(SMUT) Min Yoongi X Reader

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In honor of my husband's birthday~

You were just returning home from the art exhibition that your university held. It was late and you were tired. All that you wanted in this moment was to take off this skin tight dress and welcome the soft covers of your bed. You had said your goodbyes to your friends at the lobby of your building before arriving to the elevator. The doors opened and just as you were about to step in, you collided head first into someone. You almost stumbled back when the person you collided into caught you by the elbow.

"Whoa, my bad." You stuttered trying to regain your balance in your six inch black heels. You looked up to meet the brown eyes of the stranger.
"You wanna watch out next time." He replied in an annoyed voice. You all but took his response offensively, more so then probably intended, and arching a brow you looked him straight in the eyes.
"You wanna take a breath to see if the way is clear before jumping out of the elevator next time." You practically spat while yanking your elbow out of his grasp. You didn't wait for his reply, instead walking past him and into the elevator. Yeah he was cute, fucking hot if you really want to be accurate, but this was not the time to get on your bad side. You saw him give you a death glare before the doors closed in front of him. 

You pressed the button to the fifth floor and then leaned against the walls of the very tiny space that probably only had the capacity to hold four if we didn't account for personal space. Just as you thought the elevator was about to make its way up, the little bulb above the doors flashed and the doors opened once more. It was him again, with a cellphone held up to his ear as he watched you.

"Yeah, Hobi I'm coming, calm the fuck down." He grumbled as he stepped back into the elevator. Hobi? He hung up and reached out to press the button, only stopping when he saw the fifth floor button already clicked. That confirms it.
"You know Hobi?" You couldn't help but ask as your anger was quickly replaced by curiosity. He didn't make a move to reply as the elevator rode upwards. Rolling your eyes, you watched the numbers above the door ding past each floor. Your eyes flicked back to him every so often. Yeah you were a bitch. But come on, everyone has their bad days, right. He was dressed in a white dress shirt that fit firmly, with a tightly done up black tie and a black blazer. You unconsciously ran your tongue across you bottom lip, but quickly snapped your gaze back to the numbers when he caught you looking. You saw him smirk from the corner of your eyes. 

The fourth ding was heard.
You walked to the door but the elevator suddenly jolted to a stop as the lights flickered on and off before completely going out. You let out a curse, not being able to see your own hand because of the darkness that now engulfed the both of you.
"Are we stuck?" You asked out loud. A dim light suddenly filled the small space after your words. It was the boy holding up his cellphone. Anxiety suddenly filled you as the light did nothing more than make you realize how tight of a space you two were really in. You felt your pulse accelerating and your stomach churning uncomfortably. 

"There's no signal." He mumbled calmly.
"There's no signal, what are we going to do? We're stuck in the dark!" Your palms became clammy as you clenched and unclenched your fist and a new kind of buzzing began in your ears.
"Hey, calm down." He said a bit sternly.
"I can't fucking calm down, oh my god...can't breathe." You felt your airway closing and you began panting to fill your lungs with air.
"Hey!" He snapped at you again. He caught your wrists and brought you closer to him to the point where you were eye to eye. "Breathe. You're fine." You did exactly the opposite. You held your breath because you didn't know if you felt more anxious from the compressed space or the closeness to him. You could feel your heart clench unevenly. "Are you claustrophobic?" He asked. You shook your head, biting down on your lip. "No...I don't know."
"Well now you know." 

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