CHPT9: The Monster's Return

Start from the beginning

Jason pointed one finger at me, a look of pained disgust written across his face, "Get him."

Piper's POV:

We were ready on the ground. Our weapons at the ready as we braced for battle from the oncoming troops. The bitterness from our last conversation with Leo still rested in our minds as we tried to focus on the coming battle and nothing else. They were at least twenty miles away when the first of the airships crashed to the ground.


I worried for him, even if he was being difficult. Suddenly something rather uncomfortably familiar began to occur. The earth beneath our feet started to become...liquid like quick sand. Metal Dynasty had it worse than we did, but my blood froze all the same.

"This is not possible!" Percy yelled. "She died! Leo killed her!"

"Or did he," Annabeth grimaced up at the wall. "Look."

High above on the wall, Leo was standing on the edge as a colume of earth rose and enveloped him.

There was lava and fire everywhere.The ground was no longer dependable, even the grass seemed to be trying to fight. It was terrifying.

"Jason get us up there!" I yelled. The wind picked us from the sticky ground and whisked us up to the source of all the destruction.

"Leo!" Jason yelled. Leo's eyes snapped open, they were entirely green like all of nature had been condensed into them. I recoiled in horror. It was her. She was in Leo! Messing with his memories and feelings. No wonder he'd pushed us away.

"Get him, " Jason said in a pained voice and we charged. I tried charm speaking him to sleep as Jason and Percy hurled storms and wind and waves at him. Annabeth slashed with her sword. Nico summoned the dead. Hazel used mist to get close and tried to knock him out. Frank tried a variety of animals, but none of it worked. Leo's friends from this world tried to stop us but we sent them spiraling to the ground. I hoped they'd be alright, we were doing this for their own good!

"FOOLS!" Leo yelled his voice echoing like Gaia's had done so long ago. Before we could do any more we were in cased in stone and hit the ground hard.

"Is everyone okay?" Jason coughed.






"Where's Nico?" Jason asked.

"He's here," Hazel said weakly. "Just unconscious. I think he hit his head in the fall."

"Nectar," Annabeth said as she moved closer to Hazel with the godly substance. "He's our ride out of here."

Suddenly a grinding noise could be heard from outside.

"We're being pushed underground!" Hazel cried in alarm.

"Help Nico," Jason instructed. "We can't save any body without him."

Leo's POV:

I was unsteady, why? My brain couldn't understand what they thought they were accomplishing by attacking me. Had they been traitors this whole time? That didn't seem possible! We'd argued sure but that wasn't too bad. Surely not bad enough to warrant them attacking me!

My few moments of distraction had cost us, Metal Dynasty was all but on top of us. I began to fight harder, but the wave was too large. Too many heartbeats, and tank tracks, and airships. Wait, where were the planes? Iroh said there were planes, where are they? Alarm rose in my chest as extended my consciousness through the ground to find them. East. They had another force coming from the East! I need to tell Korra!

"Korra!" I yelled as I began lowering my self to the ground by my friends. "Korra! Korra! They have a second army! Korra they're-"

I never finished. In front of me, Piper and Nico materialized just a few yards away on the ground. Nico quickly disappeared as Piper inhaled deeply.

"Pipes, don't-"

"SLEEP!" She screaming in full charm speak. My world went black I fought for consciousness. My vision blinking in and out of reality.

"Piper..."I tired to beg. "Wait-"

"SLEEP!" She screamed again. It was like being pulled down a bottomless bog.



I was gone.

Mako's POV:

Unbelievable! As Leo got up to a strength we'd never seen before, and bending two elements, his supposed friends attacked him! He defeated them with ease. We tried to help, but just ended up on the ground. When Leo encase them in stone and sent them to the ground, I was certain Korra and Asami wanted blood. Korra bended the stone orb deep under ground so they couldn't interfere again. Unfortunately their little distraction had cost us. Metal Dynasty had used the distraction the get their people and ships only a couple miles from the Wall. We started to fight infantry as Leo struggled to give us cover. Distantly I could hear Leo yelling something at Korra but before I could register what he was saying another voice cut the din.

"SLEEP!" I went unconscious as I came to it happened again. When I woke again, I covered my ears as a wave of drowsiness washed over me. What was doing this? I peered around to seeing Piper picking up the unconscious form of Leo. Then Nico appeared out of a shadow beside her, took her arm and all three of them folded back into the shadow and they were gone. I was gobsmacked. They kidnapped Leo!

"Korra wake up!" Asami yelled a few yards to my left. The Avatar was partially buried and asleep. Looking around I found at least half the troops were asleep and partially buried. Some were just asleep and some were just buried and some were totally fine. Metal Dynasty's closest troops were in the same shape as ours, but their further away troops were just fine and incoming fast.

"Retreat!" I yelled. "Get inside the wall!"

We were going to lose. Bolin made us a hole by lava bending and we dragged Korra and whoever else we could inside. It wouldn't be enough. The walls couldn't hold out airships. The air nomads called their bison and everyone piled on. It was cramped,  but we managed. As we rose above the city and we could see further and I saw what Leo was trying to warn us about. The east wall was flooded by more Metal  Dynasty Troops. We didn't stand a chance, not without Leo. Not since Piper dropped that sleep bomb on us! Next time I see those seven there will be a hell and a half to pay for the loss of Ba Sing Se.

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