"I-I don't know. I got some skittles at the mall, but I left them there because I saw..." My voice breaks off.

He grabs my hand gently. "Saw what?"

"Zay," I whisper. My voice has a slight tremble to it. "I think somebody is following me."

His eyes darken. "I bet it's Roman."

Irritation at his continuing dislike of Roman trickles through my fear. "Quit it Zay! That's not even possible! He was with me when I saw them again today."

"Saw who?" he says urgently.

"I don't- I don't know. It was this, this person, in black. I saw the same thing Saturday."

Zay squeezes the bag in his hand so hard I'm surprised it hasn't burst open. "Amber, why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" he asks quietly.

"I didn't think it was serious," I say feeling like a child being scolded.

"Everything that happens is serious!" his voice notably louder. A few people glance our way.

"I'm sorry," I say in a small voice, fighting back tears from the emotions swirling inside me.

Zay takes a deep breath and runs a hand down his face, lowering his voice. "I'm not mad at you. But these are the types of things you need to share with me okay?"

"Okay," I whisper.

He suddenly closes his eyes and takes another deep breath through his nose. Then his eyes snap open in a golden streak.

"A wolf has been here."

My heart skips a beat. "Who?"

The look on his face is troubled. "I can't tell who it is. The scents from the other humans here are mixing with it, but I can definitely smell a were."


He stressfully runs his hand through his hair. "I... don't know."

The bag of candy finally relents in his clenched fist, and skittles spray across the floor. We both stare at them, neither of us saying a word, or bothering to pick them up.

Zay reaches for me, enveloping me against for a few seconds before pulling me with him towards the double door exit. "We're going to my house," he says.

Those few seconds in his arms are what helps me walk home. The whole way my legs feel like jello, but Zay's gentle assurance that no one will hurt me rebuilds my strength.

We walk through Zay's back door and settle in the living room. Zay enters the kitchen and comes back with two bottled waters. I set mine to the side and bite my lips nervously.

"So now what?" I ask, wanting to take action as soon as possible.

"We wait for my dad. He should be here soon."

We sit on the couch in a tense silence until Zay speaks again. "I am sorry, by the way."

"For what?" I ask, and then I remember the previous argument we were in. "Oh. Can't we talk about that later? Roman's not really on my mind at the moment."

"Well there's one good thing. I want to be the only one on your mind," he breathes out with a smirk.

I manage a smile and drink my water, thankful for a temporary distraction. Then I lean my head on his shoulder and we don't talk, which is fine.

Our proximity to each other allows me to feel when his muscles tighten and when he tilts his head. He looks from right to left slowly.

I touch his forearm. "Babe...?"

I hear the sound of the back door opening, but with the way Zay's acting, it can't be his dad. He stands up and bares his teeth threateningly, stalking towards the hallway.

My heart starts to speed up until I can't just sit there and take the suspense. I stand up as well, grabbing onto the back of his shirt for courage. At the sound of feet shuffling, I peek around Zay's hulking body just enough to see the black hooded figure appear in the doorway.

I know, I'm sorry peeps, it's been a lifetime since I last updated. School and work kept me busy and things kept adding up so yeah, sorry for the hiatus. BUT, I should be back and updating more often now that summer is here.

And now, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME TO 100k VIEWS!!!!! I'm so happy I can't explain how thankful I am for all of you who have been patient with me and are still reading this drawn out book. I love you all and hope you stick with me ❤

And last thing, if you hadn't noticed I put up the new cover with the new title on it, what do you guys think? My lovely friend @samanthachels made it for me, you should go check out her work :) You guys can still send me covers that you make, I love your ideas and creativity!!

That's it y'all, leave a vote if you liked the chapter and comment your opinion!!

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