Chapter 4 Camping Trip

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Adam & Seth's New Lip Piercings ^^^

Finally Friday camping day has arrived. Just have to get through the school day. Amy and I helped mom and Karen load their cars last night. Mom and Karen are picking us up from school.

Tim, Tammy, Kerry (who's a guy by the way. Yes, Tomas and Kerry are a married gay couple) and Tomas, (Mom and Karen's married friends) are meeting us at the campground.

By the time lunch rolls around I'm so ready to leave. I'm sick of the bullying. I won't let Amy do anything so she doesn't get suspended. I can't handle her not being at school with me. I've always been very dependent on Amy in the real world.

Seth finds me sitting at the lunch table by myself while Amy went to grab her lunch. I wasn't hungry. Seth and I were communicating on a piece of paper when I feel a thump against my chest. I look down to see pink yogurt splattered against my black long sleeve shirt.

"Faggot! Thought you'd like some pink on your shirt since you're a damn queer!" I hear one of them yell.

Glancing up I see several of Seth's baseball teammates snickering. Looking down at my hands in my lap, I blink rapidly to hold my tears inside. I won't give them the satisfaction of seeing the tears. Seth is glaring at his teammates, who finally notice Seth is sitting next to me and their smiles instantly fade and they pale. Seth gets up and I grab his arm. He stops looking down at me. I shake my head at him.

"Yes, I'm not going to let them do this to you, it's not right." His voice holds so much anger in it as does his face. Once he's over there I hear one of the players happily admit that he's the one who threw the yogurt. Seth reaches down, grabs his shirt collar and pulls him face to face.

"Stop fucking with Adam," Seth glares at the rest of them as well. "If you don't I'll kick you ass. He's a very nice young man. He's done nothing wrong." He drops the shirt of the kid and comes back over.

By the time he sits back down by me Amy's back and glaring at the other table. "Adam, if any other them bother you, please tell me. I'm going to kick their asses. Okay?"

I don't answer him. I just stare at my hands. I can't stop my silent tears as they stream down my cheeks. Seth picks my chin up with his fingers. Using his other hand he wipes my tears away. "Adam? I don't want you hurt, okay, I'll protect you, I promise." Searching his beautiful hazel eyes I finally nod and sniffle. Grabbing a napkin off Amy's tray I start to wipe the yogurt off. Ew, yogurt, so disgusting!

Lunch finally ends and we head off to our next three classes. I was looking forward to art and health. The art teacher tells us to do a free draw. This is close to what I drew. It's supposed to be of me and Seth. I wanted to see what Seth looked like with dark hair. ⬇⬇⬇

During health class we had the whole class period to work on our project

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During health class we had the whole class period to work on our project. The only thing we have left to work on is the oral report now.

After class Seth walks with me to my locker and to the parking lot where mom and Karen are picking Amy and I up from.

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