Kim Taehyung Pt. 3

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"I really uh-could you please give me a ride home," she said quickly, "I promise I'll give you gas money." Time stood still as Taehyung continued to drink his coke and tried really hard not to laugh at how transparent she was. Every time she avoided his gaze it was because there was something troubling her mind, every time she stuttered it was because she was lying, and every time she tried to hide herself it was because she was nervous. He was alone with her and he wanted to use this situation to his advantage because again, Taehyung never let an opportunity go by. His parents were out on a business trip, it was too late to call their chauffeur, and she had no way of getting home. However, Taehyung did have his car parked and ready to go in the garage but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. "Yeah sorry," Taehyung shrugged, "parent's have the car and it's too late for the chauffeur." She looked down in defeat and sighed knowing that she truly had no more options. Swallowing her pride for the second time, she clenched her fist and looked at Taehyung, "Do you mind if I stay the night?" and for a split second she swore she saw his eyes sparkle when he smiled at her and nodded, "I thought you'd never ask."

She set up the blanket and pillow Taehyung had given her on the couch after a whole 10 minutes of him trying to get her to sleep in his bed instead. She laid down and sighed in pleasure when her head pressed up against the cool silk pillow. Rich people things were always a thousand times better and she contemplated whether or not she wanted to steal the pillow. Taehyung had also offered her his clothes as pyjamas but she declined and said she would be fine sleeping in her jeans and t-shirt which Taehyung argued over again with her. Just as she was about to close her eyes and call it a night, something slammed against the coffee table in front of her and she jolted in shock. She opened her eyes and saw a bottle of vodka, two shot glasses and a beaming Taehyung. "You're not done yet! My house, my rules!" Taehyung sang and tapped her head. She found herself feeling a little disappointed that he had a shirt on this time. She stayed lying down and furrowed her brows, "What are you planning?" Taehyung couldn't keep the smile off of his face because he thought his plan was perfect. He was going to get to know the girl he wanted in a fun way and hopefully not freak her out. "Take a shot any time you don't want to answer a question." He said and felt restless as he couldn't contain his excitement. She studied how he kept moving around and couldn't help but stare at his smile. It was so...boxy and big like he was genuinely happy and for a second she forgot how ripped his body was because he looked just like a toddler in a candy store. "And why are you doing this?" she asked trying to seem disinterested. Taehyung licked his lip and chuckled quietly, "I like you." He said gauging her reaction and felt a bittersweet feeling when she rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "If I play will you let me sleep?" she asked feeling eager to get the game started for some reason. Taehyung nodded and began to unscrew the bottle when she stopped him. "I really don't want to drink alcohol right now." She said not feeling quite comfortable with the thought of getting buzzed in a room with a sex crazed maniac. Taehyung looked up at the ceiling in thought and drummed his fingers on his lap and she had to bite her lips to keep from smiling at how puppy-like he looked. "Oh I know!" he suddenly exclaimed with that boxy smile again. He took the bottle along with him as he left to go to the kitchen only to come back in a few seconds with apple juice in his hands. "We'll use this instead." He laughed. As much as she tried to suppress it she found herself laughing along with him. The need to pinch his cheeks and ruffle his hair washed over her and she completely forgot about the sinful affairs he partook in. "Okay, I'll go first," Taehyung said feeling accomplished that he made her laugh, "what's your favourite colour?" She scoffed and raised a brow at him, "You were so eager to play this with me and that's the first question you're going to ask?" Taehyung looked right into her eyes and shot her a mischievous smile, "Don't worry, we'll get to all the questions you want to hear soon." She cleared her throat and looked down at her hands, "Red."

She felt tears well up in her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. Taehyung was having a difficult time as well as they were both laughing too hard making it difficult to breathe. It was to the point where sound wouldn't come out of their mouths when they laughed. She felt a tear go down her cheek when she finally regained herself and ran a hand through her hair. She didn't even remember what they were really laughing about but in that moment she felt so carefree and comfortable which was strange because she always had her guard up with Taehyung. She looked over at him and saw that he was still trying to stop laughing. It was getting very late but she didn't want the night to end just yet because she was finally seeing the other layers of Taehyung and she wanted to keep going until she reached the core.
"Ah, okay your turn." Taehyung said still chuckling. If he felt accomplished for making her laugh once, he now felt like he had found the cure of cancer for making her laugh continuously in the past fewhours. He liked the way her nose crinkled when she laughed, he liked the way she would try not to laugh and then give in a few seconds later and he adored how bright her smile was. He was convinced that she could light up a room with it and wanted to keep it in his pocket. He stopped chuckling once he saw that her brows were knitted together indicating that she was thinking about something. "Just ask me, don't be scared." He wanted to tell her. He was willing to bear his soul to her at this point because she was nothing like he ever met.
"Why do you sleep with so many people? Or like I don't know, why do you do the things you do?" she finally asked and felt her heart race a little. It had been a question on her mind for awhile during the game. Taehyung nodded knowing that she would ask something like that sooner or later. He always had the option of drinking the juice to avoid it answering but he wanted her to know him and to trust him. "It just get's lonely from time to time trying to work hard and maintain a reputation," Taehyung answered playing with his hands, "I don't see anyone here I'd really want to be with anyways so why not you know? I know it's kind of gross, and I'm sorry you've...heard everything." for the first time ever she saw Taehyung unsure of himself. His usual confidence had disappeared right before her eyes. She felt so close to him and she wanted to reach out for his hand and tell him that he wasn't alone. She wanted to tell him that he was a human being and that it was natural to want to relieve some frustration and that she was sorry for judging him but all she let out was a pathetic hum.
"I see." she said while beating herself up mentally for not saying anything more. Taehyung continued to play with his hands feeling more insecure than ever, "Are you uncomfortable now? I'm sorry." her eyes widened and she reached out for his hands. The last thing she wanted was for him to think she was disgusted by him or felt uncomfortable. She understood him now and wanted nothing more than for him to feel happy with who he was. "Oh no, no no!" she exclaimed still gripping onto his hands, "I'm not uncomfortable and you shouldn't be either. You're just a normal human being who works way too hard. It's nothing to be ashamed of Taehyung." a silence fell over them as Taehyung tried his best to resist the urge to kiss her. She looked so concerned and it warmed his heart knowing that it was because of him. He slowly laced his fingers with hers and leaned down to kiss her knuckles. Her soft voice stuttering his name sounded like music to his ears and all power to resist her vanished.

By: Nicky Words Written: 1512

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