Chapter 1 Yuzu's POV

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"Mou Mei why didn't you wake me up today" I said as we walked down the halls to our first class "sorry Yuzu I didn't realize I had become your keeper, now hurry up or we'll be late" Mei said with her usual cold and indifferent expression "I know Mei now we're going to be late" I said.

Suddenly Mei grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hall off to the side, pressing herself into me and in turn pressing me into the wall she suddenly kissed me forcefully, I gasped and Mei slipped her tongue into my mouth running it along the inside of my cheek she ran her hand down my side until she reached the edge of my school shirt, she tugged it up until she could slip her hand underneath she finally let me breathe and went to kissing my neck "Mei...wait...we''" I said breathless.

I heard some girls in the distance coming our way so I did the only thing I knew would work I grabbed Mei by her shoulders and pushed with as much force I could muster "what was the for Yuzu" Mei asked looking shocked. I grabbed Mei by her wrist and pulled her around the corner right as the girls walked by "well consider the fact that you were so lustful just now that we almost got caught doing something that sisters shouldn't normally do, also I didn't want you to be seen outside of class during class time" I snapped at her before going to walk away "Yuzu wait please I'm sorry I got carried away" Mei begged.

"No Mei I've had enough of your games it's either you like me or  you don't it's really mean to play with a girls heart like what you're doing" I yelled "I love you as more than a sister and you know it but yet you still mess around you'll kiss me and sleep in the same bed as me but you won't tell me how you feel about me so maybe we should live apart from each other or whatever it takes to stay apart from one another" I was crying and yelling louder by now, Mei looked around so I did as well and I seen that we had a lot of girls gathered around us "Yuzu please I'm sorry" Mei said and I seen tears in her eyes "so am I Mei" I said trying to stop the tears flowing down my cheeks I turned on my heel and started to walk off again only to stop when Mei asked "Yuzu will you go on a date with me please?" I turned at looked at Mei I started towards her making her back up into the wall I placed my hand on her hip and leaned in she closed her eyes "Mei open your eyes and ask me that to my face so I know you're serious" I said in a low voice Mei opened her eyes and looked straight into mine "Yuzu will you please go out with me on a date?" she asked in a voice just as low as my own "Yes Mei I will" I said smiling.

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