Kim Taehyung Pt. 2

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"So you think I'm pretty good looking?" Taehyung grinned folding his arms and leaning against the wall. She tried really hard not to stare at his biceps which were now flexed, "Pretty douchey yes. Now if you excuse me, I need to get away from you before I throw up."

"Well if you did you'd have to clean it." Taehyung called after her as she walked away. He chuckled when she flipped him off and glanced at the painting she put back up which was tilted. "Oh you would have so been fired." Taehyung thought to himself as he fixed the frame until it was straight.

The Kim mansion was now bustling with activity. Taehyung's parents were throwing a party for a new brand they were just about to launch which meant the house couldn't be clean, it had to be sparkling clean. The party was happening at the end of this week which meant all hands on deck. There were maids learning new recipes, maids calling catering, maids mopping the floor three times in a row, maids raking leaves, maids planning decorations and she was stuck with the best job: cleaning all 8 washrooms. Cleaning the floor, the bathtub, the toilet, the sink and then doing all of that again and again until the night of the party. The Kim's were kind enough to invite all the maids as well but she wasn't going to go. She'd rather eat nails than stand in a room with wealthy, gorgeous people and feel bad about herself. Her arm began to ache at all the scrubbing she had been doing today and she still had 4 more bathrooms to go-each one taking about 2 hours to clean. "Damn, what time is it?" she sighed when she saw that the sun was beginning to set. She had just finished cleaning and was now moving onto the 5th bathroom. She dragged all her supplies up the stairs and thought about how she was going to take a nice hot bath after work and order a large pizza as a reward. As she dragged her cleaning supplies down the hall, she was greeted with familiar moaning coming from a different office this time. "Ohh fuck Taehyung." The girl moaned and she shuddered. "More like 'get the fuck out of here Taehyung'." She muttered under her breath and began cleaning the floors and trying her best to block out the sinful sounds coming from the office.

After half an hour and internal conflict, the moaning stop. She was quite embarrassed to admit that she was listening to Taehyung's voice as he was fucking the other maid. It was so raw and raspy and deep and she wanted to hear more but then she would remember who he was and get turned off. She splashed some cold water onto her face and went back to cleaning. As she was cleaning the bathtub the door opened and Taehyung stepped inside and for the second time, she saw his naked torso. There was something so attractive about him wearing baggy sweatpants, with no shirt on and messy hair.

Taehyung was surprised to see her in the bathtub at first but started feeling giddy seeing as they were alone again. In the back of his head he felt shameful that the girl he wanted to go after has heard him have sex with other females. He knew that he's only shown her the bad side of him but he was too insecure and scared to approach her in a genuine matter and tell her that there was more to him than what she's seen.
"I don't mind if you watch me pee but I think you would." Taehyung grinned catching her staring at him again. A faint tint of red spread across her face and she stepped out of the bathtub. She wasn't going to clean a bathroom Taehyung was going to use right after he had sex, god knows what's been on his body. She grabbed her cleaning supplies and proceeded to walk past him when he put his hands on her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. She froze when she felt his breath against her neck and fought the feeling of wanting to rest against his chest.
"Don't work too hard, you should relax sometimes." he said now running his hands up her arms. She shivered at the sensation of his fingertips and how light they felt against her. "Fuck off please." she muttered and pushed his body away before running out of the bathroom as quick as she could. Taehyung was a dick, and she was not going to join in on one of his games.

"Fuck." she groaned after checking the time on her phone. It was way past the time she usually ended work-way, way, way past. Why she actually cleaned all 8 bathrooms was beyond her. She should've known that nobody would be going up all the way to the third floor and use the bathroom at the very end of the hall. And now it was too late and she didn't have any means of getting home. Her last bus left 20 minutes ago and her parents were out of town for a couple of days. She paced back and forth in the kitchen and thought hard for another way to get home but came up with nothing. She placed her elbows on the kitchen counter and grabbed her hair in frustration.
"You're still here? You were supposed to leave a few hours ago; I don't think we're going to pay you overtime." Taehyung's voice appeared. She peeked through the slits of her fingers and saw him rummaging through the fridge for a drink. She rolled her eyes and sighed; dealing with Taehyung was the last thing she needed-him and his beautiful body.
"How come you never wear clothes?" she asked and pretended to check her phone so he wouldn't suspect anything about her staying so late. Taehyung closed the fridge door and grinned, "But do you mind?" the coke can opening echoed through the kitchen. She placed her phone down on the counter and drummed her fingers praying that he would leave soon. Taehyung slowly sipped his drink and stared at her. Although her brows were furrowed she still looked so graceful to him. She was so goddamn beautiful to him and he wanted her to know that every single day. He felt apologetic for his actions earlier but how else was he suppose to approach her confidently. What if she didn't even like the real him? What would he do then? This was the easiest way to be around her and besides, she was cute when flustered. "You don't have a way home." Taehyung suddenly stated. She froze in her spot and forced out a laugh, "Oh no, no. I'm waiting for a ride." She lied feeling extremely embarrassed that he was able to see right through her. He leaned in closer towards her and squinted his eyes as if he was trying to get a clearer view of her mind. She felt so naked under his gaze and hugged herself trying to protect her internal thoughts from him. "You don't have a ride." Taehyung stated and grinned when she blushed knowing that he had her cornered. He wanted to test how much longer she was going to put up a fight before she surrendered as he wouldn't offer her help unless she asked him. She hugged herself tighter and felt her heart race with anxiousness. What was she going to do if she couldn't get home tonight? She definitely did not want to stay the night but she didn't have enough cash to take a cab home. Her only option was the half naked, egotistical maniac standing beside her sipping his drink smugly. She wanted to die when she knew she had to ask him to give her a ride home because it wasn't going to be easy. Asking for Taehyung's help was like making a deal with the devil, she knew he was going to tease her and make the situation even more difficult. Swallowing her pride, she looked at him while trying to avoid how hard his pecs were.

By: Nicky Words Written: 1372

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