Chapter 20*

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"Lauren!" Noah screamed. He went into a panic spasm, his arms shaking and his legs kicking, violently. For some reason, adrenaline was pumping through his veins. He saw her short white dress on the floor. He was breathing, heavily. A nasty feeling of dread coursed though his stomach.

Lauren opened the door to see what all the commotion was about. Since it was very hot when she awoke, she had taken off her dress, as it was socially acceptable back in the day, and went downstairs to get some water. Little did she know the show that she was putting on for Noah.

She was only wearing a white bra, thong and fishnet tights, all of which seemed too tight on her. Noah was starting to feel uncomfortable and a pain coming from 'down there'. He was getting hard and didn't quite know why. He was happy that she was here and with him but there was something else.

"What's up?"Lauren asked. He blushed a crimson colour, knowing all too well what was 'up'.

"Err...nothing much." He lied.

"Well, you did scream my name very loudly." She grumbled. He tried to look at her face but his perverted eyes kept on looking at her up and down. He gulped and tried to calm himself.

"You were just gone so I freaked out." His voice was smoother and lower than expected. He looked away so he could not make the situation worse. He clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. The process had took a turn for the worst and now it was on the painful stage.

Idiot! Why did you have to wear skinny jeans?he asked himself.

"Are you okay? You look like you are in pain." It was now throbbing, it was like that feeling when you are absolutely desperate to go to the toilet.

"Um, I'm desperate for t-the toilet." He lied.

"Err...then go. It's right next this room. " Lauren said, awkwardly.

"Thanks." He sighed, painfully toddling off to the bathroom to relieve himself.

Lauren heard faint groaning coming from the bathroom. Wow, he really needed to pee, Lauren thought to herself. She got into bed again and closed her eyes.

After a while, she opened them because there was an annoying shining light. No, someone had opened the door. She rolled over so that she had her face on the pillows. She knew it was Noah.

He stroked her hair and kissed her below her ear. She shivered. He chuckled to himself and crawled into bed with her. She turned round and gave Noah a peck on the nose.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


After a hearty breakfast with Mr B. they advised that they really must be going. He nodded and said that was fine. He looked almost sad.

"You see my dears, it really has been a long time since anyone has been here. I eat my heart out everyday alone. I'm a glutton of a man but I really hope that someone like you will come round again."

"Thank-you Mr B., we couldn't thank you enough."

"You're very welcome. Here is some food for the journey." He said, handing them each a wicker basket. They looked around the dining room at all the delicious and exotic food he had laying around the place. They both smiled and thanked him again. Then, they left.


"Mr B. was nice." Lauren smiled. They had been walking in the tree covered land for over an hour.

"Yeah, he was (even if he was pretty big)." He smirked. Lauren looked down at her tatty, scantily clad dress that Ashton had provided her with. The pure white colour had started to go pale brown at the bottom whilst at the top it was pure white. She wondered why he let her wear it. She had never quite worn anything like it.

Noah was beginning to feel awkward having the last word before everything went silent. That was until they saw a small house in the distance.


(A/N unless you have the time, please skip.)

It's too short! I have no one to blame but myself for this. It just ended so suddenly.

But hey guess what? *silence* Okay ~_~ My tests are over! Hurrah! And I got 90% on a geography test, 96% in French and I think that I have done well in English huzzah! But don't want to hear about. ,_,


The idea of this chapter was not my own, someone gave me the idea, I imagined it and brought it to screen with my teenage imagination.

So what do you think the house is going to like?

I need suggestions ,_, but I will not get any. You can probably tell I'm writing this at half ten at night, can't you?

Ready for my brain to throw up to make pages?

My brain is just full of random. It is mainly physics.

1#It is a well known fact that when you want to do damage, size doesn't matter, it's the amount of energy that decides how far it will penetrate the brick wall. Therefore, if a car hit you at 1mph, you won't get hurt but if someone puts a bullet though your brain, you already know the answer.

See what I mean?

"You don't need talent, you just need a pretty face. The fangirls are too young and drooling to notice, anyways."

"I'm just here for divergence!" -One Direction, this is us (parody). The link's on my Insta. I'm having a brain puke, one second.

Sorry, ;¥



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