(SMUT) Jeon Jungkook X Reader

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You where sat in your room, the cold oak desk you had been studying at for the past two hours becoming fascinating as your mind done everything in its power to procrastinate. You had a lecture from a police group in your university today the KNP-SWAT team, however you couldn't seem to push one of the men out of your head, Head Officer Jeon Jungkook; his smile, cheeky and cute yet poisonous and sexy all at once, his fluffy yet slick burgundy hair and his toned body -from what you could see in that tight fitting uniform of his.

 To refrain from loosing your mind, you decided to put your spotify playlist into action, hoping it would help you concentrate. After another painfully long thirty minutes of attempted study you moved down stairs to get a snack. You had already had dinner, so you decided on a cup of tea and a soft cookie, sitting on the couch watching a reality TV show. 

You had just cleaned up your meal and turned off all electronics down stairs, ready to go to bed, when you heard a knock on your door. You slowly walked over, unlocking and opening the door, looking out worriedly. No one would come to your door at this time, the fact you lived in an area prone to fires, drugs and break ins made you almost scared to do so, but never the less you proceeded. You where looking down at a pair of black patin Doc Martens, the double knotted laces leading up to black trousers.

 The legs where slim but firm, the calves muscular and thighs almost bulging out of the fabric around them. There was a hand on the belt of the trousers, the long fingers gripped the belt buckle firmly. The hands, followed with veiny extensors and flexors. You didn't need the arms to flex to see the bulging muscles coming from the biceps and triceps. That was when you saw the black shirt, leather padding surrounding the shoulders, two gold badges on the left pocket of the shirt and one on the right. Above that, a police badge, your eyes widened as you made your way past the green-purple neck veins and define jawline to find the man himself, Jeon Jungkook. 

You unintentionally revealed your nerves, through the goose bumps that had appeared on your legs which only supported a pair of stripped grey booty shorts, you shivered at the cold breeze coming over your body. "Oh, please come in." You spoke politely, allowing the officer to enter your home. "Would you like anything to drink?" You asked him, however all you really wanted to know was why this gorgeous man was in your house at this hour. 

"No I'm alright thank you. I was just..." He said resting his hands on his belt as he continued "coming to check your house, there was a noise complaint..." He spoke, unbuckling his belt. "Loud screaming, from upstairs" He said sliding the belt off and hitting it off his right palm. "No I'm home alone, there must be a mistake. There was no screaming" You said confused. His eyes instantly blackened, iris's captivated in lust as his lips curved into a devious smirk, "Hmm...There will be." He spoke as he backed you up against the door. "Aren't you still working?!" you said, your breathing becoming heavy, your heat growing wet. "I got off work an hour ago, (y/n). I've been thinking about you ever since I caught your eye in the lecture hall this morning" He said, his voice was husky and his breaths sounded like growls. 

"Why are you doing this? What do you want?" You asked, your brain unable to register what a handsome man like him, would want to do with a simple girl like you. "I want you." He said, as he pounced. His hands engulfed your face as his lips touched yours, through instinct you put your arms to his, in attempt to push him away however he simply grasped your wrists, pinning your arms above your head as he slid his tongue across your bottom lip, gaining entrance to your mouth. You felt his rough tongue skim over your mouth, he tasted like a police officer would, the aroma of coffee and donuts still lingering in his mouth, contrasting with the tea and cookie combination of yours.

 Instantly you where inactivated in his body, you where his for the night, wither you liked it or not. Your tongues battled together in a fight for dominance. As you both attempted to taste as much of each other as possible. You whimpered at the fact you couldn't explore his body, being restrained from his hands. "Shh baby, in time." He said as he dropped your hands, "Jump" He said, wrapping your legs around his waist, his hands squeezing your ass. Your arms where wrapped around his neck as both of you continued the harsh make out session. He carried you upstairs, "what room?" he asked breathlessly.

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