"Boys look at me and say cheese." Oliver had his camera, Christopher, Jona and Elio all looked at Oliver smiling.

"Valentina take our picture." Oliver handed the camera to her.

"Everybody smile!" She captures the family at the happiest of their summer.

Everyone was decked out in Manchester United kit as they called it. Oliver spared no expenses on his boys this summer. They cheered along with everyone around them, only Christopher and Elio understood the game everyone else just followed along with their excitement.

Manchester was up Oliver understood that, he had never invested much into European football. He watched his oldest son as he cheered on the team, he'd not seen Christopher this happy in a long time. Oliver never thought he would see Christopher enjoy himself again, as a child Christopher was always happy. Oliver thought back to when his boys were little, Christopher was always on the go running, playing sports, never had a complaint about the world. Then there was his little Jona loud vivacious Jona, always running around the house singing and playing on his guitar.

As he stood looking at them he noticed their features, both tall, but Jona was much thinner than his brother. Christopher had the body of an athlete, Jonas hair had grown to nearly his shoulders, while Christopher's barely touched his ears. Their hair had gone to a light blonde while Oliver's had begun to turn silver on the sides. Sometimes Elio's mother would call Christopher by his father's name, Jona had similar features but he fared his mother a little more. Oliver was brought out of his thoughts by Christopher screaming happily with his hands in the air.

"WE WON!" Christopher cheered, he hugged Elio who was cheering as well. Everyone hugged everybody, they had even hugged strangers in the box. Oliver didn't understand cheering for people you didn't know but Christopher was invested. Just as Oliver had been when Christopher and his team went to the state finals. Oliver had never been so proud, he had spent the weeks before explaining American football to Elio. This was close to the time the boys were slowly coming around to the idea of Elio.

"Well if they won, then let's celebrate! We are going to the field to meet the players." Oliver wanted to remember this look on Christopher's face.

"You're actually joking with me right now?" Christopher jumped on his dad.

"No, we are actually going." Oliver didn't understand but he wasn't about to waste this time for his son. They were all escorted down to the field to meet the players.

Christopher was on cloud nine he met every player he could. His dad and Elio took pictures while he, Jona and Valentina met everyone. As the left the stadium Christopher was talking a thousand miles a minute.

"That's possibly the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life!"

"I think you broke him dad." Jona patted his dad on the back.

"Yeah I think I did." Oliver laughed.

They had dinner that night with Nan and Mark this time at a pub were they could be loud. Nan was in her element were she could be loud, drunk and a little rowdy. Oliver joined her as did Elio, they boys had never seen this side of them before. It was funny to see them completely let loose.

"You know what tonight reminds me of my dear?" Oliver asked Elio wrapping his long arm around Elios shoulder.

"No what does tonight remind you of?"

"That beautiful weekend we spent in Rome. We drank with the most interesting people. Elio was in love with everything that night. We meet so many interesting people." Olive gazed drunkenly at Elio who pushed on his shoulder lightly.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu