Chapter 1 New School

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Adam in the picture above ^^^

"Adam, are you positive you want to go to public school? It's your Senior year," my mom, Sharon asks.

Nodding eagerly I sign back, "I want to go to school with Amy. I want to be normal."

I use to be home schooled by my mom, who works from home as a medical coder. My best friend, Amy McGee, is my age and grade. We've been best friends since diapers. She's also my only friend since I'm not in regular school. Amy is so tiny, she's only 5 feet 2 inches tall with short brown hair with red highlights and chocolate brown eyes. Don't let her cuteness fool you though, she's a firecracker.

I was born mute due to my vocal cords and tongue not fully developing while I was in uterus. My name is Adam Dean Garrison. I'm 17 years old, gay as gay can be, I communicate by using Sign Language also known as ASL (American Sign Language). I live with my mom, my dad was an alcoholic who was mean as fuck and liked to beat the fuck out of me when we were alone. That is until mom came home early from work and caught him. He would threaten me with worse if I didn't lie to my mom when she saw the bruises. I'm 5 feet 8 inches tall, I know short for a guy, can't help it so no use in stressing over it. I have long dark dirty blond hair that is just past my shoulders. I have dark green eyes.

Since school starts in a month I really need mom to enroll me. I know it'll be challenging to be the mute in a class full of verbal, hormonal teenagers.

I watch mom's shoulders go up and down in a sigh as she lets out a small gush of air. "Fine, Adam. We will go tomorrow and sign you up." I jump up and down I delight not being able to contain my happiness. Mom smiles weakly at me. I know she isn't happy about this but I need to feel normal especially when I go off to college after graduation.

Time skip to tomorrow morning.

My alarm beeps at 7 a.m. Throwing my covers off me I scramble out of bed and go to my walk in closet. Yes, I have a walk in closet . Yes, I'm a guy who has a walk in closet. Get over it. I pick out a pair of dark blue jeans with slashes all over, a long sleeve v-neck purple and gray striped shirt and a pair of purple and black Vans. Before walking out of my room, I grab my wallet sticking it in my right back pocket, my cell which I stick in my front pocket and my new school bag with my supplies I'll need.

Mom looks at me as I enter the kitchen with a sad smile. I smile broadly at her and wave sitting down my bag before grabbing a bowl and scooping oatmeal into it. After eating I wash my bowl placing it into the dish drainer on the counter.

Turning to mom I sign, "I'm ready Mom. Can we go, please? " Mom smiles weakly at me as she nods while standing, refilling her coffee mug. She grabs her car keys and purse as we head to the car. I can barley contain my bouncing as I skip to the car and buckling myself in.

Ten minutes later she's parking in the school parking lot and doesn't turn the car off for several minutes. I turn to face her curious as to what's taking so long. She finally gets out and grabs her keys and purse. Following her I get out as I grab my bag. By the front entrance I see Amy leaning against the wall playing on her phone.

Grabbing my phone out of my front pocket, unlocking it I scroll through my contacts and find her name, clicking on it I send her a message. "Hello there my lovely, Amy. You look beautiful as always." I send the message and hear her phone dings. I see her read her message and smile creeps upon her face as I hear her musical chuckle. Amy's head snaps up. Waving as she puts her phone away.

"Hello, Ms. Garrison. Hi Adam." We enter the school with Amy, heading to the office.

Walking to the counter mom says to the secretary, "Hello, my son, Adam Garrison, is new. He needs his schedule and locker information, please."

The secretary smiles at mom then me and Amy. "Hello Amy, I'll be with you in a minute." Turning to me she says handing me my schedule, "Hello Adam, nice to meet you. I'm Ms. Anderson."

I wave back at her before signing, "Nice to meet you, Ms. Anderson."

Ms. Anderson cocks her head, her long dark brown hair falling into her left eye, covering her pale green eye. She cocks an eyebrow at me and then mom. "Are you deaf?"

I shake my head no. Mom answeres her. "He's mute. His vocal cords and tounge didn't develop properly."

Ms. Anderson looks at mom now. "Does he have an interpreter?"

"No, he doesn't need one. Amy, here should be in all his classes and she can translate for him." Mom points at Amy who's looking at my class schedule over my shoulder.

Amy glances at the secretary with a smile. "I'm in all of his classes." Ms. Anderson looks confused. "Adam and I have been friends since we were babies. My mom and Ms. Garrison are best friends." Amy smiles at mom as Amy bumps shoulders with me.

I grin at her as I sign to Amy about going to our first class, math. She nods as she says good bye to my mom and Ms Anderson. I wave to the secretary before signing to mom about seeing her after school and then gave her a hug before leaving with Amy.

Our first four classes are math, science, history and english, all are a breeze. Walking into the cafeteria for lunch as Amy and I sign back and forth about our up coming weekend. Every year, the first weekend of the first week of school, Amy, her mom, Ashley, my mom and I all go camping with two other friends of theirs and the spouses.

"Amy!" We hear as we enter the line to grab food. Looking up I see this beautifully handsome man walking toward us.

I look to Amy who groans quietly before turning back to this handsome man who looks like he's our age. He's tall, around 6 feet 1 inch, shoulder length blondish brown hair and with the sexiest hazel eyes. He's built but he doesn't look to bulky in his skin tight jeans and t-shirt. He has a swagger that screams confidence. I wish I could be that self-assured about myself and my body. I'm not flabby I have a small four pack and my pecks are slightly defined, nothing special to look at.

Sex-god is standing in front of us looking at Amy like he was undressing her. I'm a little pissed at this. No one has the right to do that to her or anyone else for that matter. Except I know Amy will take his balls if needed.

"What Seth?" Amy says exasperated.

He smiles sexily at her. "I'm throwing a party three Friday's from now. I'd like you to be my date."

She huffs at him as she replies. "Sorry have plans that weekend." Amy turns and smiles at me. "Come on Adam," she says grabbing my free hand with her free one as she pulls me to a table where there are others already eating.

Sitting down Amy introduces me. "Guys, this is Adam Garrison." The five of them wave.

Amy looks at me before continuing, pointing at each as she tells me their name. "That's Sarah," short blond hair girl with brown eyes. "Tabitha," long black hair with purple and green streaks. "Hector," short black hair and black eyes. "Gavin," long red hair, green eyes. "Adam meet the other Adam." The other Adam has short spiky brown hair and blue eyes.

I wave to them then turn to Amy signing, "Amy, who was that in the food line?"

Sighing she tells me sternly, "Adam, stay away from, Seth Henderson. He's a damn player. He likes to fuck and dump."

"Did he do that to you?"

"Hell no! I've heard and he's tries." The rest of lunch was talking about the douche bags I need to avoid. Not one of them asked about my lack of talking verbally or my signing, which I was thankful for. Perhaps Amy has mentioned me before.

During art class which is right after lunch I had to use the bathroom so with Amy's help, I got a pass during class from the teacher.

Walking from the bathroom to the classroom I hear "Hey new kid, wait up a minute."

Turning I see Seth walking toward me. Well fuck.

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