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When a girl has a traditionally masculine name,

it sounds badass.

But when a boy has a traditionally feminine name,

People think his parents got drunk and though he was a lass.

When girls wear pants or shorts,

They don't have to worry because now it's the norm.

But when boys wear a dress, a skirt, or frills,

Suddenly they're mentally ill.

When a girl defies femininity, she's independent and strong.

But when a boy defies masculinity, something must be wrong.

I have more to say,

But that's for another poem.

Just remember that femininity is not the default for weak,

And Masculinity is not the default for strong.

And if you see a person, no matter what they are,

You really shouldn't judge them.

Changing Tides & Soul-Crushing Highs {A Poetry Collection}(Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now