Letter to myself: I am the Devil

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Why am i so sad? I have nothing to be sad about, except my own stupidity. Why can't i just go away?Why can't I just vanish? Why must I live if all I do is bring pain and misery to my people and friends? I want to die, life without Bagel is dark, and soon Bagel will be gone cauz he's a senior. Life without him is meaningless. It's very clear i can not live without my big brother. I can not find my purpose in life, I must not have one then. I'm a mistake, a being not created by God but from the devil. I am here to do his evil doing. I'm here to help the devil destroy all light and justice. I AM THE DEVIL. Just as God came down to man as Christ, so has the devil. I am THE EVIL ONE. I am SATAN. I am the one who destroys all good things. I am the devil, Satan, serpent, evil, and so on. I, I am the fallen angel.





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