Ravi said, catching a thumbs up and a whispered "Good luck with your partner!" from Hyuk when he went out.

Inside he could hear Hongbin whisper to Hakyeon. Wonshik really didn't want to eavesdrop, but his perfect hearing due to him being a cyborg made it pretty much impossible to focus on anything else in the silent hallway.

"I think he's perfect for the mission! You made a good choice by bringing him here!" Hongbin whispered excitedly.

"We'll see", Hakyeon's soft voice answered and then Ravi heard steps coming to the door.

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