Not surprising really considering the students that inhabit this school. In comparison these boys are works of art.

His dark brown hair is kept short and neat. Sterling grey eyes pierce right through me from behind black framed glasses. He wears a dark grey suit, tailored to fit him. A white button up, black dress shoes, and a silver tie complete his ensemble.

Dr. Green shakes his head at me as they get into hearing range," Miss Pixel, are you really going to carry on with this little game of yours?"
I raise a brow at him," Who says I'm playing?"
The epitome of perfection finally speaks, and it's the most beautiful articulate voice I've ever heard," I do."

I turn to face him fully on one toe, before resting the toe of my other foot behind my ankle," Oh, really?"
"Really.", he icily bites out. I think he's a little irritated. I smile teasingly," That maybe so, but I'm not the one setting the rules. Speaking of, where are we going?"

Dr. Green huffs with a smirk," Strike one."
I raise a brow at him," Pardon?"
His smirk broadens just a tad," Strike one against your story. Ghosts can't leave the place they haunt."
"Says who?", I say with narrowed eyes.
He grins, seemingly amused that he's getting under my skin," Says Casper the friendly ghost."
I snort," If you're going to reference a cartoon for fact, then refrain from talking at all."

This sobers him up. The once cheery man narrows his eyes on me in an annoyed glare. It didn't bother me at all. I was starting to feel slightly insulted. They were mocking me! Every last one of them!

All pity I had for him after embarrassing him in front of his class has vanished.

I gesture to my side with a sarcastic expression," Well lead the way then. Wouldn't want to give me the opportunity to pull the wool over your eyes, now would we?" The sterling eyed man glares at me subtly. He didn't really do any expression of his all the way. He was perfectly stoic.

"Pixel was it?", he asks me before he started walking towards the car lot. I nod even though he can't see me. I don't believe he really expected an answer as he kept on talking," Mr. Owen Blackbourne. I've recently started working here as an administrative advisor. What did you say your last name was?"

"I didn't."

He pauses and looks over his shoulders at me, his eyes narrow just a fraction," You'll find Miss Pixel that I am unlike my brothers. I won't tolerate your adamance for games."
"Good thing I'm not playing one.", I sass back.

Funny what death will do to a girl. Why fear anything when I've already lost everything?
I shoo him with my hand," Carry on. I don't have all day."

I faintly hear Dr. Green murmur appalled," Strike two."


They set me in the same car as Mr. Blackbourne. He drove while Dr. Green rode in the passenger seat. I was placed between Nathan and Silas in the back seat.

They planned this.

I look up at the two huge boys beside me, studying them. They were both entranced by the headrest in front of them. After a long while of no one speaking I took the time to appreciate Mr. Blackbourne's car. It wasn't the first time I've hitched a ride with someone, but it was definitely the first time I was commanded to wear a seatbelt. Even after I explained the life expectancy of a ghost, I was still told the vehicle wasn't moving until I was latched in.

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