Chapter 4- Secrets and Revelations

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I was numb, my consciousness elsewhere as police lights flashed all around me. Blue and red lights highlighted the area where Angie's body was discovered, illuminating a large pile of blood where her severed stomach had been resting.

I was transfixed on that pile of blood, unable to take my eyes away. My only glimpses came from the dull lights of the police cars as people shuffled back and forth between them.

If I looked real close at the pile of bloody leaves across from me, I could make out chunks of viscera still clinging to their moistened surface.

Why didn't I scream? That would have been a normal response. I just sat there...staring at Angie's cold and lifeless eyes. They almost seemed to be looking back, only, they looked through me rather than at me.

The realization spent shivers down my spine, and I was suddenly aware of the heavy wool blanket draped across my shoulders. I think a medic had given it to me, but I had trouble remembering

My butt rested on the floor of an ambulance, opened and casting a pale white light over my shoulders.

"I think Sheriff Randall is ready to take your statement now Claire, if you're ready of course."

Declan has been standing in front of me with Sheriff Randal, but I'd been so focused on looking past them I hardly noticed.

His eyes were sympathetic, but his jawline was taught, and he kept glancing around nervously. The events of tonight must have shook us both.

I managed a small nod, taking my eyes away from the bloody leaves long enough to look at Sheriff Randall. He was tall and husky, with a greying black beard and a receding hairline.

"Start from the beginning." He said, his kind brown eyes insistent, but far from forceful.

I recited what had happened like I'd been rehearsing it for weeks. Confiding in him felt so natural.

I must have gone over my statement another three times and spent another hour and a half being questioned before a familiar voice shouted across the treetops.


"Mom!" I jumped from my spot on the ambulance, the blanket on my shoulders falling to the floor as I rushed to the disheveled mess that stood on the other side of the police tape, held back by two sheriff deputies.

"Let her go." The Sheriff said, sternly.

The two men released my mother and she threw her arms around me in a warm and comforting embrace.

When she finally released me, her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and her blonde ponytail had sagged. Stray hair flung in every direction.

She was a mess.

"When you didn't come home I started to worry. I went out looking for you, and I saw sirens and..."

As if she suddenly lost control of her emotions, tears started to flow freely from her eyes as she pulled me into another bone-crushing hug.

"I thought I lost you." She said it so low it came out a whisper, but still I heard it clear as day.

Suddenly, she pushed my shoulders back, holding me at arms length. Her face contorted into a combination of horror and concern.

"Did you know her?" My mom asked, motioning her head to the body bag the coroner was rolling into his van.

A shiver ran down my spine, and I gave a solemn nod. "She was a friend of Nora's, the girl I was helping tonight. I don't think she knows."

"I'm sure everyone knows. Nothing stays quiet in this town for long, that much I'm sure of. Do you want to come home and wash up? You've had a rough night. No one is asking you anymore questions until tomorrow."

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