Epilogue Part 1

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To see all the pictures for the wedding see the next chapter. 😊

7 months later...December 2018

Today is December 22nd. Mine and Seth's wedding day, we decided to postpone our wedding to make sure ever was perfect. We're on our three week winter break from college. We both attend Emerson University in Boston, Massachusetts. I'm getting my degree in The Masters of Arts in Publishing and Writing with the focus on book publishing. Seth is getting his degree in Visual and Media Arts Program with a focus on Film Production. Both of us have five semesters left. So, another year and a half left. We live in an apartment together off campus.

Currently I'm at my mom's house in my room getting ready. Seth is at his house with his dad getting ready. Currently, mom, Amy, Uncles Tim, Kerry and Tomas, and Aunt Tammy are in my room with me getting ready. It's a little crowded but I love it.

Uncle Tomas and Mom are walking me down the isle. Amy is my maid of honor, Aunt Tammy is a bridesmaid, Uncle Tim, Uncle Kerry and Uncle Tomas are my groomsmen. Seth's best man is Gavin, and four of his friends from the baseball team, Rich, Ethan, Victor and Andrew, ones who didn't harrase me in high school are his groomsmen.

In the last 7 months I've spent time with Archer and his new family. I've grown close to Carmen, Asher, Antonio and Cammy, who we've had stay with us on the occasional weekend, but it's still hard to talk or even trust Archer. I know he wants me to call him dad but I cant. Not yet.

Archer peeks his head into my room. "It's time to start." As everyone files out of my room, he touches my arm. "Can I talk to you alone for a moment, please?"

I nod quickly. "Adam, I know I can't take back what I did or the time I lost with you but I would like to start new with you. Please?"

Oh my glob of goo, he's begging. I hate it when adults beg. "Fine. I'll do it but we have to go slowly." Archer grins broadly at me and I give him a small smile in return.

Walking out we find everyone is ready. So, Archer walks outside to sit by Carmen and their kids. I link my hands with mom and Uncle Tomas as we are next to walk outside.

Seeing Seth looking so handsome and sexy in his outfit, I find it hard to breath. Smiling brightly at Seth, the closer we get to him. Seth returns my bright smile.

The minister who is female, starts the ceremony. I tune out the ceremony until the best part. "Do you Seth William Henderson take Adam James Garrison to be your husband?"

Seth grins as he says, "I do." He slips my ring onto my ring finger of my left hand.

She turns to me. "Do you Adam James Garrison take Seth William Henderson as your husband?"

I grin at Seth as I sign with my left hand using my right to slip his ring on him. "I do."

The minister says with a smile, "I know pronounce you, Mr. Adam James Henderson." She turns to Seth. "You may now kiss your husband."

Seth puts his hands on my cheeks, rubbing his thumbs across my cheeks as he lowers his head down. "I love you, Mr. Henderson," he whispers before kissing me hard.

Breaking apart we start the reception. Our first dance together was the best. ⬇⬇⬇

Four hours later Seth and I leave to heading to our honeymoon. Where we are going, no clue. Seth and Mom planned it and neither will tell me.

An Uber picks us up to take us to the airport. Our luggage is checked and Seth has our tickets and he won't let me see them.

Once we're boarded on the plane, Seth grins at me as he says, "How does going to Ireland sound?" I can't help but bounce in my seat as I grin.

"We're going to be there for week and be home in time for New Year's Eve and Day and celebrate a late Christmas with the family.

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