Jade is one of the first people to come in, her best friend Jesy right in front of her as usual, and Jade gives me a secret smile, before she and Jesy head to their seats. I try not to stare, but it's hard. She's wearing her hair curly today, which she knows drives me crazy, and she's got a cute little skirt on, with a matching tank top, and a light sweater, and she looks perfect. She always looks perfect.

As soon as the bell rings, I start class, asking my students about their break instead of diving right back into the material. After twenty minutes of off topic discussion primarily consisting of Jeremy Wilkinson explaining why he got arrested over break, I get started on my lecture, assuring the students we'll get to have a class discussion over the material on Friday. I know they prefer class discussions, so I try to make them happen at least every other week.

Class is spent as it always is when Jade's in the room- attempting not to stare at my girlfriend the whole time and, more importantly, attempting not to make out with her in front of everyone. I tend to fail quite a bit when it comes to the staring, but at least I haven't made out with her.

The rest of the day is uneventful, just work and wishing I could just go home and cuddle with Jade instead. During study hall, Jade and Jesy tell me about their break- the stories Jade hasn't told me already (like Leigh-Anne, Jesy of course knows about Jade and me, but is actually better than Leigh at keeping it quiet)- and are occasionally interrupted by other students either needing help with something from class or asking to go to the bathroom. But finally, finally the day comes to an end and Jade meanders into the room after all her classmates have gone for the day already, shutting the door (the small window on the door is covered with papers I taped up there a long time ago to keep the students from being distracted by anything in the hallway), and grinning at me as she drops her Minnie Mouse back-pack to the ground and presses her lips to mine.

"Babe," I gasp, gently pushing her away. "We have to be careful. I know the door is shut, but anyone can walk in."

"I know, but...today sucked," Jade pouts. "Over break I could kiss you and hold your hand all the time, but now I have to go back to pretending we're not together."

Jade and I don't go out in public together; we just order in and stay at my place, because going out runs the risk of one of my coworkers or other students seeing us out together. Luckily, our families know already. Jade's found out by accident, when Jade forgot to warn Jesy that she'd told her mother she was at Jesy's house when she was actually at my house. Her mother ended up running into Jesy while the girl was out with her boyfriend and Jade's mother had called her in a rage, demanding an explanation, so Jade hastily explained she had a girlfriend, and the next night I was sitting in Jade's dining room, sweating as we explained that we were together.

Jade's mum reacted better than I anticipated though, just told Jade she wished she'd would have told her earlier and hugged her before warning me not to break her daughter's heart. Two weeks later, Jade and I decided to tell my family too; my mother had actually been more worried than Jade's mother, but as she got to know Jade, and realized how mature the younger girl is, she knew we fit together, we made sense.

Because we always have made sense; even before we knew each other, we belonged together. I just know in my heart we were destined to meet and make this work.

Now, I frown at Jade sympathetically. "I know baby," I reply, tucking a strand of curly hair behind her ear. "It sucked for me too, but we've got to keep this a secret. Just focus on graduation; it's just a couple months away now and then we can tell the world about us."

"Yeah," she grins, heading to the back of the room and grabbing a stool- I guess I'm supposed to sit on it while teaching, if I wanted to, but I don't use it- before dragging it back to the front and sitting right across from me. "So, do you realize what today is?"

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