Translation #3 List of Problems

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1. I'm a horrible singer

2. I'm a horrible actress

3. I couldn't play an instrument if my life depended on it.

4. I'm all alone

5. Nobody cares about me

6. I have _______________

7. I have tried to ______ ________

8. I'm horribly bullied at school and harassed at home and school.

9. I have a bad sense of humor (just read my Fairy tail chat room and you'll see what I mean)

10. I don't have any other known talent.

11. I dislike my family and they hate me back.

12. Wish for ______ everyday.

13. I secretly still ______

14. I tell so many lies in a day I'm just sick and tired of living this way.

15. I'm a failure at life. (as previously stated)

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