Kim Taehyung x Reader Pt. 1

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     "Good morning Taehyung." The girls greeted with a bright smile on their face. Taehyung scanned the 2 rows of maids and held back a smile when he realized she was the only one who was didn't greet him. "Good morning." Taehyung greeted back and the maids dispersed into the areas of the house they were in charge of.

"I made your coffee," one of them approached him batting her eyelashes, "two creams and two sugars just the way you like it." Taehyung wanted to tell at her to stop being so provocative but instead grabbed the coffee from her hands and issued a polite thanks. He couldn't even make it to the dining table to do his work without the maids crowding him and asking him what they could do for him.

"And here's your breakfast. Would you like me to add more salt or pepper to it?" another one of them asked. Taehyung almost rolled his eyes when he noticed the first couple buttons of her shirt were undibe revealing a decent amount of cleavage, but he only had himself to blame for it. "I'm okay thank you." He responded as politely as he could again. As he was about to turn on his laptop, he noticed that a few maids had not left and were just standing in front of him and staring at him. Forcing a smile on his face he told them they were excused and to go do other chores. He began typing away on his laptop when he heard footsteps approach the kitchen and sighed. It was so rare that Taehyung got any time alone but that was his fault as well. His parents thought he was spending too much time by himself doing work so they decided to hire a bunch of maids to keep the house clean and keep him company. They said that they had been meaning to get maids anyways since their schedule was so filled making it impossible to take care of the house and Taehyung's antisocial personality was just a catalyst for the actual hiring of maids. What his parents didn't know was that Taehyung was a social butterfly. He loved partying and drank every Friday with his friends, he's hooked him with more girls than his parents could count with their fingers. His parents only saw the hardworking, business side of him since he kept the other side so well hidden but it was getting to the point where he was ready to tell them all about his excursions just to get some time alone without the maids shoving their breasts in his face.

Taehyung looked up and he saw her approaching him. She was probably the only person he wouldn't mind being bothered by-if she ever did bother him that is. From the moment he met her he knew she was different. She never tried to impress him, smother him or drown him in false compliments-she was just her. She had only been working for his family for 2 months and he was completely smitten by her. "Good morning." He beamed, a genuine smile. She hummed in response and placed a newspaper roll in front of him before leaving to go do her duties. No high pitched talking, no unnecessary touching, and no commentary whatsoever. He watched her figure disappear into the hallway and shook his head. Maybe he was sick for liking the fact she was so aloof. Taehyung was usually the dominant one in all aspects of his life whether it was in his work or his social life and he never let an opportunity or a chance go. His mind began to race with lewd thoughts of her under him begging and whining and getting punished for trying to act like she was in charge. He wanted to know what she would be like if he denied her of release or spanked her for displeasing him or maybe even tearing up a little bit in frustration because he wasn't going to give her what she wanted without teasing her first. Unbeknownst to him while he was in deep thought with images of her, the front of his pants started to feel a little tight and he had a full hard on.
"Are you kidding me." He groaned and ran his hand over his face. She was driving him absolutely insane and he wanted her in every sort of way. He flinched when he felt two hands gently massaging his shoulders. "Do you need some help Mr. Kim? You look a little stressed." One of the maids whispered. Taehyung shrugged and closed his laptop before turning around. This maid was nothing like her at all but she would do, besides he couldn't expect to get any work done with his pent up frustration.
"Sure." He replied finally putting away his polite demeanour and leading her towards his home office.

She and 2 other maids were in charge of the second floor which consisted of home offices, a library, and a tv room. Even after two months of working here she would never get use to just how big the Kim's residence was. Sometimes it would take one hour just to mop one hallway. The Kim's were notorious for their cleanliness even going as far as making the maids take down the hundreds of paintings they had on their wall just to clean the dust that accumulated on it the night before everyday. All the girls worked hard to do their duties right because it was a high paying job but the main reason why the girls worked so hard was so that they could continue to stay with Taehyung in hopes of making him fall in love with them. He was always in the house trying to learn about his parent's company and spent most of his time working in his home office as well making any interaction with him easy. The girls did anything they could to please him because in return he also gave them what they wanted because while his parents were notorious for being tidy, Kim Taehyung was notorious for having a huge amount of testosterone and hormones.
"Looks like someone's getting it again." One of the maids whispered. She continued to work on cleaning the paintings and tried her hardest to block out the horrid sounds coming from Taehyung's study room. "She seems to be really enjoying it." The second maid laughed mocking the moans. How Taehyung was enjoying the sex with constant shrieking in his ear was beyond her. "Oh please I would be enjoying it too if it was with Taehyung." The first maid grinned. She cringed at how desperate these girls were for him. What was so great about Taehyung anyways? Sure he was handsome as could be and sometimes she felt a little something inside when he smiled but other than that, there wasn't much to him. He seemed kind of dead inside to her because all he did was work, drink and then fuck one of the many maids who were willing to give their body up to him. She thought about this question a lot and concluded that she was just a prude. On the other hand, if Taehyung showed a little more interest in other things and a little bit more of his personality she could see herself falling for him too but for now she was going to continue to ignore him and his antics and focus on working and getting paid. She didn't even need this job; she just took it for some extra cash to spend while she saved up for a trip.

"Oh looks like they're done." The first maid sang. The office door slowly creaked open and one of the maids came out with disheveled hair, a nice shade of pink on her cheek and her uniform all crinkled and carelessly worn. She saw the two other maids and fanned herself to show how her experience with Taehyung was. "Let's go get you fixed up and then you can tell us all about it." The two other maids squealed and pranced off to the washroom leaving her alone to clean. Her sigh echoed through the big empty hallway as she felt silly for cleaning something that was already clean. Knowing that there would be little to no consequences, she threw her cloth onto the floor and got ready to hang the paintings back up.

"You're lucky only I caught you because if my parents did you'd be fired by now." Taehyung's deep voice suddenly said scaring her and causing her to almost drop the painting she was holding. She turned around ready to scold him only to be silenced by his naked torso. Maybe now she knew why the girls wanted him so much, he was sculpted by Greek gods. Taehyung felt his ego sky rocket when he caught her staring at his body. Seduction was his favourite game and he won every time.
"I know you really don't care about the house being clean at all." She said turning away from him and putting up the painting. She played it cool but it was hard to tear her eyes away from his gorgeous body. He was almost perfect, a voice that sounded like melted dark chocolate, eyes as dark as the night sky and a figure that only sculptures had. Now if he could fix his personality he would've been her dream type. "Hello?" Taehyung moved his body so he was standing in front of her, "are you just going to ignore me while I'm like this?" he asked spreading his arms out so she could see the veins trailing from his hand to his elbow. She felt her core heat up imagining herself being held by his strong arms and feeling his muscles right against her skin. She cleared her throat and glared at him, "You know looks aren't everything." To say that she didn't want Taehyung was a lie, but to say that she didn't want Taehyung for anything other than his body was another story.

By: Nicky                                                      Words Written: 1687

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