"It's a really expensive coat," Zayn defended himself, laughing it off. "And, I even brought her to eat Dinner! Steak and wine, lads."

"Shit! Zayn, you classy bitch!" Niall whistled. "Did you get some?"

The boy winked, cheeks flushing as he took a sip of his drink. "A gentleman never says."

"I knew you were going to say that!" Liam pointed his fork at Zayn and then at Louis' hysterically laughing face. "Why did I know you were going to say that!?"

"Now, I have another date tonight," Zayn exclaimed proudly, straightening his jacket and finishing the last of his food. "We're going to that big game. Are you guys going, too?"

Liam shook his head, pushing the colourful cafeteria tray further away from himself. "I was planning on video-chatting Danielle, and—"

"Sorry to disappoint, Liam, but we're going too," Louis offered when most of the food had been eaten. "I have an idea for Niall's dare, and we have to be there to do it."

"Hit me," Niall nodded, tilting his chin up.

"You know how there's that big game, tonight?" Louis started, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "We're going and I want you to streak as your dare."

It would be very embarrassing, but that was the kind of dares Niall would do to win a large amounts of points. Niall never backed away from big and embarrassing dares, and he'd do them without flinching, because he knew it would give him a better chance at winning. And, Louis knew Niall would take it.

"That has to be a ten," Harry insisted, his eyes widening almost comically. "It's gotta be super embarrassing to do that."

"No big deal, it's not like I haven't done it before," Niall laughed, leaning back in his chair confidently and wrapping an arm over his roommate's broad shoulders. "Ten is good. I'll even settle for a nine and a half, Lou! I feel like you'll fuck me over, so I want a nine."

"I was gonna give you a ten," Louis teased, sitting back and watching a look of panic settle onto Niall's face. "But, since you really want that nine-and-a-half, that's what you're gonna get."

. . .

Louis stared at his reflection, passing a hand through his hair, pushing his fringe off his forehead before pulling on his beanie. He had showered, and after many unsuccessful attempts to do his hair,he gave up. If he was going out in the cold, there was no need to do his hair. He wore a white beanie to hie his mess of hair, his usual dark jeans and a white shirt paired with his grandfather's denim jacket.

He shrugged on his denim jacket, fishing out his phone from his pocket when it buzzed with an oncoming text from Niall.

[19: 10 - Niall] We're outside

Louis rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath before heading towards the elevator, elbowing his way through the crowded elevator and pressing the button to the lobby. Yeah, he'd have to get a better place to live soon. Many freshmen crowded the elevator, most of them already drunk out of their minds and sporting their University's colours for the big game.

As soon as the doors opened to reveal the lobby, Louis darted out and stepped to the side to allow the freshmen to make their way out. Straightening his jacket, he took a deep breath of air that didn't smell like fruits and margaritas and headed towards the glass doors.

"Hey, Lou," Niall called as Louis emerged from his dorm building, a smirk stapled onto his lips. "You're looking good. Must have dressed for your Juliet, tonight."

There'd been a little bit of teasing regarding Harry's crush on him, and a few jokes about their Romeo and Juliet rehearsal thanks to Niall, but there hadn't been any dares for the two of them in a while, but Louis was sure the boys were planning something.

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