Chapter 19

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Lauren and Noah entered 'their' bedroom. She collapsed on the bed groaning. Noah sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Lauren sat up and brushed his shoulder again. And once again, he shrugged it off.

"I've had enough." Lauren mumbled to herself. She forcefully pushed him onto the bed and straddled him so that he couldn't move. He struggled to get out but to no avail.

"Get off of m-"

"Shut-up, Noah, just shut-up." He fell silent."Good. Now, tell me, Noah, why are you acting like this?" She asked.

"I don't know what you mean." Noah said, through gritted teeth. He was desperately trying to calm himself down. She was teasing him and he needed to hold his case.

"Sure you do. A few days ago, you couldn't live without me," Noah cringed at the memory, "Now you are trying to distance yourself from me, why?" She readjusted herself on his lap, he mewled.

"Uh, I've just been busy, that's all." He said, rubbing his neck five times.

"Something's telling me that you are lying to me." She replied, close to his ear. "I really don't like being lied to, Noah." She whispered, hotly. Noah shivered at the closeness.

"I'm sorry I can't." He whimpered, tears filling his eyes. "Please I don't want to. You'll hate me forever." Lauren's face lightened at this and she carefully tucked a strand of his light blond hair behind his ear.

"Noah, I would never hate you, no matter what you do, I will always love you." She made her nose touch with his. They stared into each other's eyes for a split second. Lauren's green eyes meeting Noah's violet ones and vice versa.

"I-I-I been in a debauchery."


4 hours ago

" think that I would distract Ashton for free, huh Noah? I want you to do me a tiny, little favor for me." Stella growled, in her annoying high-pitched voice.

"What would you have me do?"

"Well, you see, if you haven't already noticed, Ashton is a sex god. It's all good and everything, but it gets a little tiresome you know. All he ever thinks about is lechery. It's horrible when his friends come round, I'm always the first person they pick for a good spit roast. Anyway, we're getting off of the subject. You, my friend, are a total contrast to Ashton. Hell, you were the first person who has ever looked at my face first. You're a very sweet guy, Noah and I-I think I've fallen in love with you." He gasped in utter shock. "And what I want you to do is to hug me and say that 'it's going to be okay' and stay here because I'm going to die if he finds out." She began to sob. "This is debauchery, Noah. Please don't leave me. He'll kill me."

"I'm sorry I can't, I love Lauren."Noah muttered, feeling guilty.

"I can't live like this anymore. I've been worn down. Sometimes you just get sick of all this lechery. I can't live like this anymore. Please Noah, stay with me." He shook his head. She put a gun in her mouth.

"What is that?" Noah asked.

"This is Ashton's '45' I stole it from his magazine this morning."

"What does it do?"

"It is going to kill me." She pulled the trigger.


Noah gasped in shock. He never thought there was going to be so much blood. Brains littered the floor and Stella rolled off of his lap. He never thought she was going to die. He was in a form of denial.

"Stella please wake up. Please, please, please! This is all my fault." He sobbed raising her fragile dead hand and squeezing it, gently. Then he was in a state of panic. He needed to run. If Ashton found him, he would've instantly blamed him and Noah might have gotten killed. He ran out of the house to meet Lauren.


"Lauren it was so horrible. I'm so sorry." He apologized, crying into her neck.

"It's okay,Noah, it's okay."she soothed. "Should we go to sleep?" Lauren asked him. She could feel jealousy burning in the pit of her stomach.

"Alright." He agreed, as Lauren rolled off of him so she was by his side.

"G'night." Lauren yawned.

"Good night, Lauren." He groaned, sinking into the silky-soft pillows. She felt too subservient. She was letting him get away with this. Lauren then felt selfish. It wasn't his fault anyway. She just wanted to forget about all this. She loved him. She began to fiddle with his hair. Noah hummed. He opened his eye, slightly. "Lauren, go to sleep. I'm very tired and you seem to be keeping me awake." He said, groggily.

Lauren curled up next to him so that his head was just below her collarbone and that her head comfortably rested on top of his fair-haired head. Every part of their bodies were together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that you take pride in when they fit perfectly.


That night they both had dreams.

Lauren's dream.

Ashton slammed her onto the red bed, kissing down her neck. She made a guttural noise from the back of her throat when he began sucking one spot on her neck. His tongue was hot and wet and it made her go wild. She was now on top kissing him like a savage attacking her prey.

"Ooh, not as innocent as you look are you, baby girl." He growled, placing his hands on her hips. "Tell me, has Noah ever made you feel this good just by kissing?" He asked, kissing her under her earlobe, making her cry out.

"I love him. He's nice."

"Answer the question, sweetheart. And when you say that 'he's nice' it usually means that he is boring."

"No. Only you. But I don't love you so why do you even try?"

"Oh darling, I don't love you." He laughed, cruelly. "Just because I kiss you, doesn't mean I love you. I just want your body, nothing more. This is about lechery, not love. Just follow your carnal instinct and come back here."


"No?" Ashton asked, frowning.

"I'm not leaving Noah. He needs me."

"But I need you more." Black, tentacle-like appendages shot out of his back and began chocking Lauren.

"Stop!" She demanded, clearly. (This was a dream where physics don't apply).

"Goodbye Baby."


Noah's dream was even worse.

Noah's dream

Stella was there. Her brains blown out and blood dripping on the floor from gashes in her porcelain skin. Noah was petrified and mortified at the same time, which is not a good mix.

"Noah how could you?" Why Noah? Why?" She cried, bloodied tears falling out of her decaying eyes.

"Stella! I'm so sorry, everything was just so fast. I..." he trailed off. Stella continued as if he had not said a word.

"You let me die! It's all your fault! You're worse than Ashton." She kicked him in the gut just as one of the doctors did to him a while ago. He began to cough up blood like he had done with the doctors. "I hate you, Noah! You are better off dead. Lauren doesn't deserve such a waste of space like you!" She kicked him in the head. He felt weak but felt no pain, as it was a dream.

She then kissed him softly. She must have been bipolar. "Even after all you have done, I still love you, Noah. That's the funniest thing about love. You can't stop it."

And that is when he woke up and saw that Lauren was not beside him.


Ugh! This chapter is long! But hey, it's Friday tomorrow. Yay! Well, for me at least. I don't know when I will be uploading this so if I update this story on a Monday, sucks to be you reader.



Divided We Stand, United We FallOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz