7 - Friends

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Warning: Mature content...ish 
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Teeth dug into his bottom lip as Louis fought back the urge to laughed at Harry's visceral reactions to the film. The other young man was coiled back against the plush seat next to Louis, body stiff and nearly rolled into a ball, his lips pursed in horror as his eyes remained fixed on the large screen.

The camera zoomed in on the clown's face, his painted bright red lips parting into a threatening smile. Pennywise's voice echoed through the dark room as he stared at the young protagonists, his glowing eyes dancing with tease. "Am I not real enough for you, Billy?"

The scene flashed back and forth between those red lips and the terrified young children that crowded around their friend on the dirty kitchen floor of Pennywise's burned house.

"Am I not real enough for you, Billy?" The clown repeated again pouting and then quickly changing to a smirk. "It was real enough for Georgie."

"That's fucked up," Harry whispered, and Louis completely lost it, letting out a soft laugh and Harry smacked him on the arm.

"Ouch!" Laughter still bubbled in his throat as he rubbed the sore spot on his upper arm. "Why'd you hit me?"

"You laughed at me," he explained, before flashing an apologetic smile at the same-old couple that had told them off previously when Louis kept making remarks about Pennywise and making Harry laugh. Harry turned his eyes back toward the movie. "Now, hush. I'm trying to watch a movie."

They fell into silence after that, both of them getting sucked back into the movie as Harry munched onto their shared popcorn, their hands ever-so-slightly brushing together and making Louis' breath hitch in his throat.

He watched as Harry was horrified at more than a few parts of the movie, and Louis had decided then and there that he really needed to convince the curly-haired boy to watch more horror movies with him, because his reactions were wildly entertaining. It was far too amusing and enjoyable not to repeat.

The main protagonist of the movie had come face to face with his younger brother, shot him and revealed in its place Pennywise. The clown moved to fight each of the children, and Louis bit his bottom lip again to keep from laughing as he realized that Harry had shifted closer and closer to him throughout the entire scene. The young man had practically ducked behind Louis' shoulder, and by the end of the scene, Harry was peeking over the top of Louis' shoulder. When the children forced a pipe down the clown's throat, and his face distorted and he laughed, Harry shuddered.

"Oh God," Harry's words dissolved against Louis' neck in a puff of warm air, and it was Louis' turn to shudder. The shadow could be anywhere. "They're all gonna die. Aren't they?"

"Hush, I'm trying to watch a movie," Louis teased in a whisper. "Besides, you'll never find out if you keep hiding behind my shoulder. Right?"

Louis moved his head to the side so that he could look back at Harry, blue eyes locking with his in the darkness and his breathing grew fast and shallow as their noses brushed slightly. They were close, so close that Louis could feel the other boy's hot, minty breath on his face.

They stared at each other for a beat, Louis' left eye twitching and heat creeping up his neck as Harry's slowly darkening eyes slowly slid from Louis' to his lips before darting back up, his green eyes widening when the smaller boy shuddered and jerked backward onto his seat. The pair paused awkwardly for a moment as they stared at each other through the dark.

"Shit, sorry," Harry mumbled, grabbing at the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to—"

"I'm—It's fine."

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