Chapter 14

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Harumi's POV

"Don't say something you won't mean all I hear from Yuzu almost twenty four seven is Mei this and Mei that it gets annoying at times but at least she's happy and if you say something right now that'll make her cry or hurt in any way i'll never forgive you" I warned both girls went quiet "can't you see she's just trying to help and you keep pushing her away part of being in a relationship is you trust your partner to help with problems especially if it has to do with them" I said "it's none of your concern" Mei said "actually it is because the more you say thing in anger to Yuzu the more my best-friend is becoming closed off which isn't her" I said quietly "why do you care so much as I said to Yuzu they're just nightmares not real besides it isn't Yuzu i'm afraid of leaving" she said "your grandfather" I guessed she nodded "he doesn't like Yuzu that's no secret but i'm afraid of how he'd react if he found out what we did" she said "I don't think even he could be cruel enough to deny you being in love" I said she gave me a look "he wouldn't you're his granddaughter" I said shaking my head her eyes went cold "you don't know anything about my family" she answered evenly before grabbing a jacket and leaving I sighed "sorry Yuzuchii I was trying to help" I muttered "don't worry about it Harumi" she sighed going to her room I turned to the other two "maybe it's best if we go home" I said silently they nodded leaving with me we ran into the sister's parents on our way down "leaving already I thought you three were staying the night" Ume asked "they got into a fight and Harumi-Chan tried to calm them down but made Mei-Chan more mad and she left then Yuzu-Chan went to bed" Matsuri said "hey I did not" I complained looking to the shorter girl she only just gotten into highschool and was so far proving to be more trouble than her Senpai "let's go" she whined I rolled my eyes sending an apologetic look to the two adults before pulling the shorter girls out with me we dropped Matsuri off home first before going to leave but she had other plans I realized a second too late what she was doing when she grabbed our hands and pulled us inside "we have school in the morning and so do you we can't stay" I said in a hushed voice knowing her mom would be asleep by now she let out a quiet laugh "please I live close by the school now you can leave from here" she said "and a uniform for Momokino" I asked quietly "she's about my size right" she asked "yes but you're only in the junior division" I pointed out slipping my shoes off and placing my bag down "mom's at work late so we don't have to be quiet" she stated ignoring my comment "Matsuri" I complained "you can leave your shoes and bag at the door" she called back to Himeko I rolled my eyes choosing to give up trying to talk to the younger girl.

"Taniguchi, Mizusawa get up or we'll be late" I sat up slightly rubbing my eyes from tiredness "Momokino what" Matsuri grumbled "school we'll be late unless you two get up" I replied Matsuri gasped as the covers were pulled away and I got up "why couldn't you wake me up the normal way" she groaned sitting up "because Momokino wouldn't have liked the reaction following so get over it" I stated walking over to her closet and grabbing a spare uniform of mine that had been left here "Matsuri" a woman's voice came upstairs "mom's home" Matsuri mumbled finally getting up and changed I rolled my eyes pulling my blazer on and fixing my tie as she walked out "I can take you back to your place if you'd like to grab a new uniform" I offered Himeko she nodded and for now just changed into the one from yesterday.

"Harumi" Matsuri groaned clinging to my shoulders "what baby" I teased "i'm hot" she mumbled "so get in the water then" we all come down to the beach over the weekend Mei, Yuzu, their parents, Matsuri, Momokino and my sister "not like that kind of hot, I want sex" she stated bluntly "no" I said straight away "please it's been weeks since you touched me i'm going crazy" she groaned I turned around laying her back on my towel as I kissed her my hand resting on her hip slowly I trailed it up her side just shy of her chest before pulling away "that doesn't count" she stated unamused "fine meet me back at the house i'll be there shortly" I sighed she grinned getting up and kissing me quickly before racing back to the house I took my time gathering my things grateful everyone else seemed to busy with their own groups to notice me leave as soon as I closed the door Matsuri jumped me her legs wrapping around my waist as we kissed "pushy much" I teased "shut up" she grumbled kissing me harder I gave in and dropped our bags by the door before making my way to the room I was staying in kicking the door shut behind me.

I laid Matsuri back on the bed pulling away from the kiss to instead move my head down to her neck placing soft nips along the expanse of skin there she groaned my name her hips raising trying to get some sort of friction I chuckled moving my hand down to her bikini bottom and slipping them inside I was instantly met with wetness allowing me to slip two fingers into her easily she gasped before loudly moaning loud enough that if others were here I was sure they would have heard she gave me a lust filled look right before falling into oblivion a cry of my name slipping out my hand was quickly soaked with her juices I pulled away and wiped my hand clean "feel better" I asked laying next to her "yeah thanks" she said sitting up "is anyone else here" I heard someone's voice "who's that" Matsuri asked quietly I shrugged Yuzu's head poked in "hey you two I thought I heard you" she said "you here with Mei I thought she was still down at the beach" I asked confused "she is I came up here to take a cold shower Mei's been denying me sex since we got into an argument over me doing my homework" she admitted, Matsuri and I laughed "sounds rough" Matsuri said she'd just recently turned sixteen a couple of months ago and i'd already put her through the same thing so she knew how Yuzu felt "it is but anyway see ya" Yuzu said giving a wave and leaving the room.

The rest of the holiday went by too quickly for everyone's liking and we had to go home we chose to go over to Mei and Yuzu's parents place for the weekend and then split Sunday night except plans had to change.

Mei's POV

We were all chatting and having fun when we got back but Yuzu froze just through the door and everyone else crashed into her "Yuzu" I complained rubbing my head where it had hit hers "Gramps what are you doing here" she asked I looked up freezing when I seen my grandfather standing there an even stare on his face "Mei go get your things we're leaving" he snapped out "no my father's here my family I can't just leave" I said my voice shook slightly though "you're father and his wife were the ones who called me about your 'relationship' with you step sister" he said angrily I shot a look upset to our parents "mom" Yuzu whispered close to tears "i'm sorry Yuzu I didn't want to at first but she's your sister it just isn't right I had to do the right thing" mom said sadly "I can't believe you if you weren't okay with it you should have said something" Yuzu yelled the tears finally falling "Yuzu" mom said reaching for her but my sister yanked away running to our room and slamming the door.

After that I wasn't given a choice but to pack and leave with my grandfather "if you want that girl to stay in the school you will stay away from her and stop this silly opposition of the marriage do you understand" he said on the way home in the car I looked at him but he looked completely serious "if not I will remove her from the school do you understand" he said firmly "yes grandfather I understand" I said making sure to keep my voice even he fell silent after that the second we got home I grabbed my things and went to my room I also didn't get a lot of sleep that night.

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