Chapter 7

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"Wonshik? I'm done with cooking."

The younger sneaked his arms around Taekwoon's waist and pulled the slim man into a backhug.

"So what did you make, honey?"

The cyborg had become pretty good at dodging the punches Taekwoon was always throwing around when he was embarrassed. He hadn't stopped teasing the older after he had been released from the hospital and he was actually sure that the other didn't hate it even slightly as much as he wanted to make him believe.

"Don't call me that! We're not a couple!"

Wonshik could almost see the pout on those cute lips, and he couldn't keep in a low chuckle.

Taekwoon had been a wonderful nurse the last week even though his partner had asserted that he was totally fine and capable of taking care of himself. He had been shut up in an instant when the black haired had reminded him that he couldn't cook and therefore wouldn't be allowed to touch anything in the kitchen and that cornflakes three times a day didn't pass as balanced nutrition. Also the older had agreed with Hakyeon's opinion of not believing that Wonshik was really fit again and thus could go to work.

The both of them had basically trapped Wonshik in the apartment and he had been incredibly bored. He had tried to find out more about Black Out, but had only found more disturbing pictures. The only good thing was that Taekwoon had worked from home most of the time so at least it hadn't been that lonely. Also it had naturally led to them spending more time together and getting to know each other.

Of course they weren't as close as Taekwoon was with the rest of the team, but at least they were at a good basis where Taekwoon didn't flinch anymore when they accidentally touched and Wonshik wasn't on guard around the older all the time.

It was finally possible to just live with each other.

They got a call from Hakyeon when they sat at the dining table, silently eating in peace. Taekwoon sighed in faked annoyance, then picked up the call.

"Hakyeon? What's the matter?"

It was no problem for Wonshik to hear what Hakyeon said so he wasn't surprised when his partner's expression went dark. Of course it was another murder. He was surprised that Black Out had actually waited for his recovery to make another move. It was kind of suspicious - then again they had sent him a letter with a death threat so maybe he shouldn't be surprised.

"There was another murder. Let's just finish and then go there."

So it was a theater this time. The group did get braver. Schools were public but also rather closed places, but a theater? Wonshik looked around. The stage wasn't exactly large and the room's most fancy detail were the two balconies on each side of the stage. Still, it took him a few seconds to locate the markings that signaled where the body had been laying.

"Our killer is a show-off...," he heard Taekwoon murmur. "He really murdered him in the middle of the stage."

Wonshik nodded absentmindedly. He was recalling what Hakyeon had told them about the case. The victim was way older this time: the last two had been students while Lee Sungsoo had been a 25 year old man, who had been well situated in life. He had had an actors degree, had been in a set relationship for the last three years and had had a stable income as an actor at this theater. The only reason they were sure it was the same killer were the three things that were exactly the same: all three victims had the same injuries, all three victims were cyborgs and most importantly there had been a note with every dead body.

This time the note was even scarier than it had been before: 'Do you like our work, detective? Your secret won't stay much longer. We, Black Out will not tolerate any abomination on the surface of this world.'

Taekwoon and Hakyeon had both asked what could have been meant with the second sentence. Both of them didn't know of any secrets and Wonshik was incredibly thankful that neither of them suspected him of being the one with the secret. He still didn't know how Black Out had found out that he was a cyborg, but he didn't really want to know either. It was scary enough as it was.

He was still in thoughts when Taekwoon received a call from the autopsy team, but overhearing the conversation on the phone made him snap out of it.

"We can't say what exactly it is, yet, but we thought it might be interesting for you that he didn't die of suffocation but because of some kind of poison. The other two probably did as well, but the substance is actually destructing itself over time so we didn't find any of it in the other victim's bodies."

A weird feeling settled in Wonshik's stomach and he stumbled out of the building to get some fresh air. They had been killed with poison. Did that mean that he himself had almost been killed by the same substance? It hadn't dawned upon him before how close he had been to actually dying. The feeling was terrifying.

He leaned against the outer wall of the building and closed his eyes, reminding himself to breathe calmly. It took him a second to recognize the buzzing phone was his own and he struggled to get it out of his pocket in time.

"Kim Wonshik, special detective."

The young man relaxed a little when Dr. Tuan's calm voice answered.

"Mr. Kim, hello. I just wanted to confirm that you're doing fine. Are there still any symptoms?"

Wonshik shook his head.

"No, there aren't. I have completely recovered. Thank you again. There are not many hospitals that would take someone like me in and treat them. I'm very thankful you decided to overlook my secret."

When he ended the call and turned around to go back in, he was met with Taekwoon's stone cold face, the older just leaning against the door frame two meters away from him.

"So...what secret were you talking about earlier?"

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