ch. 16

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    Thomas followed Newt and walked up to the first box in the bedroom, unfolding the cardboard flaps.

    Books. A whole box of books.

    The boy smiled.


    "Don't really have a bookshelf for all those, huh," Newt scoffed and eyed the mattress on the wooden floor. "Or sheets..."

    "Or anything," Thomas giggled and closed the box again, looking at the blonde as he stared at the white wall and contemplated his next move. He bit his lower lip and rubbed his chin while his other hand ran through his golden locks, like he knew what he was doing. Newt looked like a model, and he was still only in his pajamas.

    "Tell you what, Tommy," he started, his attention now on the brunette with wide eyes. "I'm gonna hop in the shower, then we can go shopping, yeah? If you want, you can pick some clothes from my luggage which are only still there because I haven't done much as you can tell." Newt laughed and headed to the restroom before turning around and winking at him.
"I won't be long. Don't miss me."

    Thomas scoffed and waved him off, then walked over to his luggage on the floor beside the "bed." It felt a little weird going through his belongings, but after all, Newt gave him permission, and he had all the same parts Thomas did.

    It's no different than borrowing clothes from Minho.

     Except Thomas, of course, would never make fun of Newt if he owned skin-tight underwear that could be a speedo. He'd never.

    The brunette laughed softly at the memory of finding such things in his old friend's dresser, and was only half thankful he didn't find any in Newt's bunch of clothes. He ended up selecting a plaid red button up and took off his shirt. The water in the shower had just started to run. A flash of Newt himself stripping off his clothes had crossed Thomas' mind, and he instantly smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand. His neck burned along with his ears and face, but he took a deep breath and slid the button up onto his torso. It had the same scent of the brown coat he was given the night before: lavender. Thomas inhaled it with a warm smile but soon felt like a creep, so he decided to distract himself and be productive for the ever-so-kind blonde who'd already offered so much. He picked up a pile of the folded clothes and arranged them into tops and bottoms before placing them into the drawers of Newt's dresser.

    He swore the boy never dressed down.

    Once he finished with the visible clothing, Thomas eyed the remaining articles of the suitcase with his nostrils unwillingly flared and his bottom lip between his teeth.

    Is it weird to touch his underwear? I am just helping him out after all; there's nothing wrong with that. 

     Thomas scoffed and reached down to grab them.

He's just my friend, and I am just doing him a favor. Pfft, why would it be weird?

   He stopped only centimeters above.

    Would Newt think it's weird?

    Come on, Thomas, it's just cloth.

    Just cloth that happens to be keeping his dick from flopping around when he walks.

    OH MY GO-

   "I'm out," Newt hummed.

     He hadn't even realized the shower turned off.

    Thomas stood and quickly pivoted on his heels with wide eyes. Newt was only covered by a white towel that wrapped tightly around his waist, but he realized the blonde too had wide eyes on him.

    "Well hello there," Newt chuckled, and Thomas followed to where his eyes looked at.

He never got to button up his shirt.

    Thomas felt heat run up his body again as he hurriedly buttoned the tee and cleared his throat. "Sorry. Must've forgot."

    A smirk spread onto Newt's lips and it only made the brunette feel hotter.

    "Don't worry 'bout it. I'm not in any better situation myself, am I?"

    He walked past him like his bare shoulder brushing against Thomas was nothing, like being basically nude in front of Thomas was nothing. He bent over and picked up a piece of underwear in the luggage, and Thomas silently willed himself to not look.

    "Y-Your other clothes are in the dresser. Shirts on the left and jeans on the right."

    "Ah, just how I like them," Newt gripped his shoulder. "Thanks, Tommy."

    "N-No prob, Newt." He scratched the back of his neck nervously and muttered under his breath, "The least I can do."

    "We can head out after I dress, are you ready?" The blonde stopped at the doorway of the bathroom, looking incredibly unreal. His damp, golden locks browned slightly and stuck messily on the top of his head. His collar bones poked out of his chest and you could still see drops of water remaining in all the right places of his chest and abs. His skin looked creamy yet so-

    "Tommy?" Newt chuckled softly, showing his teeth.

    Thomas felt like he was melting. "Y-Yeah, sorry. I'll be right-" he stumbled onto the low mattress on the floor. "H-Here! I'll be here when you get out," he cleared his throat and smiled widely at him, secretly cursing under his breath. He was clumsy at all the wrong times.

    Newt laughed warmly and proceeded into the bathroom, "Okay, Tommy."

    Thomas' smile faded just as the door closed behind the perfect boy with wet, golden hair. His back collapsed onto the mattress and he huffed and stared at the same ceiling he stared at going to sleep the night before. The same ceiling where both he and Newt were under when he was snuggled against his chest, and they both fell asleep to sound of Thomas' slowing heart.

    A smile came back to Thomas' lips, only this time it was real.

   What is happening to me?

oml thank you all so much for all of the support there's like almost fIvE huNdReD VIEWS and like so manY voTes I honestly didn't expect this at all OH MY gOD thank you sosososososoososoososososisosoosososoososososo much I LOVE YOU ALL thank you for the comments and and don't hesitate to give any feedback! I love you all hm oml I CAN'T STOP SAYING THANK YOU
Author Frankie
(thank you!!!!)

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