dec. 31 - a second after the first

373 24 17

    (notice feb.7's image lol yeah)

Thomas stood at the door after he'd rung the doorbell and waited patiently. He wore khakis and a navy blue sweater, and was on the porch of a friend's house on New Year's Eve. He was lucky his parents even let him come on such a day.

The brunette quickly pulled out his phone from his pocket and opened the messages app, sending hearts and 'I love you's' to both his mom and dad.

"Thomas!" a voice exclaimed.

His eyes flashed up largely before a smile came to his face, and he shoved his phone back into his pants.

"Hey Ben," Thomas chuckled and hugged the pale blonde back.

"Come in. Come in," he pushed himself to the side and made room for the boy to go through the doorway. The whole house was crowded with people, some he'd never even seen before, and Thomas was surprised so many parents let their kids go to a high school party—if they actually let them.

"Food's on the table in the kitchen and drinks are in the cooler..also in the kitchen," The boy laughed and slapped his back, "Make yourself at home, just don't break shit."

Thomas nodded as the one familiar person left him in the sea of unfamiliar people and made his way to the kitchen.

When did Ben get so many friends..Are they even his friends? Is this supposed to be-

"No thank you," the brunette waved off a dude wearing too bright of a yellow with a forced smile as he offered a red, plastic cup. He continued his walk.

-the party of the year? Literally? Or..would it be considered the party of next year..depending on how long this thing actually is. He slapped his forehead. It's probably gonna last for new year! What else is the point, Thomas, oh my god.

Of course it was more crowded in the kitchen. Thomas sighed and bent over to get a water bottle, which there was a large supply of.

    Water is underrated-

    "Hey there, Shuckface."

    The brunette jumped as a hand fell onto his shoulder but soon huffed with recognization and a smile. Surely enough, when he turned, the asian stood there with a dimpled smile on his own lips and eyes that laughed at him.

    Thomas rolled his own and hugged his friend, intentionally slapping his back hard and whispering in his ear, "I hate you."

    Minho laughed and embraced him for a moment longer before grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the crowd, stumbling once before mumbling, "You know you love me," under his breath. He brought him to the backyard where it was emptier and quieter, but you could still hear the buzz of people and blaring music through the glass door that separated the two from the rest of the party.

    They sat in the grass and kept their eyes off the dude smoking pot in the corner and the couple making out in the other. Like always, Thomas and Minho were in their own world.

The night around them was captivatingly dark and bare. The air was cold and breezy, yet the asian wore only jeans and a black t-shirt that showed off his muscles well. He hadn't even shuddered once while Thomas held himself close, almost shivering.

"How are you not cold?" He had to keep his teeth from chattering and his breath from shaking as he spoke. Minho turned his head towards him then, to Thomas' surprise, smiled warmly at the boy—in a way he'd never done before.

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