"You will patrol in front of the tree" he said, then sat back down. "What tree?" I asked.


I walked back to the others.
"What did he say?" Gentle ran to me. "He said in front of the tree?"
The cats looked at each other. "I guess we're going to have to get used to riddles..." Better got up and started walking. We all followed her. "What are riddles?" I asked. "A question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning." Backstab answered. 'What....?'
"Right..." I pretended I understood.
"Maybe he's talking about the giant oak tree down there?" Gentle suggested. "Probably" Better said.

We all sat in front of the tree. "Now what?" Gentle asked. "Aren't there meant to be lessons? Or at least he stays with us?" Gentle asked, then her eyes quickly widened. "When I think about it...I like it better this way..."

"Well...I guess this the part where we're so clueless of what to do, that we just sit around, getting to know each other?" Better flopped on the floor. And we all followed done the same. My legs were killing me from walking. "As you might know, I'm Better, these are my triplet brothers, Backstab, and Snicker." Better said.
"I'm Gentle"
"And I'm BlueWhiskers"

We all just sat there talking, and eventually forgot our jobs.


I enjoyed talking to the other kittens.
"My mothers name is Pounce, my dads Famingheart, and my big brother is StripeTail"

"Well my moms name is mom!" Better laughed. "You missed out on the 'my names not mom, I'm just your mom' "
I chuckled and everyone laughed.

We all made jokes to each other. All of us were on the floor, rolling around laughing.

"Are you patrollers or not!" R's voice boomed and made us all jump. He came out from a shadow he was camouflaged in"Yes, Sir" we all said. "Well then stop lolling around and get to work!" I swallowed and me and the other kittens exchanged a worried glance, but when we looked back, R was gone.
"O my Whiskers.... My heart stopped the whole time he was talking" Gentle gulped.
"Yeah...we should probably-" I started.
"Whiskers!" Better was frozen in fear.
All our heads swung around to see, what appeared to be snow leopard.
'What's a snow leopard doing here??? It's p certainly not snowing....' I thought. 'I'm confused... It doesn't seem to be attacking... Should I be scared and run? Or feel sorry and ask what he's doing out here?'

Gentle ran behind a tree as fast as her frozen legs could. The rest of us were too frozen to move. Gentle ran to live, which was the smartest choice, but I was curious, and the rest- "You go first BlueWhiskers, I don't wanna run before you, that will mean you're braver than me!" Better said.
"Yeah, you go first!" Backstab said desperately. "Quick!" Snicker started pushing me away. But I pushed back. "Your going to get us killed!" Better smacked the top of my head. "Ouch!"

The leopard seemed to realize us. It cocked its head to one side. 'It seems harmless'
It seemed to try and say something, but I just heard it as a meow. "H-hello?" I said. The leopard started walking up to me. I backed away, and he stopped. 'Somethings wrong...'

Its eyes widened and his head turned to the side. 'Who's there?'
Something jumped from the shadows and landed on the leopard. It was R.
'You never know when that creep is spying on you...'
The leopard tried getting R off. He swung around wildly and roared.
He rolled on his back to squash R.
R could no longer hold on, so he jumped off and landed in front of the leopard. He hissed to threaten the leopard. But the leopard had another plan. He roared to threaten R. But then walked the other direction.
'O Whiskers...we're gonna get it' I thought.

R turned around. "I left to see how you would deal with the leopard..."
R started. 'He knew the leopard was coming!'
R looked displeased at us. "You did horrible!" Gentle looked at me with hide eyes from behind the tree. 'She really is terrified of R isn't she'

"And your punishment..." R grinned slightly.
"You must go after the leopard... And find its den...then report back, and do not get curious. Come straight back once you know its location " R said.

"But..." Better started. "Do you have anything to say Missy?" R turned to her with a stern look on his face.
"You can't do this! It's dangerous to go after a leopard! And back to its den?! Are you crazy!" Better yelled.
Gentle crawled behind me. "How did She build up the courage to do that?" Gentle whispered in my ear.

Before we knew it, R jumped onto Better, and pinned her to the floor.
Better let out a little meow of shock and fear. "I wouldn't speak that way to your mentor." R hissed. "Last person who did ended up with a broken ankle, but...I will give you a second chance..." R got up. His face was expressionless, but I guessed he wasn't pleased.


"You just had to make him mad, didn't you?" I said as we walked after the leopard. "I'm just glad I still have my ankles" Better mumbled. "Creep" Better's ears dropped unhappily.

We followed R for about half an hour.
Gentle nudged me and pointed with her head at something. Which I soon found out was the leopard. "Alright, go follow it" R whispered. "Mmm" I moaned to myself as all five kittens approached the leopard. But stayed hidden. I looked back. R was gone. 'Great...'

Backstab stepped on a tiny twig that snapped and gave away our hideout.
The leopard started running away into the trees. We all ran after him, until he lead us to a dark, old looking part of the forest. "How long do we need to follow him?" Gentle asked. "Until he eats us I suppose" Snicker shrugged.

"Why did we have to not do our jobs...?" I sighed. Then the others sighed too, before entering the old forest.

BlueWhiskers; The Beginning Of A Journey.
Chapter 6.
1817 words.

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