(SMUT) Jung Hoseok X Reader

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God it was hot in this club.

You had come out with your friends Taehyung and Namjoon to your favorite club for your twenty first birthday.

It felt amazing to drink with your friends and dance with random strangers.

Would you have a killer headache the next day?


Did you care?

Not one single bit.

A slower paced song came on, so you decided you wanted to go to the bar again and get another drink.

You sat down heavily on the stool and rested your elbows there waiting for the bartender to come over and ask for your order.

You felt someone sit down next to you.

Orange hair lit up in your eyes and it was attached to a very attractive male in leather pants and a loose white shirt that was open low enough that you could see his chest. You licked your lips and quickly turned your head away from the mysterious man before you completely flushed pink.

The bartender came over and gave you a small smile. Then you recognized him.

"Yoongi? Oh my god is that you!? I've missed you!"

The now black haired male smiled and reached across the bar to pat your wrist in a brotherly manner.

"It's good to see you Jagi. I've missed you as well."

Yoongi was your roommate for a while when you first moved to Seoul and you had nothing but fond memories of the man.

"I had no idea you worked here," you said, leaning in towards him, missing the familiarity of him.

"I like mixing drinks. And, I'm never awake during the day, so I might as well get a job that has hours during the night," he said, pouring a random drink into a glass and sending it down the bar to a women who looked like she needed to stop five drinks ago.

"Interesting. How long are you working tonight?"

Yoongi smirked at that and popped a bottle cap off a beer and set it in front of the gentleman to your side.

"Why? Trying to pick me up?"

You flushed and shook your head vigorously. "No, just trying to make conversation," you said, almost dying from embarrassment.

"Shame, I was looking for an excuse to get out of here," Yoongi muttered, setting a glass full of red liquid in front of you. You eyed it quizzically for a moment, then turned your attention to Yoongi.

"What's this?"

Yoongi smiled and topped it off with a cherry. "Happy Birthday Jagi, I've got to get back to work. Enjoy."

With a wink he was off and down the bar to take care of other customers. You fought the blush that was threatening to appear on your cheeks.

"Take it you two know each other?"

A sudden voice startled you and made you turn your head to the man with the orange hair. You bit your lip and nodded.

"He was my roommate when I first moved here to Seoul. He's a great guy," you said, smiling and sniffing the drink Yoongi had left in front of you.

"The drink is called 'Birthday Sex', very fruity but leaves a good burn in your throat if that's what you're looking for," he said, taking a swig of his beer.

You took a tentative sip and smiled at the flavors that went down your throat, leaving a burn in their wake that was oh so satisfying.

"(Y/N)! Come on! A great song just came on and I want to dance with you!"

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