Chapter 13

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Mei's POV

"Yuzu Aihara you can't go in there Mei-Mei's working at the moment" I rolled my eyes "it's fine let her in" I called Yuzu came in a few seconds later happy "what do you want" I asked evenly "cold" she grumbled standing up I walked over in front of her softly kissing her "what do you want" I asked again "nothing really I just wanted to know if we could walk home together" she admitted softly "I can't I have work to do" I sighed going back to my desk she came over after me sitting on the edge of the desk "what are you doing" I asked "waiting, we can't walk home together yet because you have work, well I don't want to go home without you and if I leave school grounds I have to go home so i'll wait in here" she reasoned I sighed and rolled my eyes again but secretly I loved that she refused to leave without me "do what you want Yuzu you will anyway" I mumbled going back to the stacks of papers in front of me.

Ten minutes is how long she sat there for before she got bored and started watching me which lasted even less time then she started fiddling playing with the edge of the desk tapping at it with her fingers eventually I had enough and grabbed her hand holding it still "will you stop that" I asked "sorry" she said quietly I looked up and seen her flushed face which confused me "why do you look like that" I asked "because I have a wild imagination" she muttered finally I realized why she was like that "oh" I said softly she glanced away her blush becoming deeper until I stood up tilting the picture of my grandfather down as I leaned forward and kissed her she instantly responded with equal passion carefully untucking my school shirt from my skirt allowing her to slip a hand underneath brushing her fingers along my side I shivered slightly at the touch before pulling away completely and kneeling in front of her "move forward" I commanded softly my voice husky with desire she moved forward so she was sitting on the edge of the desk her legs parted and leaning back enough to keep her balance but she could still see me.

"This makes three times since we came out to everyone that we've had se- slept together in this room" she said as we dressed again a little while later "yes well that's because someone has a habit of distracting me until I cave" I said grabbing my bag "are you coming or not" I asked heading for the door I heard her rushed movements behind me before they quietened slightly as she followed me.

"Mom we're home" Yuzu called upon entering the house we followed the sound of a movie both of us smiling slightly when we seen our parents asleep on the couch "come on we'll leave them for now" Yuzu whispered we headed back to our room like normal the second the door closed she kissed me but unlike normal this time I didn't go through with her body's demands instead pushing her away and going over to our desk to start on my homework she came up behind me leaning down to kiss my neck until again I pushed her away "homework" I said returning to my own "come on just a little" she murmured leaning down again I shook my head "nothing until your homework's finished" I stipulated she groaned going over and starting.

"Girls dinner" mom called a while later I glanced over to the chestnut haired girl laying on her stomach on the bed working silently "go ahead i'll be there shortly" she said I sighed leaving the room and going to sit at the table "where's Yuzu" dad asked "homework she said she'd be out shortly" I said shrugging 'shortly' actually turned out to be halfway through dinner that she finally came out "tomorrow's Saturday and i'm finally done my homework" she stated sitting down next to me I leaned over quickly kissing her cheek "good but I still have to finish my own" I said she groaned "I swear you like to tease me" she muttered I laughed "maybe a little but that's only because you make it so much fun" I said she poked her tongue out at me as I finished my meal as I stood gathering my dishes I leaned down to her ear "I can think of a couple of better things you could be using that pretty mouth of yours for" I whispered "MEI" she yelled pushing me away I ducked to the side out of her way before leaning down slightly pressing a quick kiss to her cheek "I love you" I said taking my dishes to the kitchen "love you too Mei" she replied easily with a slight sigh to her voice "i'm going to finish my homework it shouldn't take me long" I said.

"Have you finished yet" Yuzu complained a while later I shook my head silently "why don't you read" I asked "because I want you" she said not bothering to keep her voice down "girls your friends are here" we heard our parents call "so late" Yuzu questioned under her breath as we went out the first thing I noticed was that Matsuri was with them and they all had over night bags "they may or may not have asked if they could sleep over tonight" our mom said I turned around biting my lip to stop myself from groaning "sure" I said walking away.

Yuzu's POV

I stared after Mei in surprise as she walked off "Mei" I asked loud enough that she could hear me "I have homework to finish" she reasoned evenly I winced slightly at the harsh tone she hadn't used with me for a while before letting her go she got all the way to our room before I realized why she was being so moody her promise from earlier about if I finished my homework but we couldn't do anything with our friends here as most of them didn't know we were dating "come on in Mei should finish up soon" I said stepping out of their way as they came in our dad pulled me to the side "what's going on with your sister" he asked quietly I instantly blushed and looked away "uh um n-no-nothing" I stammered "that's about as believable as if Mei had of said it which isn't at all" he murmured I shrugged still not looking at him "did you two make some sort of promise to each other" he asked "we've made a few promises to each other" I replied "any about tonight" he asked I didn't answer "Yuzu" he asked "Yuzuko Aihara" my mother came over warning "it's no big deal we just made a deal for once we'd finished homework is all" I said "what sort of promise and how did it come about" my mother asked "does it really matter we're not going to go through with it" I asked "yes it matters Yuzu now what was it" she said "she said once we'd finished our homework we could otherwise occupy ourselves" I said vaguely "Yuzu" my mother groaned "what you already knew we were sleeping together" I defended "yes but still can't you two keep your hands to yourselves until you're not around your father and I" she asked looking grossed out I laughed "nope we're teenagers" I said she rolled her eyes and grabbed our father's hand quickly pulling him out the door much to his complaints "just give me a sec and i'll get Mei" I said glancing at our friends before making my way to our room Mei was laying on the bed facing away from the door I watched the light rise and fall of her shoulder for a moment before going over and gently sitting on the edge of the bed "Mei i'm sorry we can't keep our deal" I said softly I heard her quietly mumbling my name "Yuzu, Yuzu, stay don't go" she murmured softly "I won't Mei I promise" I tried to reassure her she didn't hear me instead still tossing in her sleep I lightly placed my hand on her shoulder she jolted awake a couple of tears trailing down her cheeks.

Hurmin's POV

"I'm not going anywhere Mei how many times do I have to tell you that" Yuzu said as they came out "I know they're just nightmares Yuzu" Mei sighed "nightmares implies fear and if you're so afraid i'll leave why won't you tell me" Yuzu replied "nightmares implies not real as well Yuzu i'll get over them" Mei said "and if you don't how many times will you wake up crying or screaming because of not real nightmares" Yuzu sighed Mei grabbed her sister's hand and leaned forward kissing her "let me guess quickest way to shut me up" she asked "no to begin with yes but now it's because-" Mei stopped biting her lower lip and shook her head "never mind actually i'm tired so going back to bed" she said starting to walk away Yuzu grabbed her hand and stopped her "Mei I can't help what I don't know please just trust me for once" Yuzu pleaded "don't you get it Yuzu I have trusted you I am completely in love with you after closing myself off from everybody yet of all people you pushed your way into my life and my heart can't you just be happy with that why do you always push for more" Mei said I could see them both getting upset at one another "maybe because I love you I want to help but everytime we get close you push me away again and i'm sick of it if you don't want my help say so now and i'll never ask again" Yuzu snapped "fine I don't want your-" "enough don't say it Mei" I cut in they both turned to me.

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