1 - Classy Bitch

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The familiar buzzin of talking of the cafeteria at peak hours barely registered in Louis' ears as he called over one of the cafeteria workers, trying to hold back his laughter as he performed the dare. He threw a glance at the table his friends had claimed in order to get a front row seat for what was about to happen.  

"Excuse me," Louis said as the middle-aged woman came over. "Would it be possible to get some caviar with my chicken, please?"

He heard Niall's loud laughter carry through the cafeteria, covering his mouth with his drink as he certainly elbowed Liam or Zayn in the sides. Louis bit his bottom lip, keeping himself from laughing in the woman's face. If he laughed out loud, the dare would be ruined.

The woman stared at Louis with a deadpanned expression, her thick brows furrowing in confusion. She looked around for a moment, blinking in disbelief. "Caviar?" She repeated, staring at Louis as if he'd grown a second head.

To his credit, Louis kept a straight face. "Yes," he agreed, expectantly holding out his plate like he was waiting for her to scoop some caviar onto his chicken. "I want caviar."

"We don't have caviar," she said, judgement clearly evident in her voice. "Really?"

"What do you mean you don't have caviar?" Louis demanded, plate lowered and eyebrows furrowed in disgust, his voice becoming higher as he feigned agitation. "The meal plan for a year is 2,000 dollars. I expected to get my money's worth in food!"

Niall covered another laugh with his hand as Zayn had to duck his head to bury his face in his arms in order not to draw attention to himself. Louis could feel the amusement curl in his stomach as he became more agitated, never once giving a fuck about the other students waiting in line behind him.

"That doesn't cover caviar," the woman told him disdainfully, eyebrows furrowing. "Next!"

"This is outrageous!" Louis exclaimed, having caught the attention of a handful of nearby students as he forcefully put his plate down on the metal counter. "I want to speak to a manager."

"This is a university cafeteria," the woman informed him, losing patience. "There's no manager, here. If you're so keen on getting your caviar, you could try to talk to the dean."

"That's exactly what I intend to do," Louis exclaimed, once more, pointing his finger at the woman and then at his plate of food. "This is a disgrace."

With that, Louis turned on his heels and tore through the cafeteria, his footsteps echoing furiously as he went. Various people flitted around the busy dining hall, several ducking out of his way as he lit a fire through the room with his pace. Curious onlookers peeked over their books and some gawked at Louis from behind coffee cups. Some even whispered behind their hands as he passed, likely wondering what had set him off. He muttered under his breath, coming to a stop as students glared. The finishing touch.

"I have been denied my caviar!" Louis exclaimed, his light gaze projecting fire bolts at whoever dared to look at him directly in the eyes. "This is outrageous, people! I've payed 2,000 fucking dollars for a meal plan, only to be denied my money's worth of food! My lawyer will hear about this."

With that, Louis turned on his heels and stalked toward the exit as fast as his legs could carry him, muttering under his breath all the while and leaving the milling students staring after him in shock. Louis paid the cafeteria no further mind as he glanced over to his friends sitting at the table and disappearing outside. As soon as he left the building, his face exploded into a bright smile, a laugh forcing itself from his throat. He walked behind the building, bending in half as he put his hands on his knees, letting the embarrassment flood over him.

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